I'm just a doggy
absolutely disgusting
I'm just a doggy
I'm just a doggy
Damn, Riot tempting me.I'm just a doggy
: gotta love shacos
Hedey: Crashed
Hastis left the lobby
jew baited joined the lobby
Gator Raid
: amen
jew baited left the lobby
Lonle: VAYNE
Lonle: YOU
Lonle: DIDNT
Lonle: TRASH
Lonle: ADC
Hedey: :(
Hedey: :((((((((((
Lonle: MY
Lonle: PHONE
Hedey: :**(((((((((((((((((
Lonle: CUZ
Lonle: OF
Lonle: YOU
Hedey: :*((
Lonle: SHIT
LucKonar: ?
Hedey: :((
Lonle: WE
Hedey: :*(
Lonle: LOST
Hedey: :*(
Lonle: DUDE
Lonle: RRLY
Gator Raid
: lul
Hedey: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Lonle: GO
Lonle: FK
Lonle: OMFG
Hedey: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hi((((((((((((((((((
BrownJo left the lobby
Lonle: (((hi((((((((((((((((((BrownJo left the room.
TeachMeHow2Play left the lobby
Hedey: Teach him how 2 play
LucKonar left the lobby
Lonle: ...11/10
Hedey: fake support
Lonle: 4/17 to 11/10
Hedey: no 12/4
Lonle: dude
Lonle: you namaged
Lonle: to decreas your death
Hedey: ikr
Hedey: im just god
Lonle: 4/17 to 11/10
Lonle: teach me
Hedey: brb 10 min
Lonle: fucking bitch
Lonle: kk
Lonle left the lobby
Hedey left the lobby
Don't you dare talk shit about pugsabsolutely disgusting
Please tell me the Kog skin gets drool for particles
I'm just a doggy
Pugs best breed.
Those Fizz patch notes are exactly what I had to fix when Costy was helping with the OTs (^:
Ugly, endogamous breed ripe with health issues. But it's memetic so people love it.
Default Koggy is beautiful and pure and stays winning.
Meddler said:"One of our focuses for the 7.6 development cycle is looking at champions who commonly jungle who are having too hard a time of it. We're expecting that'll mean we look at a range of champions and then make changes to a subset of that group. Currently being considered are Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Nidalee, Amumu, Jarvan and Volibear. You should see changes to some of those champs hit the PBE today, expect some others to follow and some to likely get reverted during the patch cycle as we test them.
Changes we're more confident in are Nid traps prioritizing big monsters over small plus Fiddle getting bonus E damage against monsters and from memory CD/range tweaks to Q/W respectively. For J4 and Nunu we're looking at W scaling and consume respectively, though need more testing on those to speak with confidence about how promising those directions are/aren't. Nothing concrete yet on Amumu or Volibear."
Rip kog'maw, how is he going to breathe now![]()
Pug'Maw Skin Spotlight video is up. Mercifully, his passive isn't as violent as on the other skins.
Nah, some skins get those when it makes sense - like Warden Sivir750 rp skins with new vfx, sfx, and particles is a first right?
Is this a joke
Please tell its a joke
Pug'Maw Skin Spotlight video is up. Mercifully, his passive isn't as violent as on the other skins.
You tell me
Old Galio-
New Galio-
Oh my look what sneaked in
someday, when it's already way too late, riot will nerf shacoPatch 7.5 notes are out.
I'm so ready for those BoRK changes. Def going to be an add to my Renekton build.
we got double OKs hereOh, these patch notes keep getting better.
Hopefully in a few patches, Riot will remove Flex Queue entirely.
ranked teams when it worked was league at its bestfar less people played ranked teams and it had tonnes of issues
yeah that's how i was feeling it from the video, he has so much cc that something's gotta land. it didn't look like he dealt much dmg but hard to tell from just the videoWardscore is pretty meaningless.
Also, unless Galio does like zero damage, it's gonna be like another Maokai/Nautilus scenario where he doesn't have any clear weaknesses.
he doesn't sound like a midlaner since the idea of doing like a shen ultimate thing out of midlane sounds crazy to me but i bet u can set up some crazy dives and shit since u just click on ur jungler as they're diving and he gets dmg reduction and you tf ult in with like a billion cc. like i feel if u play him mid then u never have to use the ultimate defensively, cos if u don't set up properly jungler just gonna come mid and they're gonna take your turret, specially cos if he's waveclear isn't amazing he's probably gonna be pushed to turret all the time since he's meleePassive: Bonus AoE magic damage on one auto, scales off AD+MR, CD reduced by hitting unique champions with spells.
Q: Two wind blasts that converge in one spot for extra % damage
W: Passive magic shield that goes off CD out of combat, active can be held down for damage reduction like WW E, let go for an AoE taunt like his old ult, channel can't be interrupted by enemies
E: Dash into knockup after a small delay, only stops for champions or terrain
R: Global knockup, targeted at an ally, ally gets the damage reduction from his W
yea you bring good points, specially since outside of his ult his kit doesn't seem to be geared towards being any more defensive than nautilus or maokaiThe Galio rework seems like it's sticking more to the modern concept of a tank since he's all skill shots or delayed effects, but I'm concerned that he doesn't seem to have a specific niche.
Yes, his passives make him a better pick against magic damage, but the kit has all the "tank checklist" boxes ticked off. He'll be picked when he's stronger than other tanks, and not picked when he's weaker. It's unfortunate that Riot is trying to fix a problem with the mid-season update while at the same time adding to that problem. It's seems that despite Riot's work culture there's often a significant disconnect between the champ design teams and the balance teams.
The ult being allied targeted is interesting though. It limits his engage potential without a teammate who can dive in, but at the same time his counter engage potential with that disgusting small AoE knock-up time is off the charts.
this is soooooooooo goooooooooooooood
750 rp skins with new vfx, sfx, and particles is a first right?
Prob my third favorite Sivir Skin. Too bad Sivir is garbage right now.I was making fun of the Spectacular Sivir skin over voice and it wound up being the crafted permanent I unlocked...
It's not 20~40%also, i think it's kind of ridiculous that galio gets 20-40% damage reduction on a basic ability with a relatively low cooldown.
This streamer is playing some Guilty Gear music so he's ok in my book.
Galios Ult looks legit fun to use.
Galios ult is what Shens ult should feel like, but y'know...
did some quick dmg tests cos i was feeling like liandry's might be rising up in value mid and i really wish rito had given the practice dummies a reasonable number for hp, i can't tell if the item is actually really strong or if it just has silly numbers because of the %hp stuff
did some quick dmg tests cos i was feeling like liandry's might be rising up in value mid and i really wish rito had given the practice dummies a reasonable number for hp, i can't tell if the item is actually really strong or if it just has silly numbers because of the %hp stuff