Maybe should have bought a damage item or two? Cleaver / IE is quite nice on Garen.
Garen does have a hard time actually carrying the game. Some damage will help, but it's tough unless you get really ahead.
I think I'll try to play some more LoL. The Mac client for DOTA2 is sadly still hot garbage. Anyone willing to coach?![]()
I had an IE and a Cleaver. and a sunfire, and a spirit visage, and bloodmail.
wasn't trying to. just ended up where I got 6-slotted first and the adc didn't know how to build his champ.
Ah, I see. Yeah, people not knowing how to build an adc will often ruin your chances at a decent mid-late game.
which server? NA has a pretty big NeoGAF channel. EUW might too
I am EUW.
Also how should I get back into this? Focus on just a few characters I have already unlocked or play around with all of them?
These are the champions I own:
Had a guy beg for thresh first pick to trade. The banner picks thresh.
And then at the end of champ select, he didn't trade and just typed: fuck you i'm mid noob.
This is going to be an interesting game.
Diamond 5s baby.
euw are a pretty friendly bunch. im sure they'd be willing to show you around.
as for what you have, i think annie is a very fun and quintessentially "mage"
(are you level 12 yet)
katarina is hella fun too, but only if you know whats going on because you need to dodge a lot of shit with her (melee mage)
vlad is vlad, farm farm farm. crappy early game, great late game.
ashe is okay, good if youre a control type player as shes a utility carry with slows and global initiate skill
annie is even more straight forward. get stun passive up, and blow people up.Yes I am level 12. Most of my play time so far has been with Veigar who I though was pretty straight forward to understand. trap guys and nuke the shit out of them.
Well that was one of the worst games of my life. Somehow the 0/6 trolling katarina convinced the entire enemy team to report me for not helping her feed more kills.
I have all chat shut off so it was weird reading the post game lobby and getting that "you got reported message".
bip so important he has two entries. I approve.
Draven, Twitch. Trist for solo q is really meh., anybody know when world's starts today?
Yes I am level 12. Most of my play time so far has been with Veigar who I though was pretty straight forward to understand. trap guys and nuke the shit out of them.
Actually I asked how to fix that, but nobody answered. I'm thinking about making a third entry though..
I started using Teemo and I really like that I can basically play any role with him. Have only tried mid and top but apparently he can fill any roll. AD teemo is beast. Tried 2 different ap builds and an ad build and ad is my favorite so far.
ap teemo is definitely superior to ad teemo
your bombs arent even annoying if youre ad teemo
He went botrk --> shiv and as such, did no damage midgame. frozen mallet was just insult to injury, really. At the end, he had no more than 250 physical damage. Tops.
edit: on a side note, I like 3v3. it's kind of...a microwave for learning champs. all fighting, all the damn time. I hate the fact that there are no wards on TT...but regardless, learning how to use those combos on brand new champs is easy because there's a chance to use them every 40 seconds. lol
Blade of the Ruined King makes Teemo almost unkillable. It's ridiculous.
This dude is Diamond 1 and he played nothing but Teemo. He favors bruiser/on-hit Teemo.
There's no Bloodthirster on TT, it's replaced with Sanguine Blade. Which he built. His build really isn't that illogical. Shiv is a good mid-game spike item (and helps wave-clear) and BotRK gives Lucian a pseudo-escape. Sanguine and BotRK is a little wasted, however, but it's not the worst thing ever. I'm willing to bet he picked up Mallet since he wasn't getting peeled for. Like, his ideal build would have most likely been Sanguine -> Shiv -> IE -> LW (reverse these two if necessary due to enemy builds).
As far as your build goes, I wouldn't have picked up the Bloodmail. Or probably the IE, honestly. And I'd have to ask what you were doing in teamfights. You have an ADC on Treeline so your goal is to protect him, not dive the enemy.
Edit: To add, normally you do not have an ADC on Treeline. On top of that, your team is just a lot worse off than theirs. They can have their Kha'zix and Darius just go in with Brand catching people / his ult is really good while your team doesn't really have much to do besides take that engage and fight it out.
