What's Lee Sin's weakness? Being banned?Halycon said:All junglers have weaknesses
Yes.Dance In My Blood said:What's Lee Sin's weakness? Being banned?
SouthernDragon said:Dude, seriously, wtf
Wrekt said:Vlad - Really fun but doesn't seem super strong. I'll just stick to one of my other 24 ranged carries.
Mister Wilhelm said:Riven's jungling is a joke.
I have seen one person successful with it and I'd describe their performance as "satisfactory". This is out of the dozens I have seen, ranked or otherwise.
When someone says they're going to jungle Riven, I autolock Warwick and pretend I don't speak English.
ElectraStar said:If you feel he isn't super strong, than my dear friend you are doing it wrong! By level 9 your E-Q combo should take near half of most AD carries' health (assuming you max out your Q first).
Mister Wilhelm said:When someone says they're going to jungle Riven, I autolock Warwick and pretend I don't speak English.
Jungle Blitz was in a tournament recently. Not trolling.Halycon said:Jungle Blitz and Support Shaco? Fuck yes, troll team ftw.
Ark said:I'm afraid jungle Veigar is the new meta.
Also; is Shyvana terrible or am I just seeing people play her wrong?
Only because he can gank all lanes at once.Achtius said:I seen jungle karthus and he is seriously awesome![]()
I feel like flash is good to get you out of situations when you over extend. Yet if you just don't over extend the problem solves itself. This is provided you get boots of course.Ferrio said:I'm not really good with her, but I think Mejai's is an excellent buy for her. It's cheap as dirt, and you get so many assists as soraka that you always have stacks.
What you don't get flash? That's.. odd.
I hate this story since it involves Caitlyn dying.ElectraStar said:Here is the story of Cait and AP Tristana.
Cait is walking by her turret with 100% HP.
AP Tristana jumps in.
Cait is dead.
I really gotta try that build!
Brettison said:Anyone have any good Soraka tips?
Most people would rather just go Shurelia's Reverie instead of Morello's.FutureZombie said:I like Morello's Evil Tome on her a lot. Cooldown reduction gives you more silences and more heals, while you still get a nice 75AP. I don't see other people use it on her, but I like it on support characters quite a bit. Though, this is still mostly theoretical as I am not very good at this game.
Ferrio said:Fuck Shyvanna blows
Halycon said:Rod of Ages -> Deathcap.
Then again, that's my go-to ap hero build for everyone except Cass. Then it's Rylai's -> Deathcap.
Dance In My Blood said:What's Lee Sin's weakness? Being banned?
Halycon said:Rod of Ages -> Deathcap.
Then again, that's my go-to ap hero build for everyone except Cass. Then it's Rylai's -> Deathcap.
terrdactycalsrock said:what is everyone's frames per second? In light battle I get about 25 to 30, out of battle I get 30 to 40, and in heavy battle I get 15. I am very worried that this is hindering my performance.
terrdactycalsrock said:what is everyone's frames per second? In light battle I get about 25 to 30, out of battle I get 30 to 40, and in heavy battle I get 15. I am very worried that this is hindering my performance.
terrdactycalsrock said:what is everyone's frames per second? In light battle I get about 25 to 30, out of battle I get 30 to 40, and in heavy battle I get 15. I am very worried that this is hindering my performance.
Brettison said:25 to 30 should be fine. 15 might be a bit of a hindrance though. Try turning down your settings (lighting is the 1st thing to tone down for big fps increases) and see how that goes.
terrdactycalsrock said:You have control over graphics in this game? The closest thing to an options menu that I have found just lets me turn the volume off.
I get the cooldown boots, with runes and masteries that's usually 30% ish.Brettison said:That seems semi overkill for Soraka though seeing as her major block is her cool down timers right?