
B5-S4 ;'(

[u]Group A[/u] | [u]Group B[/u]
[img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/9/96/SKT1Logo_std.png[/img]SKT T1 | [img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/3/3d/Samsunglogo_std.png[/img]Samsung Galaxy Ozone
[img]http://i.imgur.com/K1s31Yw.png[/img]OMG | [img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/4/48/Fnaticlogo_std.png[/img]Fnatic
[img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/c/ce/Lemondogslogo_std.png[/img]Lemondogs | [img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/5/5b/GambitLogo_std.png[/img]Gambit
[img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/c/cb/Tsmlogo_std.png[/img]TSM | [img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/f/f0/Teamvulcunlogo_std.png[/img]Vulcun
[img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/0/04/GamingGearLogo_std.png[/img]GamingGear EU | [img]http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/7/75/Mineskilogo_std.png[/img]Mineski
employ safe ward practices and ward over the wall/extend range with the wall
Until the brush you were gonna ward actually had 5 enemies clumped together.
B5-S4 ;'(
B5-S4 ;'(
B5-S4 ;'(
B5-S4 ;'(
Looks like the pool party skins are coming later.
I may try Zed again. Is he viable against most any mids in silver ranked? If so, what are some good general build/skill/technique orders, and/or a guide?
I might try several games with him again so that I can try to focus more on taking objectives myself in case I am doing well but teammates do not want to push buildings.
Can't you still buy pool party Ziggs?
I read this thread while at work and those pictures are way too big.![]()
I may try Zed again. Is he viable against most any mids in silver ranked? If so, what are some good general build/skill/technique orders, and/or a guide?
I might try several games with him again so that I can try to focus more on taking objectives myself in case I am doing well but teammates do not want to push buildings.
Annnd ranked again. Oh god.
Arrgh another good Quinn game (3/0 early) that ends in stupid loss.
Trying to forget about it by trying Nami in ranked. This is the stupidest idea.
I was hoping for more suggestions on skill order, build order, and/or guides, but I'm at least encouraged that relearning him might be worthwhile.viable?!?!?!?!?!?
Aight so after about a years hiatus, I decided to come back to this with a smurf.
Trying to pick up Lissandra, still rusty so any tips?
Have the PAX Skins expired yet? I know it said 5 days, but have they actually hit the switch?
This might seem stupid, but playing vs. bots in custom matches helped me play Liss. The main reason is that her Q is deceptive to hit and her W is on-click so you never really see its range. Just play vs. a bot and practice landing both until the ranges and general feel become intuitive.
Has anyone else had trouble playing Zac jungle? I've tried about 5 times and they've all been lackluster games and I'm wondering if I should just stop trying. His kit is strong, seen lots of pro vids with him doing well, obviously a strong pick, but between my inability to make him work and my current jungle picks of Sej, Naut, Udyr, Elise, and Vi, I'm wondering if I should stop trying to make it happen with Zac.
This might seem stupid, but playing vs. bots in custom matches helped me play Liss. The main reason is that her Q is deceptive to hit and her W is on-click so you never really see its range. Just play vs. a bot and practice landing both until the ranges and general feel become intuitive.
Has anyone else had trouble playing Zac jungle? I've tried about 5 times and they've all been lackluster games and I'm wondering if I should just stop trying. His kit is strong, seen lots of pro vids with him doing well, obviously a strong pick, but between my inability to make him work and my current jungle picks of Sej, Naut, Udyr, Elise, and Vi, I'm wondering if I should stop trying to make it happen with Zac.
I'm not on Verizon and I have been having the same issues. People need to stop blaming their ISPs and hold Riot accountable.Got dayum, had a game that was borderline unplayable. It was like a DBZ battle, people were teleporting all over the place. I was thinking it's Riot, but it was just me, my friend, and our jungler Nocturne, everyone else was fine. I've had some unusual lag this past few days, I'm thinking it's Verizon.
Edit: Looks like I wasn't the only one.
Who has the really long hair and is crazy thin in the left side? It took me a while to figure out what was going on in that part of the picture.
Who has the really long hair and is crazy thin in the left side? It took me a while to figure out what was going on in that part of the picture.
Vayne for sure.Looks like Vayne.
I think he works well in either area, just like Cho'gath or Zac.So is Aatrox better top lane or jungle?
picking up Teemo next.
Ok you bastards, since it only took me a day to get gold, i figure why not keep going and see if plat is reachable without having to play another 100 games.
Come watch me fail
twitch.tv/telasoman - best looking stream on twitch![]()