Man the riven solo top build is beastly. Starting to see more people use it too.
I discovered how bad I am at going solo top with Sion. I bought lots of wards. LeBlanc killed lots of guys and then died.
We got a couple of free kills, and took out the mid inhibitor, and someone on the other team said that they let us catch up and now we can have fun and it'll be a fair game.
Achtius gets so upset though, I think he hates me now. =( He did a good job buying pink wards.
In the end the other team blamed LeBlanc for throwing the game.
Ashe wrecked stuff!
It's westrice's build. It takes a bit more to get going than the one I used, and it's a lot less tanky. But she becomes fucking incredibly powerful.
Are you referring to tower diving because of the shield (10-second cooldown without reduction unless you level it up)? If she gets 200 AD built up early game I could see that, but otherwise I still feel like it will be hard for her to not be squishy with a 0.5-0.75 second stun, especially against people with 1.5+ second stuns (Sion), slows (Nasus), silences (Garen), and fears (Fiddle). There are probably others too.I'm starting to understand this love for Riven. I was top with Nasus against Teemo and Leona, but he was able to hold the lane by him self (and we both needed farm), so I ended up in the jungle. With the runes and masteries I was constantly 1 level behind but still able to make a difference in the team fights. Her ability to tower dive is just incredible.
By frozmogs do you mean frozen mallet AND warmogs, or just either? I assume you mean either plus atma's since otherwise that would be a bit of a waste. And the thing about frozen mallet is that it gives you a slow, since without red, without frozen mallet, and without ghost your chasing ability is limited to hopping and the short shield dash (unless you can get within exhaust range).Frozmogs on riven is a sign that your team desperately needs a tank. She scales tooo well off AD to not go BT imo.
That is not why I was upset, everyone lose their lanes sometimes. So if you lose it, it's either you are counter-pick or got outplayed by a guy who had 10,000 wins (or 1k in this case), both of which are outside your control.
I was upset because in 2 of 3 team battle we have, you are always the last to enter the battle and first to run. You don't commit to the battle. At one of the baron fights, 3 of us and 3 of them were dead, 2 of the enemies were almost dead, our ashe was at half health but SOMEHOW you have FULL LIFE. You are Sion, you got a frigging shield, a stun and a crazy life leech ult, USE IT. GO IN AND TAKE SOME DAMAGE and kill someone in the process or die trying. The only reason we won at the end is because of tryn and our crazy amount of hard cc.
Even though Achtius and I were doing pretty well down bot, I don't think I would have shredded as seriously as I did late game if it wasn't for ufo's instructions (although my epic arrows are all me). Because in the end, it doesn't matter if you dominate or suck in your lane (unless you REALLY feed like a mofo, which in this case you didn't) as long as we get to their nexus first. So if you are told by someone with a badass ELO to engage at baron, and you see that even Ashe (ie me) and other teammates have only 200 hp and are still killing - and you have full HP - FFS bro, ENGAGE!!
Take that leap of faith! I promise that 90% of the time, it'll pay off.
You think that. In my sole lost as Lux in ranked, 3 people from my team went to diddle themselves and I was right behind Baron. I miss the Killsteal, but their entire team was down to 1/5 HP or less for each of them. Our panth ult it. He couldn't even kill a fucking karth with zero mana.
I wanted to surrender right then, but to quote our jungle "We are still 11 kills up!". Game last about another 40-45 minutes before our eventually defeat.
People used to complain that I apologized too much, so I have tried not to apologize so much anymore...would you like me to apologize for making poor decisions and having a bad game? :/Building on what Achtius is saying, I believe that there is an ancient Chinese proverbs that says:
"Good things come to those who listen to ufokidd."
True story.
Even though Achtius and I were doing pretty well down bot, I don't think I would have shredded as seriously as I did late game if it wasn't for ufo's instructions (although my epic arrows are all me). Because in the end, it doesn't matter if you dominate or suck in your lane (unless you REALLY feed like a mofo, which in this case you didn't) as long as we get to their nexus first. So if you are told by someone with a badass ELO to engage at baron, and you see that even Ashe (ie me) and other teammates have only 200 hp and are still killing - and you have full HP - FFS bro, ENGAGE!!
Take that leap of faith! I promise that 90% of the time, it'll pay off.
I say ufokidd because he happens to be the one who led us in that particular game, but there are many others who do the same and whom you should really listen to. I know you want to level out your w/l ratio (and buddy I'm there too), and listening to those dudes will not only give you a much better chance of winning, but will also show you tips and such for future games.
