this is why i shouldn't let other people do the ots.OT5 is supposed to be in a few days, though maybe it'll get pushed out sooner.
honestly it should take like a half hour at most.
this is why i shouldn't let other people do the ots.OT5 is supposed to be in a few days, though maybe it'll get pushed out sooner.
this is why i shouldn't let other people do the ots.
honestly it should take like a half hour at most.
doesnt sound like you try very hardthis is why i shouldn't let other people do the ots.
honestly it should take like a half hour at most.
holy shit whats with all these BB spoilerswe are getting a dobbykops ot only cuz soda cop lets us
can someone test if Lucian Q procs muramana?
Can someone test if Lucian Q procs muramana?
most ots are really bloated and try too hard.doesnt sound like you try very hard
most ots are really bloated and try too hard.
30minutes is too little
it's okay. i spent four hours on the banner i made.30minutes is too little
first game in after patch, katarina, olaf, garen in. i expect more of this all day
Didn't realize which banner was yours, lol.wowowowowow
what no viktor?
Yorick's damage and slow was always annoying to me, but the thing that drove me nuts was how I felt like the ghouls moved weirdly and were really difficult to click on. I don't know if it was a lack of feedback or what, but it felt so tough to target them. I have the same sort of problem targeting Elise spiderlings, like I don't know if I'm hitting them or what.Yorick is just annoying in this sense of he flings stuff at me that I'd rather bush juke until I can just deal with them sustain-wise. It's like dealing with a lot of Elise Volatile Spiderlings but with less burst.
jinx is now pale with red eyes.
we are getting a dobbykops ot only cuz soda cop lets us
just put yours up maaan
DV youre proof that surrender vote doesn't kill comebacks![]()
that feel when you survive 2 baron pushes with no inhibs, get aced while cait survives who gets the nexus 3/4 down before getting murdered, defend successfully until the inhibs respawn, take baron for yourself and gg push down the middle in a 47-minute stress-fest.
I've never had a game with Vayne I felt good about. I always kinda panicked using the ult and fail to re-position before attacking again. That sort of thing. Partially because I've only played her a handful of times (so I'm not sure why I picked her for a ranked game). Felt good about this game, though. Did the most damage as well (46k).
I know the scoreboard looks like we facerolled (or should have), but we were behind in kills for most of the game. Probably because we didn't have a natural tank (it took Riven quite some time to get her items) or initiator. It wasn't until we had our series of goal-line stands that the tides began to turn. They beat us in total damage 154,225 to 155,315.
DV youre proof that surrender vote doesn't kill comebacks
I mean congrats bro
To those of you complaining about crappy ranked games, I will play one ranked game with you.
kayos post basically a version of
"you think you've seen a crappy ranked game I'LL SHOW YOU A CRAPPY RANKED GAME"
Every time I see a Quinn without a BT it makes me sad![]()
Man, looking at streamers play Olaf, he looks so underwhelming.
Oddly mana constrained considering only 2 of his abilities cost mana. Guess lowering his base mana by quite a bit really hurt him in that regard.
Jinx's face looks a million times better as well
EDIT - Mafia Jinx still has the same face. Come on... COME OOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
I guess default it is.
Is the AD ratio on E not totally insane though? It has to be one of the few abilities that directly scales true damage.
Edit: New Jinx face looks boss. No questions about day one now.