I believe Riot confirmed that had nothing to do with League iirc
She looks like Diana tbh, maybe its her new skin or the last character to be released this year.
It's pretty much one of the "signs" of lower skill level players. The whole "get X then base then figure out what to do next" thing. Instead of getting kills and then objectives, they back. Instead of going to free objectives (e.g., Jungler shows top, bot lane just backed, better get to that Dragon) without hesitation, it needs to be forced on them and those few seconds of delay can (and do) actually matter. Kind of a "one-track" mind, I guess? Accomplish goal then figure out next one, basically.
The game he's talking about is. It was less throwing everything at getting kills but more that they were focused on getting pick offs so they were getting good teamfights (e.g., 3-0, 4-1, etc.) but Dragon was already down or the fights were forced without any lane ready to push onto a tower, etc. Meanwhile, every small victory for the other team coincided with all their lanes pushed up so it went right into objectives. Eventually, down a dozen or so kills but already up to their base.Fnatic vs Royal
Riot neglected the EUW servers so they could focus all their energy on creating anime.
I've heard it said that duoing for a promotion game is suicide, but who knows. At any rate, my personal goal is to make it to gold without duoing to prove I can do it. Maybe I can't, but I'm going to keep trying to beat the odds through October, I guess. If nothing else, maybe I will end up with something like 15 lost gold promotion series by the end, for some sort of statistical anomaly.
Thanks to people who provided suggestions. As always, people are very welcome to spectate and provide constructive criticism after games, if anyone is bored.
Yep, that was the game. Thanks for filling in the details.![]()
I like it. In a guilty pleasure sort of way.
Riot teasing "surprises" for the upcoming Lucca Comic and Games festival.
They give no fucks about no nerfs.god, good nidalee players are still strong as fuck.
yWatching PBE Jinx streams makes me want to vomit.
They probably do when they blow up now close range. But when they can keep their distance and just pounce in and out safely they're crazy.They give no fucks about no nerfs.
god, good nidalee players are still strong as fuck.
I just watched this guy not land a single last hit on one of those double minion waves with cannon minions while trying hard to do it with a fully stacked minigun and being completely alone in lane.
Doran's shield is more for auto attackers ie Kennen, cloth 5 is more for casters ie Khazix. In my experience it's best to take Doran's shield on champs that have sustain like Garen, Shen or Vladamir.Doran's Shield vs Cloth Armor +5 health pots. What matchups calls for either start?
Doran's shield is more for auto attackers ie Kennen, cloth 5 is more for casters ie Khazix. In my experience it's best to take Doran's shield on champs that have sustain like Garen, Shen or Vladamir.
Doran's shield is more for auto attackers ie Kennen, cloth 5 is more for casters ie Khazix. In my experience it's best to take Doran's shield on champs that have sustain like Garen, Shen or Vladamir.
honestly not the worst thing someone could build.elder lizard sejuani in my last game.
GG, I've seen it all. Urgh.
elder lizard sejuani in my last game.
GG, I've seen it all. Urgh.
honestly not the worst thing someone could build.
My gut is telling me to buy that fedora skin. My brain is reminding me that it's fedora.New sale.
elder lizard sejuani in my last game.
GG, I've seen it all. Urgh.
Glass cannon AD Sejuani!"Worst" can go so much deeper!
so op, rito nerf pls too stronkHave you seen AD TF with Hurricane?
New sale.
That fiora skin is pretty good. I don't think I can bring myself to buy Fiora though.
Jurassic Kogbought.
My favorite skin for my first favorite champion.
I really doubt it would be anytime soon.From what I'm reading, Battlecast Kog is coming soon. Might want to hold onto that RP unless this is just the skin you must have.
I erased this game from my computer a few months ago. The other players ruined it for. I was told to kill myself over a bad Ezreal build. Talk about extreme. I've been interested in reinstalling it. Has there been many changes?
I erased this game from my computer a few months ago. The other players ruined it for. I was told to kill myself over a bad Ezreal build. Talk about extreme. I've been interested in reinstalling it. Has there been many changes?
haha good one.Yes! Ezreal rushes Trinity Force now.
From what I'm reading, Battlecast Kog is coming soon. Might want to hold onto that RP unless this is just the skin you must have.
From what I'm reading, Battlecast Kog is coming soon. Might want to hold onto that RP unless this is just the skin you must have.
Yes it is accurate.hey guise
is the mumble server information from the current OT still relevant? do you still use it or do I just omit that part?
hey guise
is the mumble server information from the current OT still relevant? do you still use it or do I just omit that part?
Apparently Nasus top with a Doran's shield, LS quints, and a health pot is an immovable object in lane? Anyone have any experience with that? I'd try, but I'd rather see if you guys have tried it before I spend 35 minutes staring at creeps in lane.
Alright, I'll keep it.
Thread is pretty much almost done. Will post tomorrow to coordinate with Costigan - he is going to claim second post for a GAF player list that can be manually updated.
Speaking of Costigan, impressions from people that read the text he wrote for the OT are, and I directly quote, "damn, [he] writes like a 6th grader". Please be excited.
Here's a thread preview. Be warned, contains plot details.
That's a shame. Been playing him out of the jungle since like mid S2 (when it wasn't that great between Q costs and itemization) and love it, but sounds like he's due a hit with the nerf bat. I guess I'd be alright with them just bringing his Siphoning Strikes cost back to what it was. Itemization is good enough nowadays that it wouldn't ruin him.Nasus is completely broken right now. He's better than old Mordekaiser in lane and has an insane late game.
Alright, I'll keep it.
Thread is pretty much almost done. Will post tomorrow to coordinate with Costigan - he is going to claim second post for a GAF player list that can be manually updated.
Speaking of Costigan, impressions from people that read the text he wrote for the OT are, and I directly quote, "damn, [he] writes like a 6th grader". Please be excited.
Here's a thread preview. Be warned, contains plot details.