So listen up, yo!!
Edit: Enjoy the ego boost, high-ELO peeps!
People used to complain that I apologized too much, so I have tried not to apologize so much anymore...would you like me to apologize for making poor decisions and having a bad game? :/
Electra and Achtius don't seem to agree, however. And I agree that many things ARE my fault even though I have say 300-400 games less experience than the otehrse.Read my edit, it's not your fault, you just lack experience.
Thanks for the input. And thanks to ufokidd for all the advice. I try to learn from my mistakes but I certainly make many of them.Boken said:-However, I can understand how summons felt though. When you're inexperienced it's hard to know everytime which fights you're winning, which fights are winnable and which fights you should stay and die for and so you play safe and run away.
-For those inexperienced though, a good rule of thumb: STAY IF YOUR CARRY IS STILL THERE. (your carry is not necessarily the ranged AD, just the person with most damage). Another tip is: LEAVE IF YOUR CARRIES ARE ALL DEAD (unless their carries are dead too, then you see who has more damage left!).
People used to complain that I apologized too much, so I have tried not to apologize so much anymore...would you like me to apologize for making poor decisions and having a bad game? :/
I certainly tried to listen to ufokidd and I really appreciate his advice, it's more of a warning when I say something like that. "Hey Tryndamere, I'll do everything I can to help you, but be aware that I can only get one stun off, no combo, so you're mostly on your own as far as crowd control and damage goes."That's not what I was saying. I'm just saying to listen a little more. For instance, even if you only have enough mana for one stun and the jungle is in position for a gank, don't say "oh we can't do this", but give it a shot. If anything, Akali would have gotten away and would have had to back, which is still good. And if it's a total disaster, well at least you know. This isn't a personal attack, bro, I'm just suggesting you listen to the crazy experienced dudes more carefully, that's all. Apologizing or not apologizing has nothing to do with anything.
I wanna learn Garen. He sounds like he should be a viable solo top character against Akali, and he looks like a space marine with his eyeballs poking over his armor.Meanwhile at bad-gaf, Turnip and Acrid talk about music while only getting wins as one particular character. Or playing champions we have never played before.
Meanwhile at bad-gaf, Turnip and Acrid talk about music while only getting wins as one particular character. Or playing champions we have never played before.[/IG][/QUOTE]
Why you guys abandon me? Am I not bad enough?
I never saw you online last night?? D:Why you guys abandon me? Am I not bad enough?
I certainly tried to listen to ufokidd and I really appreciate his advice, it's more of a warning when I say something like that. "Hey Tryndamere, I'll do everything I can to help you, but be aware that I can only get one stun off, no combo, so you're mostly on your own as far as crowd control and damage goes."I burned ignite in one situation trying to help trynd, but he died under the tower against two champions.
I wouldn't even say its that much less tanky! E gives great shield when you have more ad, especially if you can get it off a few times during a fight. And wriggles is a complete boss if you are up against a bruiser at top, trades are absolutely magnificent.
How can I phrase it so it sounds more clearly like a warning and is more acceptable?That often sounds like you're preemptively making excuses for a fight that didn't happen yet. Just sayin'. And I don't buy that low experience thing that Boken brought up (and yes, Boken, we were on mumble), because we often play with people with the same amount of wins that you have.
Just be more confident!
And yes, chicks love guys with big ELOs![]()
How can I phrase it so it sounds more clearly like a warning and is more acceptable?
And if you don't buy my lack of skill and experience, what else am I supposed to say? I did badly, I made bad decisions, and I'm trying to get better while still having fun. I try to listen to people with more experience and I try not to complain about teammates. I'm sorry if I upset you or Achtius but I don't know what else to say. :/
And yes, chicks love guys with big ELOs![]()
Are you referring to tower diving because of the shield (10-second cooldown without reduction unless you level it up)? If she gets 200 AD built up early game I could see that, but otherwise I still feel like it will be hard for her to not be squishy with a 0.5-0.75 second stun, especially against people with 1.5+ second stuns (Sion), slows (Nasus), silences (Garen), and fears (Fiddle). There are probably others too.
Garen's late game is far too weak for me to take him seriously anymore.
Please check your PM box. I really don't think it's cool that both of you are complaining in the thread and making a big deal out of mistakes in one game:lol, you're such a chick, bro
Rofl, will this be my motivation to play ranked again!?That often sounds like you're preemptively making excuses for a fight that didn't happen yet. Just sayin'. And I don't buy that low experience thing that Boken brought up (and yes, Boken, we were on mumble), because we often play with people with the same amount of wins that you have.
