Hugh Buelow

Fed off Ezreal and Brand. I love Riven.
I'm trying to decide on quints to get. So many choices and such few IP. I wish the ArPen and MPen holiday runes were AD and AP.
Thus far I only have 2 +HP quints, a -5% time dead from the rune combiner and a +1.5% run speed from a Razer giveaway.
Troll teams with terrible builds seem to be a common trend lately
That Talon was watching it. She could have just thrown her spear or ignite if she had it, but no. She turret dives him.Fantastic First Blood Bait
Them Polish people.
That Talon was watching it. She could have just thrown her spear or ignite if she had it, but no. She turret dives him.
Troll teams with terrible builds seem to be a common trend lately
lmao why don't I get guys like this ingame.
Instead I get team instalock+fight over mid/top.
also "fagot noob" - "ez" - "get skill" - etc.
Are you at the lower levels? Why not play with GAF?
And I suppose that last game was payback for ufokidd disconnecting and giving us a win.
600 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 100 v 1000 | 700 | 600 | 400 | 400 (wins)
My heart sank when I lost blue as a jungler, and when I saw I was level 3 when Lee Sin was level 6. That's when I knew I was fucked. I ended 7 levels below most everyone else.
After just listing the wins... If he is low leveled, why in hell are you recommended him to play with Gaf? He will be put up against people with a min of 500games+.
I had fun laning Skarner vs. Taric top, and that's what's really important.We got rolled. It was not a fun game.
I had fun laning Skarner vs. Taric top, and that's what's really important.
Sorry Flare, I know it wasn't fair at all.Hey now =(
Sorry Flare, I know it wasn't fair at all.
was about to play a game
then boom
got hit by some kind of trojan malware that took an hour to get rid of
my guess is that boken sent it to me so that he didn't have to play dominion
So I got my first few games against real human players today as Sona (first game was a loss but won the second game with 1/0/9). I really like that you don't have to aim most of her skills so I'll probably stick with her. Anyone have any beginner tips for her before I get into more games? I've mostly just been sticking behind my friend spamming heals and the speed buff or ultimate to chase. Still need to get used to power chords though.
Ah that's me (Chocopolka from HaloGAF). I only just started putting in some time into the game recently but I had added you a long time ago, so I was probably inactive for a super long time on your list.
vhfive said:Also I'm pretty sure cloe the corgi is from halogaf since he and devin olsen (also from halogaf) are the only gaffers on my friends list
So I got my first few games against real human players today as Sona (first game was a loss but won the second game with 1/0/9). I really like that you don't have to aim most of her skills so I'll probably stick with her. Anyone have any beginner tips for her before I get into more games? I got my first few games against real human players today as Sona (first game was a loss but won the second game with 1/0/9). I really like that you don't have to aim most of her skills so I'll probably stick with her. Anyone have any beginner tips for her before I get into more games? I've mostly just been sticking behind my friend spamming heals and the speed buff or ultimate to chase. Still need to get used to power chords though.
Get her ultimate ready for team fights and mana regen runes. She's all about the assists.
It's best to just save up IP until you can buy T3 runes.Since I only have access to Tier 1 runes, should I still buy them?
Spend your IP on Tier 3 Runes. You'll be wasting your IP if you get T1 or T2 when T3 are superior.Since I only have access to Tier 1 runes, should I still buy them?
was about to play a game
then boom
got hit by some kind of trojan malware that took an hour to get rid of
my guess is that boken sent it to me so that he didn't have to play dominion
So I got my first few games against real human players today as Sona (first game was a loss but won the second game with 1/0/9). I really like that you don't have to aim most of her skills so I'll probably stick with her. Anyone have any beginner tips for her before I get into more games? I've mostly just been sticking behind my friend spamming heals and the speed buff or ultimate to chase. Still need to get used to power chords though.
Ah that's me (Chocopolka from HaloGAF). I only just started putting in some time into the game recently but I had added you a long time ago, so I was probably inactive for a super long time on your list.
Sona can actually be played as a pretty mean dmg dealer (out of all the supports). Plenty of games I've seen a Sona get more kills than assists. Not to say its ideal, but in normals...
Sona can actually be played as a pretty mean dmg dealer (out of all the supports). Plenty of games I've seen a Sona get more kills than assists. Not to say its ideal, but in normals...
Definitely Not Blitzcrank is the only skin I own, and it's completely worth it.If they ever make an All Random map it should be like ARAB, it's the most fun I have in LoL. After ARAB, ARAM plays just waaay too slow.
Blitz is still a boss. Blitzcrank, most fun character in every format of the game! So glad I got the Incognito skin.
I've had players get upset about KS a lot lately, it's never bothered me, but can I clear something up to make sure my logic is okay?
I'm soloing someone down we'll say, I'm ready to kill, and then someone shows up in my lane and in one ability takes the kill. Now, instead of getting money for the kill, I only get assist money. But this person had the choice of kill money or no money... Wouldn't them KS'ing me net our team more money, or is the overall gold split amung the killers?
Rofl, Annie gets shit on by anybody with more than ~700 range. Kennen would've definitely been a better pick. LB and Kass to a lesser extent could handle her too.They need to nerf Ahri just a bit. Her kit is too strong for both 1v1 and full out team fights. First off, she does a LOT of damage, secondly she can easily escape just about anything except maybe chain stuns. Just had a ranked 5s with my team last night and she went 21-1 while the rest of their team was negative by a fair bit. Was a really frustrating game, because we were debating about counters to her in chat after they picked her and we couldn't think of any. I suggested Kennen, because he can at least run away, but we ended up going with Annie and she had no chance mid against a competent Ahri.
I also think there's a lack of understanding of why the current meta is what it is. People know to pick what type of champ but they don't understand when they are strongest and should leverage their advantage, when they are weak and should focus on CS and map objectives or what their 'job' is.
I've had players get upset about KS a lot lately, it's never bothered me, but can I clear something up to make sure my logic is okay?
I'm soloing someone down we'll say, I'm ready to kill, and then someone shows up in my lane and in one ability takes the kill. Now, instead of getting money for the kill, I only get assist money. But this person had the choice of kill money or no money... Wouldn't them KS'ing me net our team more money, or is the overall gold split amung the killers?
They need to nerf Ahri just a bit. Her kit is too strong for both 1v1 and full out team fights. First off, she does a LOT of damage, secondly she can easily escape just about anything except maybe chain stuns. Just had a ranked 5s with my team last night and she went 21-1 while the rest of their team was negative by a fair bit. Was a really frustrating game, because we were debating about counters to her in chat after they picked her and we couldn't think of any. I suggested Kennen, because he can at least run away, but we ended up going with Annie and she had no chance mid against a competent Ahri.