Night shifty r u awake enve
Night shift
This must be what it feels like to be the naota yakuzagod bless
Literally what all of us are doing RNjust fiddle with your phone for 30 min
This is the most bronze game I've played in a long time.
Literally what all of us are doing RN
There's gone be nothing to do for the next 2.5 hours and then we'll get swamped with like 5 patients in the last 30 minutes zzzzzz
i guess if rito hired costy anything's possible :>
why not apply to blizzard tho
Nah this time it's finerip
edit: wait is that too morbid considering your work o.o
i was about to go off on that darius, breakfast
yeah it just reminds me of inven's shield cos it sounds like he can just flash pop it in ur face. 0.5s is not a lot of time but probably enough to force u to flash before he lands more cc on youWorse.
6s of 60% damage reduction on a 7.2s cool down using a typical tank build is more obscene than Ivern's old shield.
This kit is gross, busted out of the gate. Very disappointed.
how is that any different from what you were doing before you dick lolwell now I'm definitely not looking into your Korean comics :^)
Leblanc nerfs but Fizz buffs. eurghghhh
Leblanc nerfs but Fizz buffs. eurghghhh
"There's no way Riot can make ADC worse"
*Checks 7.5 patch notes*
What a godWhen you look at your jungler in champ select and see this
When you look at your jungler in champ select and see this
When you look at your jungler in champ select and see this
I wanna see his build paths.
When you look at your jungler in champ select and see this
Watching the Soraka top OTP guy in his D2 promos is kinda funny. He has to keep from hovering as long as he can, introduce himself, link to his OP.GG and lay out his game plan in the lobby to keep people from dodging.
Edit- He made it to D2.
How much later? Even if you can't make the first game we do three games.If in houses were later I could do it
How much later? Even if you can't make the first game we do three games.
new warlords is so bad lol. i thought there would be a period of time where you get some better lifesteal, but no, it's actually just one autoattack LOL.
Not to mention it's pretty much garbage early so by the time it would be somewhat good you'll probably have actual warlords is so bad lol. i thought there would be a period of time where you get some better lifesteal, but no, it's actually just one autoattack LOL.