Just be more confident!
And yes, chicks love guys with big ELOs![]()
Kassadin boring? wtf
Maybe if all you want to do is farm all day. Perhaps you should tell us what you want in an AP mid.
Try Kennen. He has no counter.
But you don't listen. You'll do the same thing over next game. You coward when you should be aggressive, and you go in normally after you fucked up some how. Then ask the team why they didn't help you, or force an engagement that results in it loss on your part.How can I phrase it so it sounds more clearly like a warning and is more acceptable?
And if you don't buy my lack of skill and experience, what else am I supposed to say? I did badly, I made bad decisions, and I'm trying to get better while still having fun. I try to listen to people with more experience and I try not to complain about teammates. I'm sorry if I upset you or Achtius but I don't know what else to say. :/
Have you tried Xerath? If you like long range and skillshots he has an interesting playstyle. Sion is another option if you like farming and pushing lanes.Hey dudes, so I've been on this quest to find my AP-mid soulmate. I can play Vlad, Karthus, Annie, Swain, Katarina, and am now learning Kassadin (whom I'm sorry to say I find a little boring). But it seems like everytime I pick one, I end up facing his/her counter. Do you guys have any suggestions as to who else I could test out?
What's your ingame name?But you don't listen. You'll do the same thing over next game. You coward when you should be aggressive, and you go in normally after you fucked up some how. Then ask the team why they didn't help you, or force an engagement that results in it loss on your part.
Hey dudes, so I've been on this quest to find my AP-mid soulmate. I can play Vlad, Karthus, Annie, Swain, Katarina, and am now learning Kassadin (whom I'm sorry to say I find a little boring). But it seems like everytime I pick one, I end up facing his/her counter. Do you guys have any suggestions as to who else I could test out?
Hey dudes, so I've been on this quest to find my AP-mid soulmate. I can play Vlad, Karthus, Annie, Swain, Katarina, and am now learning Kassadin (whom I'm sorry to say I find a little boring). But it seems like everytime I pick one, I end up facing his/her counter. Do you guys have any suggestions as to who else I could test out?
I've played with you 3, maybe 4 times now. Both times when you were on my team, you ended up complaining about someone on our team. Other time you did after the game and you actually did good the other, so you didn't then.What's your ingame name?
And when have I ever asked a team why they didn't help me?I try not to bitch at teammates, and I never rage and go afk in the fountain (unlike at least one GAF person I've played with, for instance).
Its not a troll lane. Its the real goddamn carry lane. Soraka can push and harass lanes like no other. And Janna is one of the best early gankers.Janna or Soraka mid
I've played with you 3, maybe 4 times now. Both times when you were on my team, you ended up complaining about someone on our team. Other time you did after the game and you actually did good the other, so you didn't then.
Its not a troll lane. Its the real goddamn carry lane. Soraka can push and harass lanes like no other. And Janna is one of the best early gankers.
Yep, not knowing which are the right risks to take is one of my biggest weaknesses. I gave ufokidd the warning that I didn't have a combo in me, committed with him, and did what I could after that with no mana. It sounds like that's what you're suggesting.Oh, and Blizzard? If someone (say tank or carry) starts to commit and ask you to commit with them, and you aren't outnumbered by two, then just commit. If it fails, it's their fault.
Simple. Hell, as Sion you can just say "I got one combo in me. Ready?" That's warning enough. And hell, popping your ult should be enough to balance the scales. If you die, and the team comes out ahead, then no one is going to mind your death and deaths aren't punished like they are in DotA.
Just learn how to take intelligent risks.
Well I don't remember that but I certainly shouldn't have complained. I was wrong.I've played with you 3, maybe 4 times now. Both times when you were on my team, you ended up complaining about someone on our team. Other time you did after the game and you actually did good the other, so you didn't then.
Xerath is the counter to many lane choices and is able to play in a way that lets him keep pace with the champions who "counter" him.Hey dudes, so I've been on this quest to find my AP-mid soulmate. I can play Vlad, Karthus, Annie, Swain, Katarina, and am now learning Kassadin (whom I'm sorry to say I find a little boring). But it seems like everytime I pick one, I end up facing his/her counter. Do you guys have any suggestions as to who else I could test out?
And Kennen has plenty of counters. Morgana being one of them.
I never saw you online last night?? D:
Oh that's because I wasn't there =P