I played Janna for the first time (well second if you count when I started playing League and I was testing champs and roles,but didn't know shit) and got an S- with 32 assists and like 4 kills.
And I have two problems with support, I feel limited cause I know I would be able to kill stuff if the items were AP instead of support items and people are ungrateful they blame their deaths on the support, specially the adc, that thinks supp is their nanny

. Now I understand the memes around that situation.
Where can I send a suggestion to the team?
I know they want to make the role of support more visible so I have a few ideas. For example I think the announcer should shout when the support saves someone, like when she (he for LAN) says "Shutdown", "An enemy has been slain ", etc. she should say "saved" and the little icons displaying the support and the teammate. And it would be an easy metric, just calculate the fatal blow damage and if the support shields the teammate and he survives and the fight ends play that voice clip. It will probably also draw the attention of the enemy team (if the voice clip is global ) and maybe the role will get more respect (though I think the clip should play for the team only).
Also supports should en able to roam and help the other teammates in the lining phase, it's sad when it tries to help mid or too that are having a hard time and the adc starts complaining they are playing "alone". Maybe a teleport for support only that uses Mana (so there is no abusing) that takes them to other lines, though It will probably change the balance of the game a lot.
It is actually fun to play support when the adc is not a crybaby.