thestopsign said:Just had an epic game with the GAF crew. Someone said they took a picture of the endgame screen, but I'm not sure who.
Game went on 69 minutes and involved 4-5 baron fights with differing outcomes (besides the fact that we got them all). ufoboy carried hard with Graves, but everyone else was pulling their weight as well.
SouthernDragon said:It was Electrastar.
Also, ufokidd (Graves) was amazing. Ulting him as Yorick was just too funny.
Are you suggesting that in the vast majority of your games, you crush the opposition without a challenge?ElectraStar said:Somebody else volunteered to do it so I didn't screen cap :/
But anyways, it was nice to have a fun and challenging fight for a change. I specifically enjoyed the part when Yorick (Southern) and Shen (Chronos) got ganked, and Shyvana (Deus) Graves (ufokidd) and Vlad (myself) took it upon ourselves to kill almost all 5 of them at our nexus turret and proceded to push mid.
Awesome turnaround, and great teamwork. Let's do that again soon, yes?
What is /ff?Jazzy Network said:I think most gaf games are get stomped early and /ff or do well enough to turn it around late game.
She is a bit of a pointless and weak solo top. There's no way for her to assert dominance over her opponent and she has 0 sustain. The only thing she does good is clear minions.Blizzard said:This thread is so bipolar. A page or two ago, people are like Shyvana is so OP, she is broken as FUCK, then this page, they're like:
No, her fury doesn't decrease. EVER. Infact, it increases when she does nothing. Lol.Jenga said:Actually the threat of her ult is scary. Does it not decrease over time? Like, fighting her is scary when she constantly has that thing up and you know she can ult if you try to get too smart and pressure her
I'm just saying, all of this commentary is after she's only been out 24 hours or so. I figure maybe after a week people will have had more time to sort her out.Boken said:She is a bit of a pointless and weak solo top. There's no way for her to assert dominance over her opponent and she has 0 sustain. The only thing she does good is clear minions.
Which leads to why she seems really crazy - she is the fastest to 6 jungler in the game. She can get double buff at 3:30 and gank or counter jungle. Her biggest weakness is a lack of real cc.
No, her fury doesn't decrease. EVER. Infact, it increases when she does nothing. Lol.
Boken said:She is a bit of a pointless and weak solo top. There's no way for her to assert dominance over her opponent and she has 0 sustain. The only thing she does good is clear minions.
Which leads to why she seems really crazy - she is the fastest to 6 jungler in the game. She can get double buff at 3:30 and gank or counter jungle. Her biggest weakness is a lack of real cc.
Haha, I wish that was the case.Blizzard said:Are you suggesting that in the vast majority of your games, you crush the opposition without a challenge?
Please invite me to everything ;_;
Haha, fair enough.ElectraStar said:Haha, I wish that was the case.
What I meant is that the games in SR are generally decisive in one way or another: either we get crushed or we do the crushing.
Blizzard said:I mean, it could just be that the challenge of having me on a team brings everyone on GAF down -- and I'm only being partially sarcastic -- but I feel pretty sure if our GAF team win percentage was that awesome, we could win more games with full teams.![]()
SouthernDragon said:Team comp, dawg. We've been winning more than losing since we've started setting up adequate team comps. Most of the time that I've lost is because we have something weird like two AD range champs.
tubster68 said:Did they even nerf graves at all? I don't feel it. Still OP as fuck..
Boken said:You guys should just play draft mode. That'll force people to think of the team comps instead of having that one considerate dude who picks last and has to fill jungler and AP roles or something.
Hey Neki, I should stream our matches, y/n
EDIT: Graves is still a dick.
The key strategy with solo queue is make sure that you end up with terrible enemy teams. I've found those are the easiest to beat. When you end up with the terrible team it's much harder to win.ElectraStar said:During champion select, when Tristana insta-locked and called mid, I felt like this was going to be a total trainswreck.
Solo queue is so unpredictable, heh.
ElectraStar said:During champion select, when Tristana insta-locked and called mid, I felt like this was going to be a total trainswreck.
But I guess we did okay! (we won)
Solo queue is so unpredictable, heh.
Yeah, that's always a nice surprise.Blizzard said:It is great when you get the unexpected good person in solo queue, like "Oh crap, Shaco instalock" and then it turns out they're a ridiculous Shaco tricking people into boxes and getting like 15 kills.
I'm only afraid of the good ones!!SouthernDragon said:Looks like Electrastar has overcome her fear of Fiddle.
ElectraStar said:I'm only afraid of the good ones!!
No, the good ones need to be able to do that, ult properly, and not get killed in 3-4 hits by AD champions and/or team focus.SouthernDragon said:Good Fiddle = clickable multi-silence + clickable fear
So... they need to have eyes and a finger?![]()
Blizzard said:No, the good ones need to be able to do that, ult properly, and not get killed in 3-4 hits by AD champions and/or team focus.
Drain + Fear > AD champs.Blizzard said:No, the good ones need to be able to do that, ult properly, and not get killed in 3-4 hits by AD champions and/or team focus.
I'm like, the nicest guy in dominion. Unless I have shaco and rammus and eve on my team all trying to back cap. Then I quit dominion forever.Ultimoo said:go ahead. the only problem is half of the sound is going to be me telling you why are you playing so bad and why you would make those items on that bad hero that you're terribly playing. and the other half will be you telling me all the stuff I should be doing.
Bad Fiddles don't even do that!SouthernDragon said:Since 'star usually plays casters, fear + silence in a teamfight is death, even if the Fiddle does nothing else.
Boken said:Imagine if they removed Fiddle's ult from the game. He'd be pretty lame right? Well that's what a bad fiddle is like.
I'm like, the nicest guy in dominion. Unless I have shaco and rammus and eve on my team all trying to back cap. Then I quit dominion forever.
ElectraStar said:Bad Fiddles don't even do that!
Or they ult a bunch a minions xDSouthernDragon said:Then you played against someone with no eyes or fingers.
I ulted a Shaco clone yesterday. So much shame.ElectraStar said:Or they ult a bunch a minions xD
This sounds like an interesting question, but I've never heard of QSS cancelling channel times. That sounds like it would be considered a bug even if it did work. Try it and report back!SouthernDragon said:Question:
Does QSS remove channeling times? Wouldn't that be sick on any channeling ultimate?
Fiddle caught in the middle of a fight? Ult -> QSS to catch aggressors off-guard.
Right, but the idea is that there will be at least two people on a team who can deal out damage, and only one of them can be drained and fear'd. A reasonable team can have at least two and preferably four people kill fiddle instantly if he tries something like that.Dance In My Blood said:Drain + Fear > AD champs.
Blizzard said:Do mercury treads reduce fear time?
Slow, fragile. But she's a good invader, duelist and ganker.Jazzy Network said:Thinking about getting Riven to jungle. Anyone that has jungled with her have any opinions?
If you mean "I already own Riven and I want to make her jungle", then my advice is don't. If you mean "I am considering purchasing Riven because I want a jungler", than my advice is don't.Jazzy Network said:Thinking about getting Riven to jungle. Anyone that has jungled with her have any opinions?
I thought you said she was slow and fragile though! And why did you say this:Halycon said:Not even close.
Arpen Red
Armor Yellow
Choice Blue
AD Quints
And also:Halycon said:Riven's jungle is horrid x-x
This is why I don't play SR.
Riven is my perfect waifu on Dom.
Halycon said:We had no jungle :x
I can't imagine her laning is very good.