Electra and Achtius don't seem to agree, however. And I agree that many things ARE my fault even though I have say 300-400 games less experience than the otehrse.
Thanks for the input. And thanks to ufokidd for all the advice. I try to learn from my mistakes but I certainly make many of them.
I hate drama but both Achtius and Electra are bringing this up in public so I guess I have to do the big page o' response. ;(
I respectfully suggest that in some cases people on my team say things based on what someone (say Sion) can normally do with good items and gold, and not what will happen in a specific game situation. In that situation, I have been playing the champion all game and have some idea of how much damage I deal and take, while the other person has been in a different lane all game and not seen the fights that I and ufokidd have been in.
A couple of extra examples: I tried to get in the general area of the team so I could gets assists and help in fights, and Achtius immediately complained and told me to go back to top, if I recall correctly (which was pushed and/or going to die in 2 hits and not worth defending at that point).
In another case, I fully committed due to complaints and suggestions on my team, went into battle, instantly died from the enemy burst, and was left with no assists and 4-5 enemies with 70% or more health. I probably lost 1-2 teammates and a turret or two due to that decision as well. In that case, I should not have committed.
I belive even ufokidd, who has far more games played than Achtius or Electra, was talking about how Achtius was suicidal and shouldn't have gone in early with Sona etc. etc. in some situations.
In those situations, I don't rage, or harass Achtius, or complain about him, do I? I just say it's a game, we all try to have fun (hopefully), win, and do what we can to improve our own play. I am the first to admit I have many things to learn, and I'm just trying to play with internet friends to win a game or two after long days of work.

I'm sorry if I make anyone have a negative ingame experience, and it's not my intention.