The feeling when you lost because it was your fault. : (
The feeling when you lost because it was your fault. : (
Yeah, that totally decreases over time. As for people that play like her... hm. What do you like about her?
The bundle packs give you 20 heroes each for 20-30 bucks. I know Kassadin and Katarina are in one - the newer champions aren't though
It's not just him though. Saintvicious and TheOddOne also have something against her, claiming that she lacks "something".We get it.... you have something against Shyvana... ok good for you.
And no she is not as good as Skarner and Udyr... you just mentioned the two top junglers in the game.
I'd say yes. There's a tutorial and you can play with/against bots just to get familiar with the different mechanics.Is this game easy to get into?
I'd like to play a free online game and LoL seems just right but I'm kinda scared :/
Is this game easy to get into?
I'd like to play a free online game and LoL seems just right but I'm kinda scared :/
The feeling when you lost because it was your fault. : (
What I like about Ahri is the ability to harass from a long distance with her Q, and also use it to really quickly take out a line of minions for easy farming. Her cc with charm is nice too. I played with Anivia for a little while when she was free and liked her ability to harass people from behind the cover of minions while laning and then fuck with people with the ice wall. I guess I like ranged units with cc or options to restrict enemy movement who can kind of selectively engage and disengage from fights safely, who can also kill minions quickly when the need arises to clear them out or something. People were saying Xerath has absurd range which peaked my curiosity...
Is this game easy to get into?
I'd like to play a free online game and LoL seems just right but I'm kinda scared :/
That's a good idea. $20 isn't bad. Considering I've already played it more than some $60 games I own.
You might like Gragas a lot, although he isn't ranged. He relies a lot on ranged skillshots, but they are AoE and fast. Karthus, Kennen, Xerath and Zilean are good choice for what you want, too.
For the new page:
I'm just starting LoL (level 9) and am loving it so far. However, when I get unhelpful teammates, teammates who don't speak English, raqe-quitters, etc. it take some of the fun out of it. I'd like to learn more and play with people who try to work together...
ID is DeadFalling
For the new page:
I'm just starting LoL (level 9) and am loving it so far. However, when I get unhelpful teammates, teammates who don't speak English, raqe-quitters, etc. it take some of the fun out of it. I'd like to learn more and play with people who try to work together...
ID is DeadFalling
I actually rage uninstalled last night ... I'm now redownloading.
Play with friends and gaffers, dude.
Also, Colby/Chaox are casting some tourney now:
edit: good game coming up: MIG vs. Goose
Sorry bout bailing in queue last night. It was late, and I wanted a quick win before bed... but our champ selection wasn't really in favor of that outcome. Especially after our previous game.
28'ish still, but haven't played much in the last month. The +450rp got me the LeBlanc skin, woot. But I never get to play her since no one in solos gives a shit about team structure and think insta-locking 4 or 5 ap or ad carries is fine.
Game leaves me annoyed a lot. I was a big fan of TTL there for a while, but now it feels like I either pick Singed, or lose at the loading screen. People seem to want to farm up and generally dick around instead of taking advantage of kills/aces, and taking towers. Doesn't help that almost every match has a Trynd, Yi, or GP (or all three, hurrk.)
I suspect I'm playing the game wrong most of the time.
Oh shit, Tangoe Eve skin is on sale. Kinuch, now its your chance!
We get it.... you have something against Shyvana... ok good for you.
And no she is not as good as Skarner and Udyr... you just mentioned the two top junglers in the game.
Anybody here played some Le Blanc?
I used to hate LB players just cause she seems so "easy mode"... but sometimes it's just really fun to stomp AP's in mid.
A problem I've been having with LB though is that I fail to make myself usefull in lategame teamfights.
I'm usually blown up before I can combo or even begin my deadly combo. I'll have to use my W to dash away and sometimes even ult along with it.
I aim to blow up their AP or AD carry but when well played these people are in the back of the enemy team while I myself am also in the back of my own team so there is quite a distance.
It's just annoying to lose when your stats are like 16-3![]()
I love LeBlanc in normal blind pick, but she's less useful in ranked when people can counter pick. Good luck!
What do people pick against her?
What do people pick against her?
Morgana and Sivir are great counters. Otherwise you just have to rush some magic resist and out-farm her. Le Blanc is not very effective at CSing, so in due time you'll be able to take her on.
Fuck Mord. Just got stuck in a lane against him as Xerath and couldn't pop his shield for shit. He steamrolled the rest of the game.
It didn't help that my Skarner stayed in the jungle until level 12, but whatever. I was the only English speaker on the team. I don't know why Koreans are so afraid to engage. I don't know how their games ever end.