Yesterday I installed and played the game for the first time... this evening I'll Join the Gaf community.
I found amaizing Miss Fortune and Janna champions. Is it because they are truly amazing or just because I'm a noob and they're easy to be used?
Within their respective roles (Ranged Attack Damage Carry and Support respectively) they are actually the more difficult champions to play effectively.Yesterday I installed and played the game for the first time... this evening I'll Join the Gaf community.
I found amaizing Miss Fortune and Janna champions. Is it because they are truly amazing or just because I'm a noob and they're easy to be used?
Victor Spotlight: Now Activated
Yesterday I installed and played the game for the first time... this evening I'll Join the Gaf community.
I found amaizing Miss Fortune and Janna champions. Is it because they are truly amazing or just because I'm a noob and they're easy to be used?
Within their respective roles (Ranged Attack Damage Carry and Support respectively) they are actually the more difficult champions to play effectively.
One can only hope. I don't think there have been any official words on it.Anyone know if Shyvana is getting buffed? She seems pretty underwhelming right now.
Yesterday I installed and played the game for the first time... this evening I'll Join the Gaf community.
I found amaizing Miss Fortune and Janna champions. Is it because they are truly amazing or just because I'm a noob and they're easy to be used?
Janna is an excellent support character. Miss Fortune on the other hand is not the best in her class. She lacks crowd control abilities and an escape if you ask me.
There are better ranged champions such as Vayne, Tristana, Corki, Caitlyn, Kogmaw and Graves. With that said, you can problem do just fine in the lower levels with Miss Fortune, but as you proceed towards level 30 you'll find her to be lackluster.
And welcome on board.
He'll do fine even at 30. Its not till you get situated at a more respectable level(Even that is questionable), where MF's damage problems start to become apparent. Basically when you get a decent jungle on the other team.
So... any suggestions for "Ranger" champion?
I'm not a slasher, I prefer to hit and run![]()
Compared to Sona, Soraka, Lux, Morg and Taric, yeah. Janna is definitely harder to play well.You mean I'm actually a good player and not just playing an easy character? I thought Janna rest on the easier scale.
Compared to Sona, Soraka, Lux, Morg and Taric, yeah. Janna is definitely harder to play well.
Ever had a janna ult gank targets through walls?Janna does have more of a learning curve than other support, but a bad Janna player is still stupid effective.
Oracle's Elixir or start warding. Opposing team start ganking him.I've been playing around with Twitch now that he is free and i am absolutely destroying everyone. Granted, i have only played the game for a couple of weeks and it is on low level non ranked games. But i can easily just outdamage any assassin unloading in my face. Yesterday i was in a game where i was 24-4 and the Twitch on the other team was 22-5.
Is Twitch a bit on the OP side or is he just really easy to play on this low level? How is he supposed to be stopped?
Oh, I'm sorry I missed the first list...As mentioned above
"Vayne, Tristana, Corki, Caitlyn, Kogmaw and Graves"
are all "Ranged AD" characters. Which means they're ranged (mostly) physical damage dealing characters. They're usually built similiar too.
Others he didn't include:
Ashe, Ezreal, Sivir. You'll get really good team mates, and then you'll get team mates who make it hell for you.The level system, is something that always affect a match or is something important for "ranked" match only?
And also for runes... do I have to take care of them or I can play in "normal mode" without being affected by mine and others level/runes?
I don't know if I've been clear. I would just like to understand if I have to be concerned about level and runes
Runes work in normal, custom, and ranked matches.
There are the "ranged" champions everybody is listing, but they really have to stand and deliver to be most effective.So... any suggestions for "Ranger" champion?
I'm not a slasher, I prefer to hit and run![]()
Once people get better, they start to realise Twitch's weaknesses - his low range and his lack of an escape. Because of his low range, he can be pretty easily bullied during laning, and his lack of an escape means he can get ganked very easily. And together, It means that he is always in a pretty dangerous position in team fights when he doesn't have his ultimate up.I've been playing around with Twitch now that he is free and i am absolutely destroying everyone. Granted, i have only played the game for a couple of weeks and it is on low level non ranked games. But i can easily just outdamage any assassin unloading in my face. Yesterday i was in a game where i was 24-4 and the Twitch on the other team was 22-5.
