The AS slow is because it builds out of Warden's Mail too. Personally I like having mid-range items like that where you have multiple build paths. Thornmail has all of these effects because from a straight stat point of view it's a fairly weak item. I would say that Sunfire is not even remotely competitive with the new Thornmail, given that Sunfire's niche of passive damage just loses out to what Thornmail offers. Part of the reason for that is based on Bramble Vest being so powerful and Bami's Cinder being so weak. The upgrade to Thornmail from Bramble Vest is honestly not at all impressive. If the AS% slow was so great you'd see more people buy Frozen Heart or Randuin's to begin with.Got it. I do agree this is a step in the right direction but they may have gone too far. I'll have to check the numbers to see how efficient this item is but I think it does a bit too much in terms of effects. it reflects damage, deals GW, AND also slows AS. That's too many passives for a single item and conceptually that doesn't sit too tight with me.
Here is Phreak's efficiency chart if you want.
I mean, Riot systematically removed all the targeted ranged stuns/silences from the game. Sion, Taric etc. I don't see why Annie is an exception.
You just build the stun out of combat though....when Annie is an initiator that doesn't really matter.I figure because with Annie you have to build up her stun, and it isn't necessarily on demand like sions or tarics were if it wasn't built up
Fiddle also needs a full VGU IMOFiddle's fear is had to be changed by Riot because it had no counterplay too.
I would actually like for her fire to mean something in the game. For some reason the only thing that acts like it's on fire is her ult seeing as tibbers burns. Brand's passive DoT always made more sense to me than her stun passive.change annies in the same vein
'fear of fire, enemies hit by fire flee for 1.5 seconds'
I mean that's fine other than the shit name "fear of fire" lol.
Maokai jungle feels good to play. Pretty happy with where the champ wound up after the rework. Way more fun than he used to be.
Personally I just like to split the difference and play hard bruisers like Warwick, who get tanky but still have high potential to kill/stomp regular games. I guess there is J4 too in that category for people who like to play :zzz: stuff like that. Even inside tank champions you can find high damage output characters like Mundo, who I think should be better on the new patch. Like if I was just grinding ladder I would probably try to just pick WW 100% of the time.yeah I played it the other day, felt pretty good for a tank jungler.
Outside of Nunu tho I'm finding playing non-carry junglers a little tough right now in terms of winning games. I've seen so many Yi's and Nidalees get fed off my lanes and even if I do well I can't carry those matches. Probably just need to be better at counter ganks but ehh.
Seems like Edgyman is out already
wouldnt be surprised to see buffs fairly soon for kayn, his damage for a carry champ is abysmal
His Assassin form is fucking awful.
Wow this sounds awfulZyra
Deadly Spines (Q)
Thorn Spitter range lowered from 750 to 575
Wow this sounds awful
Truly truly ghost on battle net nowBlizzard accounts may now be linked to
Zyra change is just a tooltip update, it's been that way since her rework
www.lolalytics.comHey All!
I've been playing quinn recently, and (keep in mind I'm not that good) I found getting a lifesteal item first really helped me out.
So I've been starting long sword into vampiric scepter.
Then at first I went bloodthirster for 80 AD and 20 lifesteal, but then I thought maybe BOTRK for some AS too?
And THEN I looked quinn up and nobody seems to be putting much lifesteal on her at all. Seems like most go ghostblade and then more lethality or crit chance.
I'm not that good, and I think I need the lifesteal, so my question is, which item would you recommend?
death's dance is probably the strongest lifesteal item right now fwiw
lifesteal is more for champions that are gonna be staying a long while in a fightHey All!
I've been playing quinn recently, and (keep in mind I'm not that good) I found getting a lifesteal item first really helped me out.
So I've been starting long sword into vampiric scepter.
Then at first I went bloodthirster for 80 AD and 20 lifesteal, but then I thought maybe BOTRK for some AS too?
And THEN I looked quinn up and nobody seems to be putting much lifesteal on her at all. Seems like most go ghostblade and then more lethality or crit chance.
I'm not that good, and I think I need the lifesteal, so my question is, which item would you recommend?
Don't go lifesteal on Quinn.
lifesteal is more for champions that are gonna be staying a long while in a fight
quinn doesn't really want to fight, just catch someone out of position and blow them up, so she doesn't have a great need for lifesteal
idk what ppl buy on quinn cos i haven't played her in a while but i used to do like youmuus into black cleaver and then mostly like assassin items like duskblade or maw of malmortious and such, depending of how strong i was and who i was facing and shit
i don't think bjork is too good for her atm, they nerfed it a lot for her to get too much value out of it
okay, I'll try it out. I noticed that her passive (harrier, bird marks a target) has it's cooldown lowered by crit chance, so I'll sub crit items for lifesteal and see what's what.
She's really fun to play. =)
more runes stuff:
that thing deals a ton of damage and is on a really short cooldown lategame, i like it. i also appreciate it has like vfx signaling it's up and shit. i generally track thunderlords but it's hard to know for sure since the cooldown scales and whatnot
i wonder if it'll replace thunderlords, there seems to be a ton of overlap
what if they made a rune
that replaced your final item slot with a dirk that let you teleport a short distance
Isn't dota a dying game lol.
Makes heroes of the storm look good lul.
Oh hey. Lethality builds are back.