Took me almost a week to get 10 elemental tears, having had 2 previously. I almost used them on something else but I'm glad I didn't.Was going to go get Spirit Killer for my Orlandeau to speed up this raid. Then I tried getting an elemental tear. Well this is gonna be a pain in the ass lol. I have a LOT of Killer passives to get too.
Was going to go get Spirit Killer for my Orlandeau to speed up this raid. Then I tried getting an elemental tear. Well this is gonna be a pain in the ass lol. I have a LOT of Killer passives to get too.
Last level of shiva' dungeon worked for me. Bring a xon or locke
Oh God, 575k raid coins and this thing goes until the 14th? Fffffffksnensjdj that's a lot of bronze Gil Snappers.
Got an email from Gumi to rate their service for something they haven't fixed yet... >.>; wtf Gumi, wtf
Gumi gonna Gumi. They want to know how awesome they are. Whether they fix your problem or not. /shades
Nox is working flawlessly for me right now.tidus brought me back and motivated me enough to set up Tm farming macros again
however my version ( 2.9.6? i think) of memu crashes FFBE every time, i cant get good farming going on
any version of memu doesnt crash or is nox a better alternative to memu? if so, what version?
Nox is working flawlessly for me right now.
I wonder what they'll do about them messing up the mog king. Maybe convert our ore to the next currency?
I had the server busy error too, but the game seems to be working now, if anyone needs to burn their energy.
Unfortunately what will happen is precisely dick.
Damn...well that escalated quickly - congrats !!!
Could have sworn that i also once had Survival Edges but cant find them anymore lol.
Me too (see above)Pretty excited for maintenance lol
My team Locke is slowly being replaced by team Xon. I had three of five now.
Okay so messing with numbers...
Base MAG 179
Passives (80%) 143
2x Needles 224
Creepy Mask 30
Rainbow Robe 45
Genji Glove 18
Soul of Thamasa 0
4x Letters 358
Ramuh 60
Total 1057 MAG
1057 mag for dualcasting thundaja or dualcasting her 10 hit magic attack...
yeah... Ashe broken xD
Thats a shit ton of high end TMRs bro
I only have about half of that gear and materia... well maybe a bit more
I could snag a magistral crest but I dont have access to rainbow robe or a second needle
If you use one of the other robes (lordly, siren, or magician robe) you only lose 10-15 MAG. Its not relevant.
Even you can replace Soul of Thamasa for magical crest and only spam the 10 hit magic attack, that with chaining could do a fuckload of damage.
well, she gets 50% mag with a sword, so she needs a sword anyway
Probably Firion as long as it is against Beast, Demon, Dragon, Human or Undead. But Gilgamesh's higher attack and attack passives might give him the edge, this has to be tested to say for sure.Talking about Finishers.
Between Yun, Gilgamesh and Firion how would the ranking look like if you include Ability Awakenings ?
Because considering how difficult they are to farm...i might just Skip Firion and try to get ready for Gilgas update if he is better.
Unfortunately what will happen is precisely dick.
Sounds about right. I just wish they would stick to a routine
-earlier then usual Mogking claim period (73k point wasted)
-earlier maintenance
When was the last time maintenance only happen for 3 hours?
lately every maintenance always runs for about 6 hours.
That's why I try to keep routine and inform here about Maintenance when we get the ingame news. Cause I know people don't read the ingame news. It seems people don't read GAF either.
Maintenance starting times have varied from soft launch. It sucks cause you never know when it starts.
Was going to go get Spirit Killer for my Orlandeau to speed up this raid.
Mog raid so trash they quickly programmed another one as compensation.
rip need kamui to come out cause i don't have chirijiraden
Without looking at anything it's probably Gilgamesh and then Firion and then Yun.
Probably Firion as long as it is against Beast, Demon, Dragon, Human or Undead. But Gilgamesh's higher attack and attack passives might give him the edge, this has to be tested to say for sure.
Current raid has spear that could be nice weapon for Wilhelm.
Its a recipe for Moogle Spear
82 ATK and has Conflicted Mind -> Increase LB gauge (1) per turn. -> Wilhelm has great LB.
You get materials from pulling Raid Gacha. I have over 300000 raid currency, been waiting this maintenance since Gumi should add 5000 multipull option (now there is only 1000). Hopefully they fix the gacha too (it gives mini Turtles and magicites lol). Better rewards are there but they are very rare (King Cactuars).
Sorry mine and across' posts were about the mog king ending at Wednesday reset rather than the Thursday reset. I always read your maintenance posts lol.
Mog raid so trash they quickly programmed another one as compensation.
Wtf another raid.....
How bout Vernard?
chirijiraden is the only thing that cleanly nets you all the innate passives and it's also the only weapon type on the MAG portion of Authority that has a Mastery TMR currently in GL. when wind veritas comes out you can do Vargas TMR + Holy spear i guess?
you could do vernard + excalibur but you lose the MAG part of authority obviously (trade BM for DKS).
need to wait and see if it even matters cause maybe he'll be best built going for as much of one stat as possible like fry (and maybe you wouldn't want to split elements anyways to maximize holy imperil if he ends up being an ok capper for orlandeau)