no.Have they shown us Victorious Elise yet?
It seems Jinx encourages lane swap play. Seeing as she's great at destroying towers with her machinegun attackspeed buff and has godlike zoning potential. Which is weird since Riot just recently patched it to discourage lane swapping.
|ot5| wait for season 4Myself and dobkeratops are working on OT5, so if you guys have any title suggestions feel free to post them here so we can shamelessly rob them.
Do ittttttt|OT5| Promoted to Soraka's Caviar
Why.....In a ranked promotion game, the AP mid went afk in lane like 3 minutes in. They said like 5 minutes later when they came back that their food had arrived. I'm not sure if they were mad about it or sorry.
Then at the end of the game they were afk in spawn for a minute or so and said they dropped their food.
Food kills ranked games.I didn't report them since I felt kind of sorry for them. I don't even know what they dropped. It's kind of weird they didn't run behind the tower before leaving the computer but maybe it was super urgent food.
|OT5| Promoted to Soraka's Caviar
I would add the ability to veto people off your team before the game starts (ranked only) if they're starting to troll/instalock w/e. Of course all 4 people would need to agree on the vote.
Fiddle support is my new favorite thing.
I appreciate the post, but there is a noticeable delay on when a ranged attack from a tower or minion projectile hits you, then 'explodes' to dealing damage.Projectiles have a travel time and aren't treated as hitting until they make contact, yes. This includes some projectiles from on-click abilities (Sion, Nunu, and Taric's Qs) that would normally be unavoidable once used.
I appreciate the post, but there is a noticeable delay on when a ranged attack from a tower or minion projectile hits you, then 'explodes' to dealing damage.
As in it makes contact, then like a 100-250ms pause, then damage is dealt. I'm on about 30-50 ping.
I appreciate the post, but there is a noticeable delay on when a ranged attack from a tower or minion projectile hits you, then 'explodes' to dealing damage.
As in it makes contact, then like a 100-250ms pause, then damage is dealt. I'm on about 30-50 ping.
Starting my placements tomorrow morning.
I've concentrated my core group for the run to 10 champs, 2 for each role that are unlikely to be banned.
Top: Garen, Riven
Mid: Lux, Ahri
AD: Cait, Fortune
Support: Leona, Sona
Jungle: Zac, Udyr
With Jayce as my "any position" everything-man. In case I don't feel comfortable with someone for some reason, I can play him in 4 of the positions and produce. I don't really care what role I have, as I can do them all well. Anything I need to know going in?
What a terrible evening of league. First game I am support nami and my team is already pretty toxic in champ select. From there i end up with immediate and severe lag. I lag out attempting to reconnect twice before just resetting the router. That seemed to clear it up. It was about 7 min into the game and my team is only down 4 kills to 8 and lost 1 tower. Rather than making any attempt to redeem the game they spend the next 13 minutes flaming me and literally feeding claiming the game is lost. I apologized and told them I completely understand any reports but I'll play my best to come back. It was not at all lost when I came back. Second blue hadn't even spawned. Me and the corki were actually trying and got a tower but the rest just kept feeding and eventually afkd. Ridiculous attitude. I'm sure I got plenty of reports for that one.
I played a private game to make sure my internet was OK then just normals to not have the same problem in ranked again. Of course the normal matchmaking kept the night going. 1 win out of 5 games all night. Miserable.
Solo queue stories.
Edit: I think its worth noting that I didn't die once despite being down 4 levels initially.
I've felt that championselect to be pretty average for finding counterpicks
I've felt that championselect to be pretty average for finding counterpicks
Yeah, not to mention that it doesn't do much good if you don't play the champion it's recommending enough to understand how and why they're a counterpick. There's nothing funnier seeing someone pick Vlad because a website like that recommended him, then run into lane and die three times before Lv6 because they didn't understand that Vlad eventually becomes a counter to the champion in question once he gets enough items to split-push.
The Faker effect.3rd game in a row there's been a Riven in the game. haven't seen her in ages. Weird.
The problem with champion select is that its so damn outdated.
Like it said that Jayce counter renetkon while right now after all the nerfs to jayce its the other way around.
Solo Q it's better to not care about counterpicks unless it's a suicidal pick like picking Twisted Fate vs a super mobile assassin or Fiora Vs Jax or Malphite.
Just play your champs and do your thing. Unless you pick Garen, in which case don't talk to me I hate you by default.
The Faker effect.
Bro fist! Silence and that fear is too good vs certain typical bot setups. With the heal off w you can do quite a bit.
Lucky for me, Korea hasn't been using Eve and Diamond played like shit so I got her all for myself.Worlds effect. I'm seeing ahri in every game. Vi all over the place, elise jungle making a gold comeback and even more zeds.
Opening up in what way?Rumor has it the PBE is opening up on the third of October..
Account registering.Opening up in what way?
Opening up in what way?
Signing upOpening up in what way?
Rumor has it the PBE is opening up on the third of October..