So will Urgots ip/rp go up with the rework? Or do they just leave them at the price they are at?
So will Urgots ip/rp go up with the rework? Or do they just leave them at the price they are at?
No reworks have increased a champion's price so far, so chances are slim to noneSo will Urgots ip/rp go up with the rework? Or do they just leave them at the price they are at?
Overall, he believes that the politics that dominate Noxus are a sham, and not representative of the pursuit of true strength (after Swain weaseled his way on top)
Find people are more rude pre level 30 than post from my experience.I've been off and on in very short spurts with league for at least 5 years so it's all new to me. This time I'm actually sticking with it and I've been really enjoying myself even though I'm mediocre at best. Main thing I've noticed is people aren't as rude as I thought they'd be. That will probably change once I hit 30 and do ranked though.
Main thing I've noticed is people aren't as rude as I thought they'd be
someone hasnt joined the discord yet
Really? The worst I have gotten in a couple hundred hours of hots is "you guys are idiots". Where as in LoL I'm afraid to even look at the chat sometimes. Although that might have more to do with the fact that I'm really bad.Lol we'll see. I've been playing Hots and people on there are super toxic
I had tons of run-ins with toxic players in HotS and I couldn't understand it because the game is very casual and I was just doing normal matches or something. It is very rare for me to run into people that are super unpleasant in League. Could not really say why. The community generally just has an understanding of what is up. Overwatch is like the all time worst most toxic community imaginable. People go on out of control tirades or want to micromanage every other player on their team and approach it in a very aggressive manner. It's insane.
He's a juggernaut
He probably can? Passive + W should give him some decent clears.
I dunno, I've never seen any toxicity in heroes. Its such a casual game, most players don't really care.
From what I've seen people hardly even talk in heroes, and they ping a lot less too.
I'm at level 100 or so in hots and it's quite a mixed bag. Most games I've played alone or as 2 are miserable. Some people ignore the big objective timer on the screen and then others flame them. It's really only fun in a 4 man or 5 man stack.
That's only qm, no ranked. I've not seen any flame for picks though that might be due to qm.
What game mode?What the hell happened to this game.
It's either too easy or impossible to win. Either way, I feel nothing. Some kind of normalization needs to happen. Having a lead is just absolutely suffocating for the other side.
i think banshees on every mid every game is really annoying but you're mixing up a lot of stuff that doesn't necessarily belong in the same categoryI dunno. I feel like this "defense is the best offense" meta is so lame.
Like what is Syndra losing by going Banshee when ahead? 100 less damage in her rotation when she's overkilling you anyway? And in exchange she becomes virtually un-gankable because of the passive. Don't even get me started on PD/Death's Dance/GA/Maw etc. As if the abusers of those items needed more tools to get away with murder.
Or take Thresh. He gets an early lead and comes back with Eye of the Equinox while you're sitting on Frostfang and other components. Thresh now has 500 bonus health, a permanent 250 shield, and a bunch of health regen on top of CotC shield and W shield. Oh yeah and he does more burst damage than you and your ADC combined.
So now this guy gets to run around doing whatever the fuck he wants while you're forced to play like a bitch for the next 15 minutes. Does anyone like it this way? I get that we all put up with it because we love the game, but most of the time it just feels like one side gets to bully the other. It's not fun when you're on the receiving end and it's not satisfying when you're the bully.
I can help you reach silver don't worryPerpetually stuck in Gold 1 at the minute :<
Anyone sees any obvious flaws here? I couldn't carry harder because everyone would just jump me, and even if i killed 2 out of the 3 people the rest of my team would die.
You got outscaled by a 5 threat team while having a kind of weak late game and little peel for your carries.So this happened, enemy team had lots of people who could insta kill me, and everyone but poppy.
They had no tanks yet they still won, they had full map control all the time cause my team would just die in a 1v1 and everyone was too mobile.
Anyone sees any obvious flaws here? I couldn't carry harder because everyone would just jump me, and even if i killed 2 out of the 3 people the rest of my team would die.
No MAW vs fed Akali, no blue trinket when you lack map control, going overkill with lifesteal by going death's dance and BT.So this happened, enemy team had lots of people who could insta kill me, and everyone but poppy.
They had no tanks yet they still won, they had full map control all the time cause my team would just die in a 1v1 and everyone was too mobile.
Anyone sees any obvious flaws here? I couldn't carry harder because everyone would just jump me, and even if i killed 2 out of the 3 people the rest of my team would die.
I quite like the current state of balance myself, and it's nice to have relatively early in the season. Going by memory from the past few years, it takes until the last few months of the season for me to feel this way and we're already here in early July, so props to Riot given how cluster fucky pre-season early Spring where for balance.
As interested as I am in the rune rework, and whatever other changes Riot decides to make, it's unfortunate that it'll fuck everything up for a few months. But I suppose it's like major road construction - the end will be worth it.
Whatever issues I have with balance is on a champ-by-champ basis or have to do with old kits that need reworks to be made relevant.