Searching for the authors name on Lolking:i would never trust a lolking guide that someone doesn't link to their profile on. also, literally hurricane.
You'd be surprised, a lot of the challenger teams for TT either run two lanes and a jungler, or a support/adc lane with the top lane. Quinn, Ezreal or Vayne are the main adc's for TT.
Eesh, got destroyed mid as Fiddle versus Karthus. Xin ganks were kills every time from level 2.Got Zhonya's eventually but was still useless. Feels bad after four wins in a row. Worst part is I didn't even pick mid, I filled after everyone else picked.
And I genuinely thought Fiddle would be good against Karthus.
Report is the worst buzzword I've ever seen. People throw it around like candy, it's as if they feel they have some sort of power over you, as in when they report you you instantly get banned. It makes no sense.
Also, anybody know when world's starts today?
Skittles outdamages drain I think. Could be wrong.
Isolated skittles hurt like hell.
His problem was he had no damage dealing. That's what happens when someone with no AD runes (with the starting sword thing he had all of 60dmg) picks an adc and prioritizes attack speed over actual damage. The problem I have with the build is that he built it like it was a normal 5v5 match and he had someone else along with him to provide dps and more to take damage than just one person. As you said, an IE is absolutely essential at some point, and knowing you have a tank means you as an adc need to get your damage in order. When you have <200 damage after the enemy bullies all hit 150-200 armor and stack 2500+ HP, you aren't doing much. As you said, the Shiv is for wave clear, but we didn't need wave clear items. We needed damage to cut through tanks and bullies, because the longer fights have to go against a Kha and a Darius, the worse your odds of winning become. It didn't help that we had no real burst dps, but that wasn't the biggest issue.There's no Bloodthirster on TT, it's replaced with Sanguine Blade. Which he built. His build really isn't that illogical. Shiv is a good mid-game spike item (and helps wave-clear) and BotRK gives Lucian a pseudo-escape. Sanguine and BotRK is a little wasted, however, but it's not the worst thing ever. I'm willing to bet he picked up Mallet since he wasn't getting peeled for. Like, his ideal build would have most likely been Sanguine -> Shiv -> IE -> LW (reverse these two if necessary due to enemy builds).
As far as your build goes, I wouldn't have picked up the Bloodmail. Or probably the IE, honestly. And I'd have to ask what you were doing in teamfights. You have an ADC on Treeline so your goal is to protect him, not dive the enemy.
Edit: To add, normally you do not have an ADC on Treeline. On top of that, your team is just a lot worse off than theirs. They can have their Kha'zix and Darius just go in with Brand catching people / his ult is really good while your team doesn't really have much to do besides take that engage and fight it out.
Gotcha. I've never reheard of that item. Lots of learning yet to do. :-(.I think the only way your build would have been better is to replace Bloodmail with Randuin. It would help with peeling and is good against 2/3 ADs. The rest is just playing better and hoping your teammates play well. Kayle should have been able to deal with Darius herself.
His problem was he had no damage dealing. That's what happens when someone with no AD runes (with the starting sword thing he had all of 60dmg) picks an adc and prioritizes attack speed over actual damage.
As you said, the Shiv is for wave clear, but we didn't need wave clear items.
As for team fights, I was looking for an opportunity to blow up Brand (first pri) or/then Kha (secnd pri) and draw all the attention to me. Which worked regularly. I told them all to stay behind me and let me initiate.
That said, what would you have recommended over the IE or Bloodmail? I felt like 4200hp and 60% resists (+40% dr) should be enough tank if the other champs are dealing any kind of damage, but they both built attack speed instead.
Speaking of which, I recommended Kayle build a LW when she asked after she finished the Botrk and tooth. I think she forgot, but that may not have been a great recommendation in general. Idk.
I feel like if you're going to go glass cannon (let alone to have two of them in a 3v3 mode), you really need to be comfortable with your champ and how to make space. Especially when there are no disables on the team to bail you out.