Patch 7.5 notes are out.
I'm so ready for those BoRK changes. Def going to be an add to my Renekton build.
The W is a charge, so you have to hold it. You can't W into Ult
Fizz can feel less effective than a fish out of water
Can you hold W and use his E?
Also, NuGalio looks great. His ult looks great.
man, that's the one you picked and not "across the (sea)board"
Do I look like an Episcopalian to you?
Still no fix on Warwick's awkward Q.
fix in what way?
what does religion have to do with this?
Oh, these patch notes keep getting better.
Hopefully in a few patches, Riot will remove Flex Queue entirely.
See it's a joke because Pisces is latin for fish
And Episcopal sounds like it
you know what this joke is too good for you.
And to think we gave up ranked teams for this.
His Q feels super fucky, sometimes if you try to latch Q onto someone you'll just walk near them like an idiot instead of getting in range then doing the dash Q.fix in what way?
sure buddy, let's go with that
Breezy stop, it's painful to read
You people are learning < take your puns more seriously if you played the game
Oh goodyHolding down the W key causes Galio to enter a defensive stance, gaining damage reduction but moving significantly slower. This channel can't be interrupted even if Galio gets hit with a crowd-control spell.
Oh goody
Damn, gotta update the discord to gold in the most boring fashion zzz
got to gold in the most boring fashion zzz
Damn, gotta update the discord then.
Passive is on a CD reduced by abilities hitting championsI wonder how his passive works (on a cd, after you use abilities, etc.), since it looks like enemies could bait you into pushing the lane if you aren't careful. His kit doesn't really look all that good for botlane IMO, because his passive probably pushes the lane when proccing his support item, W's passive shield depends on the enemy support and jungler (since it doesn't help him against adcs for the most part), E puts him in harm's way without an easy obvious CC chain or combo (unlike Thresh), and it also feels like he benefits more from being in a solo lane to get his ult up sooner while being more of a threat when he does show up.
I really like his Q's non-linear trajectory though, and I guess him getting close to you with E or ult and threatening a W will be somewhat scary.
as long as i keep my red plsDamn, gotta update the discord then.
basically like 6 stomps and 2 games we had to actually work for lul
pls i was the one carrying him :^)
Patch 7.5 notes are out.
I'm so ready for those BoRK changes. Def going to be an add to my Renekton build.
The Galio rework seems like it's sticking more to the modern concept of a tank since he's all skill shots or delayed effects, but I'm concerned that he doesn't seem to have a specific niche.
Yes, his passives make him a better pick against magic damage, but the kit has all the "tank checklist" boxes ticked off. He'll be picked when he's stronger than other tanks, and not picked when he's weaker. It's unfortunate that Riot is trying to fix a problem with the mid-season update while at the same time adding to that problem. It's seems that despite Riot's work culture there's often a significant disconnect between the champ design teams and the balance teams.
Passive: Bonus AoE magic damage on one auto, scales off AD+MR, CD reduced by hitting unique champions with spells.can i get a copy pasta of galio kit
He's a long range initiator/disruptor tbh. His taunt will make him a strong pick, along with his ult which allows him to help someone/let the off-tank initiate for double trouble.
Until I see his CDs(They might be longish given his kit), he might be a champion who, once he pops everything, is useless for a fair amount of time. That could be a downside to him and hurt his usability as a tank.
If you hold down Q out of Q range you won't dash through them. You have to hold down Q while in Q range, and it feels really awkward.
Maybe that's how it's supposed to be, but it feels really bad.
Cringe. Sivir and Kalista are still my favorite VOs.