Nidalee spear appearing out of nowhere and hitting you in the face is the fucking worst thing ever.Gotta be the sound of a nidalee spear hitting when you throw one into fog of war. So satisfying.
This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?
Rylai ain't much for kiting as it for making his combo easier to land.I am definitely not meant for Xerath.I cant judge his WE range at all, and usually the target would already be out of range by the time I'm chained.
I went with Sorc, Deathcap, Athene and Zhonya as my core. Rylai helped with kiting but I get the feeling I shouldnt need it. Dunno if Void was worth it and I should have bought Liandry.
As above^ Although i'd say Crowstorm is league's above everything else.
Not to mention the Rappel nerfs making it a gigantic pain in the ass jumping to targets some times, can't even imagine how bad it would be with lag on top.I love comebacks. Especially when they are due to good play rather than throws.
Gave Elise another shot in the jungle finally. I stopped playing her for awhile because I was having latency issues and just didn't have the precision I needed with her abilities. It's a BIG deal to attempt to R->E or something and have it just plain not fire.
Had a rough early game. Rammus jungle was beating me to the lanes across the board and securing the kill RIGHT before I'd get there. I was successfully predicting where he'd be and who he'd gank but he was just too fast lol. So instead I focused on counter jungling and getting objectives. Even though our team started down 1 to 9 kills, we won some small skirmishes and my counter jungling plus lane farm from all my solo laners deaths was impacting Rammus. I started out scaling him hard. And landing a cocoon while he was in a ball does wonders. In the end we crushed. Rammus closed the deal in the last teamfight by rolling and flash taunt right into our team.... about a mile in front of his team. lol. He was erased and that gave us a free baron and the win.
As much as I love Elise though, I don't know if I can rely on her for my placements S4. The threat of latency is too strong. Better off with the tanky initiators. I really really want to get placed back into Gold. No more Silver I. Please no more Silver I.
I don't understand the hate for certain divisions and leagues. I'm in gold 4 right now and I'm pretty sure it's just as bad as it's ever been.
Not to mention the Rappel nerfs making it a gigantic pain in the ass jumping to targets some times, can't even imagine how bad it would be with lag on top.
This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?
I was just thinking about how much I love the Miss Fortune ult with the maniacal laughter.
Having played a decent number of games with Silver and Gold MMR, I can say honestly that Gold players are better. Better players make me better and honestly they are a little more predictable because they'll look to make the smarter plays.
That and division I is just crap. If you're stuck there too long your MMR settles and you get hit with clamping and you will run into quite a few division V people that simply don't give a shit. That does not make for fun games.
All that said, I would greatly prefer if my start of Season 4 wasn't in a division I. I'd like to be able to climb without the stress of clamping and tier placements. Sometimes I guess you get lucky and are able to fly through division I, I almost did the first time but if you're there for awhile it's not a fun experience.
This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?
I was just thinking about how much I love the Miss Fortune ult with the maniacal laughter.
I don't think she was getting released on the PBE this week either way.damn, patch got pushed back. Guess no Jinx on PBE for us this week :/
Then the adc is dumb. Vi's stuff can be canceled out of in two fashions, she comes in let em off and own her. Done it quite a few times in my recent 3v3 adventures. Darius and zed are far more threatening.
Ah yes, nothing like minimizing other people's small successes. Well done.
Cant you take advantage of the fact that they'd most likely be on the enemy team
Cant you take advantage of the fact that they'd most likely be on the enemy team
#yolo queuei can't even count the number of games i get trolled in now. rumble "support" with ignite barrier instead of jungle. malphite support who rushes liandry's. people who start to just whine in all chat and begin feeding.
Should have gone Fiora.I hate this game.
Get super fed on Twitch, doesn't matter because our kat and Zac just feed their Draven and rest of the team, we lose.
Get super fed on Eve, doesn't matter cos our Kennen AFKs at 40 minutes and we lose.
rumours are 3.12 had the garen update
: (
rumours are 3.12 had the garen update
: (
well i'm glad they pushed it back then. one more week of best Garen.
Implying picks/bans/champions/roles are relevant to solo qi actually won that game without having a jungler. i don't even know.
Should have gone Fiora.
Edit: I'm also not sure about that Twitch build. It seems like going BoTRK and PD first would yield low damage.
winning a 4v5 has got to be one of the best feelings in solo q
I don't get that though...where is the damage coming from? Nvm, ult damage, forgot.botrk rush into pd is probably the most popular twitch build right now.
I don't get that though...where is the damage coming from? Nvm, ult damage, forgot.
I don't get that though...where is the damage coming from? Nvm, ult damage, forgot.
I don't think I've ever had more than 3 afks on my teams.Especially when the enemy team was trashtalking you the entire game. It feels so good to shut them up.
Wasn't it Summons who went 19/1 in a 1v5 but eventually lost to pushes?
i actually won that game without having a jungler. i don't even know.