Leblanc, Kass, Morgana?
Heck of a lot better than annie anyway.![]()
I wasn't the one choosing
Leblanc, Kass, Morgana?
Heck of a lot better than annie anyway.![]()
Yeah Kill+Assist yields more money for the team compared to a lone kill. Some people either don't know that, or are too selfish and unreasonable to care. I value Kill+Assist a lot more than a lone kill for a ranged carry even. Especially in LoL since its harder for one person to just carry the game.
In general as long as we win the game I'm happy. Sure in an ideal world everything would work out perfectly where the person who needs the kill the most always gets it and everyone else gets the assist or say as a support you don't ever grab a ks when helping out for a sec.
Yet as I said in the end as Coach Herm Edwards would say...
"We play to win the game!"
Assist money is split between people getting the assist. The person delivering the killing blow will always get the full amount.
People who yell about kill steals are people you should ignore.I've never been one to care if someone takes a kill from me, but other people seem to get so upset about it...
Was it Windows 7 antivirus 2012 stuff? Did it make an rtd.exe file and/or run another executable and/or hijack your .exe registry association and disable windows firewall and windows defender?was about to play a game
then boom
got hit by some kind of trojan malware that took an hour to get rid of
my guess is that boken sent it to me so that he didn't have to play dominion
The biggest issue I have with Ahri is she punishes me so bad for over extending. If I'm mid verse her, and my turret goes down, you can't just farm to the river like I can normally get away with, assuming wards are around to see gankers coming. No, she can dash you down if you are too far out, it's an insane gap closer. Generally mid with Morgana or Brand, but since Ahri was added, I pretty much mid Morgana only, I'm sure Brand can counter her okay.. but I just like the easier snare (one cast verse two) and the shield to save me in bad situations.
Thanks, yea I thought so but figured I'd ask first. I've never been one to care if someone takes a kill from me, but other people seem to get so upset about it... the game doesn't even keep a kill/death ratio does it? Hell the only stat most people are going to see is wins anyway.
Except unlike Talon (and Akali?), Ahri has three big dashes that can all be used in the same direction as far as I'm aware, plus a ranged taunt that means her ranged damaging ability should be gauranteed to hit if she lands it. It's like trying to chase someone with three flash abilities and a ranged taunt through the jungle while they go through walls.You mean she is an Aki or Talon, both of which can be on you in a second.
Yea, but even those you can keep a distance away I feel, the distance she can travel on her ult seems much longer than them, but maybe I'm wrong.You mean she is an Aki or Talon, both of which can be on you in a second.
Rofl, Annie gets shit on by anybody with more than ~700 range. Kennen would've definitely been a better pick. LB and Kass to a lesser extent could handle her too.
And then you don't even explain lol
Gotcha, I haven't tried out ranked games yet, just approaching 100 wins and am only lv27 right now.It keeps a KDA ratio for each champion in ranked.
Gotcha, I haven't tried out ranked games yet, just approaching 100 wins and am only lv27 right now.
It's a very nice system (not my screen shot):][/QUOTE]
Oh wow, they keep a ton of stats compared to what I thought. That is pretty cool, I'm always just worried I'll join a ranked game and the champions I'm decent (I use this term very loosely) with will get banned on me. Haha, but regardless that's pretty cool. thanks.
I should try to play with you guys sometimes but I'm a little scared that everyone will just be way better than me and I will feel inept :/
Also I'm pretty sure cloe the corgi is from halogaf since he and devin olsen (also from halogaf) are the only gaffers on my friends list
Quick question regarding the 300 Riot Points bonus. Should I just buy 50$ worth of 5$ bundles? I mean, if I get 300 points bonus with every single item bought...
I don't think you should really invest into runes until you really know that you like a character, but here is a link to Stonewall's Yi video: guys i am planning to give Master Yi a try, which runes do you think are best for this character?
Yeah, I think LoL was basically the first game of that style (MOBA?) that I ever played, and yet with the tutorial video etc. I was able to easily pick it up, and even if I never had much fun, apparently it addicted me enough that I played like 600 games.I got Dota 2 for free with the Steam holiday thing. Tried out what I assume was the beta. Feels exactly like HoN. I'm glad I didn't buy it. Back to LoL.
MOBA is such a stupid term. We should just be saying dotalike or something. Anyway, not that I don't have complaints with LoL too, but I did happen to play DotA a while ago and I tried HoN - every time I go back, I can't help but notice how muddled it is.Yeah, I think LoL was basically the first game of that style (MOBA?) that I ever played, and yet with the tutorial video etc. I was able to easily pick it up, and even if I never had much fun, apparently it addicted me enough that I played like 600 games.
Pretty much each time I try the DOTA 2 beta I'm like, well, the sound effect when minions explode into gold is cool, but I really don't care much for about 10 other things, and I don't care much for the champions, and the interface is non-obvious and there isn't a nice way to play humans vs bots matchmaking, and I end up with hardly any desire to play with it further -- the opposite effect that LoL had on me, even though I had basically no LoL/DOTA/HoN experience when I started LoL.
Was it Windows 7 antivirus 2012 stuff? Did it make an rtd.exe file and/or run another executable and/or hijack your .exe registry association and disable windows firewall and windows defender?
They're phasing out dodge as a the ppl who bought dodge runes are refunded back in RP? I got 450 rp out of nowhere, I haven't been playing LOL for the past couple of days because of the Steam sales and achievements. I haven't been reading about the runes, what was wrong with them?
MOBA is such a stupid term. We should just be saying dotalike or something.
KS = Kill secured broze. I main AD carry and I don't even care if you steal the kill. (I do roll my eyes real hard tho. KIUNCH!)
Yea. Ahri is like a mix of Akali and a ranged caster, and even a little better because she can dash without a target. I would say it would maybe be fair at 2 dashes or if her 3 dashes didn't do damage. That way if she had 2 dashes she would have to make the decision between jumping further in or simply out. Right now she can jump in twice then make an escape on the third one without much punishment. If you add in flash, that is ridiculous mobility.
You can stop yourself from walking in the taunt if you click right in front of where your character is stepping. Probably going to get patched out though.But yeah, that taunt is OP, during lane you can hide behind minion or start with boot to counter her. In team fight or during poking match, a carry got hit by her taunt usually will die. They need to nerf either the range, duration, or make the target slow even further (so they won't run so fast to their death).
What's the point here? That it's shorter than first person shooter?BF3 is a great Wolfenstein-like, right?![]()
She is forced to use all 3 dashes within 10 seconds, and level one had ~80 seconds cool down.
To be precise.yes but end game the ult is closer to 36 seconds CD
She has one of the strongest pokes in the game, can abuse people who step to the sides of the minion wave, and is a monster up close. Totally balanced.To be precise.
I think she's fine. Nuker/disabler/poker with a versatile ult that can be used for assassination/positoning/escape.
Thank god no.That's not you, is it? o.o
How appropriate that the rep is named Acetaminophen.Thank god no.
I got 4 doran's blade, they can't do crap to me!
bahahaha, I was gonna post that!I got 4 doran's blade, they can't do crap to me!
I got 4 doran's blade, they can't do crap to me!