Is Twitch a bit on the OP side or is he just really easy to play on this low level? How is he supposed to be stopped?
Others he didn't include:
Ashe, Ezreal, Sivir.
Don't buy any runes before you hit lvl 20 and can buy tier 3 runes. Otherwise it will only feel like you wasted your ip.Oh, I'm sorry I missed the first list...
The level system, is something that always affect a match or is something important for "ranked" match only?
And also for runes... do I have to take care of them or I can play in "normal mode" without being affected by mine and others level/runes?
I don't know if I've been clear. I would just like to understand if I have to be concerned about level and runes
Ok... so I wasted my first day ipDon't buy any runes before you hit lvl 20 and can buy tier 3 runes. Otherwise it will only feel like you wasted your ip.
Anyone know if Shyvana is getting buffed? She seems pretty underwhelming right now.
Shyvanna isn't a monster. Tryndamere is a monster. Nerf Trondomore.
Elements streaming Viktor:
Well the first runes aren't that expensive, but when you hit lvl 20 you want to replace all the runes with tier 3 runes and they can be expensive. Also you might want to unlock some champions without having to pay for rp.Ok... so I wasted my first day ip
Thank you for the suggestion
Well the first runes aren't that expensive, but when you hit lvl 20 you want to replace all the runes with tier 3 runes and they can be expensive. Also you might want to unlock some champions without having to pay for rp.
You can convert runes from a lower tier to a higher tier, but then you have to use five runes and only getting on, also its random what you get from that.
What? Lol?
I would check your items. Shyvana is a monster.
So... any suggestions for "Ranger" champion?
I'm not a slasher, I prefer to hit and run![]()
Thoughts? Katarina a good choice? I'm sure there are dud champions and I'd hate to spend any ip or money on a dud.
edit: Also I can afford Akali right now and she looks pretty decent from a noob perspective. maybe her?
I've seen good Kats carry games by themselves but she is easy to counter. Akali is seriously strong when not counter with pink wards/oracles but she is banned all the time.
So I've been playing this game for the last few days and loving it. I'm level 6 and can't wait to play again today.
The first day I used Katarina since she was a freebie and really liked her. Unfortunately the second day they rotated and I've been using Irelia. I do a pretty good job with Irelia but I keep thinking back to Katarina.
I have about 1700 ip now so half way there to unlocking Katarina. Is she a good champion to unlock? I could unlock Irelia since I'm pretty familiar with her now too.
I do tend toward the big damage assassin type characters in anything. Though I've been enjoying the beefy Irelia once I get guardian angel.
Thoughts? Katarina a good choice? I'm sure there are dud champions and I'd hate to spend any ip or money on a dud.
edit: Also I can afford Akali right now and she looks pretty decent from a noob perspective. maybe her?
Any other assassin type chars to suggest? Your breakdown on the ranged was excellent.
If you are new, I suggest trying before you buy. Right now you've only played a small sliver of the available champions and it would be wise to get familiar with a variety of them.
Both Kat and Akali are very situational champs that need the right team to back them up, and as such they won't exceed in every game.
Talon, Fizz and Nocturne. All decent-good assassin champions. They are all very mobile champions which is reflected in their respective skill sets.
I like the skill set of Nocturne. On paper it reads real well.
Ok... so I wasted my first day ip
Thank you for the suggestion
My opinion on the AD carries in the game
S - Graves
Nerf this champ. AGAIN.
Tier 1 runes are so cheap in the grand scheme of things and you have so few runes to purchase, that it's not that bad honestly. Tier 2 on the other hand are too expensive. Just get some generic T1 ones like like hp/armor/magic resist runes.
Any other assassin type chars to suggest? Your breakdown on the ranged was excellent.
He's one of the best junglers in the game - after Udyr, Lee Sin and Skarner. His ganks are just terrifying. You can try him for free on the beta server if you're unsure about how his skills translate into actual gameplay.
Nocturne Champion Spotlight
Huh public beta server? Whats that and how come I don't know anything about it?