sona is a good stomper in silver yeah
Yeah, but I really wish I was good at something other than support. I feel like I'm not even playing League when I support.
sona is a good stomper in silver yeah
Do you play on NA?So I'm a support main not because I prefer to play that role but because I can't play anything else at this level, so when I decide to let others play support it's a pretty big deal for me. I can't play for shit, believe me.
Do you play on NA?
I'm a EUW peasant
After my last two losses I think I'm ready to move on or at least leave the game for a few weeks.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'll be playing this shit again in two days ^-^'
well I'm glad I picked up Xayah. she really pours it on. S+ in game #3 with her.
we'll see how i feel about her when i get or to rank 5 though.
I'm a EUW peasant
After my last two losses I think I'm ready to move on or at least leave the game for a few weeks.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'll be playing this shit again in two days ^-^'
nice to see some Xayah in LCK today
What has been your build on her?
So watching this fully
I don't feel the major keystones. They're going to get min/maxed almost immediately. Berserk, for example, will always want to be taken for ADCs. Except maybe Jhin, but that's because he's a unique case.
We'll have to see the options for them. The runes need to not be able to be min/maxed that, well, will ruin the customization of it.
edit: I like how they jacked Overwatch's/HotS mvp system essentially for honor. No really, I like it. Making it level based makes it...another progression bar? I Suppose? Of trying to do the best you can, so it might actually convince people to not be fucking pricks?
If one of the goals is reinforcing and augmenting your playstyle, what's the issue with ADCs mostly taking Berserk?
Also you have only seen a fraction of the keystones yet. Maybe there's a more op choice for ADCs![]()
They're going to get min/maxed almost immediately
Key fragments tied to honor? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Runes and masteries are a combined system.can i get a summary? can't watch at work
are masteries still in?
Runes and masteries are one system, you basically only pick keystones now from my understanding, Runes have a Greater Rune that is like a super keystone, they showed a few: Berserk: After a few seconds attacking a champion you get a massive AS boost; Overheal: heals beyond your max HP work like BT passive and give you a shield and there's this Janna like pet that lets you give a shield to allies and deal bonus damage to enemies.can i get a summary? can't watch at work
are masteries still in?
can i get a useful summary?
canada sucks
You basically pick individual slots instead of a treeis there like an runes/masteries tree or something?
can you just mix any rune with any mastery?
We gucci boisAll the free key fragments drops will come through Honor, BUT the nuts and bolts of the system remain the same. You get your key fragments on semi-random drops just by playing games and not getting hit with penalties. It's a pretty low bar to clear. You will not need to Honor beg to get your key frags because holy shit that'd be obnoxious. Also, to be super clear, the number of free key fragments is not moving up or down with this change.
We gucci bois
That last line is saying that you earn the same amount of key fragments in the same amount of time that you would now with the honor system?
No. Just that you get more with the honor system.
Also, to be super clear, the number of free key fragments is not moving up or down with this change.
The Perxie keystone rune is concerning. Supports already have more active items to manage, and if it's something that is player controlled that just seems....obnoxious.
Will the new rune system (e.g., Perxie) require additional player input in-game (e.g., use of an additional key)? I'm slightly concerned with the additional complexity that could either hinder clarity (additional animations) or require more keybindings past QWERASDF and 1-8.
[–]RiotWrekz [score hidden] an hour ago
Regarding #3. We won't be adding extra button presses to control your runes. We have some effects that utilize active items, but that is as close to a new button press as we get. League has a extremely deep executional mastery already (see pro execution vs average players) and isn't hurting for more ways to reach that.
[–]DanielZKlein [score hidden] an hour ago
No new keys required! Keeping in mind that everything's still super WIP, Perxie currently works a lot like Lulu's passive: she goes to allies when you cast beneficial spells on allies and to enemies if you damage / cast offensive spells on enemies.
hmm that's kind of interestingYou basically pick individual slots instead of a tree
Now you know the pain I had listening to you all complaining and not being able to say shit
I have the patience of a fucking Saint
Now you know the pain I had listening to you all complaining and not being able to say shit
I have the patience of a fucking Saint
Please it was zky and my complaining that put this into action.Now you know the pain I had listening to you all complaining and not being able to say shit
I have the patience of a fucking Saint