Stone Ocean
I'm not sure on Ahri, but Zed is a given.I'm pretty sure Zed and Ahri nerfs are pretty much confirmed.
It's either him or Botrk.
I'm not sure on Ahri, but Zed is a given.I'm pretty sure Zed and Ahri nerfs are pretty much confirmed.
This is one of those parody posts, right?
I want to spend it getting all the champs but I'm going to wait for individual sales to pick them all up. I only have 30 champs to go.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but if your mechanics are as horrible as you make them out to be, how come you do so well in 3v3? Didn't your team hit diamond like twice in the last few months? If you have barely played at all, have horrible mechanics, and yet hit diamond once or twice, does 3v3 just have a different competitive environment or something?
Because some of it is an exaggeration. Generally speaking, I'm just missing basic ward-hops and overlooking free EW harasses. Then there's just bad mid lane mechanics of not shaping lanes for ganks and not keeping the lane where I want it. Not roaming enough and/or not roaming enough without losing much in cs. Just things like that where I'm fairly confident I was better at a year ago than I am now.
Time for a new clone. #46 is about to expire.
playing with gaf has gotten to the point where almost every single game feels like an uphill struggle while missing limbs, where key roles regularly move past the point of just losing lane to feeding it and becoming useless. it is honestly worse than solo in many respects where it shouldn't be. a lot of the frustration arises from the complete lack of knowledge that many players posses. when so many of you are incapable of properly filling half the roles in the game champ select can feel like pulling teeth. guess what, it is not okay that so many of you cannot play every role. to compound matters even within those roles are limited champion pools, with which many of you still seem mechanically incompetent and unaware.
awareness in general is at an all time low. i can no longer count the number of times even within a single night where the enemy positioning will be pointed out followed by someone on my team dying. the channels for communication might as well be non-existent. warnings are not heeded, opportunities regarding objectives or ganks are not responded on, and even in spite of being so self-absorbed most players tend to be incapable on their own, wandering off to the spots on the map where they will be most useless. the most reliable thing about gaf games is that it will have players who are almost completely lacking map presence.
i don't care about winning or think i am good/above these mistakes. i understand that people can have tough lanes and lose. that's okay. but the experience of play is simply consistently unpleasant, completely lacking in both coordination and common sense. i would rather not play with people who think it's okay to feed a lane just because it's lost.
play caitlyn.xbroser, school me on the theory of when im in botlane and my options are to get that CS and eat a free AA or to just lose that CS and allow myself to be zoned.
It's roughly 220g worth of mp5. I play a rather safe and defensive Viktor mid most of the time. There are rare occasions where I'm in their AA range. Getting kills prior to level 6 and/or augment without jungle is nigh impossible unless they play dumb. You may laugh, but with mana reg yellows, I can laser almost on cool down without running dry. I don't see how combined with my playstyle, 9% less AA damage is worth giving that up. In certain matchups I'll use armor anyway tho.I wouldn't take people playing poorly as a reason to not do something to be honest. Just sort of breeds bad habits if you expect to never be auto attack (or even neglect minion damage) harassed. Especially for how minor of a bonus MP5 is for lane.
xbroser, school me on the theory of when im in botlane and my options are to get that CS and eat a free AA or to just lose that CS and allow myself to be zoned.
aaa you gotta understand that I do enough teaching irl I already feel like a toolbag piece of shit
like I gotta work on mahself u kno
but every lane is basically amurrica, you take as much shit as you can for free and make the place ur at a place where you can exploit as much as you can, then when you set up ur zone you can invade other countries
my beautiful beautiful beautiful body
So, anyone else expecting Nasus nerfs ?
I don't see any reason in this picture for him to feel lucky. Ugh.Snoopeh you lucky son of a bitch:
I want to get carried.,Hooray for getting carried!
Anyone know the mathematical formula used to calculate damage reduction from resists? I know resists aren't linear in this game, but I'd like to have a better idea of when it becomes less cost effective to stack more and more resists than pure HP. When the cost to add another 10% reduction no longer makes sense.
Ideally, right at the start.Also, when is the right time to pop botrk? Beginning of a fight? Middle? End?
Anyone know the mathematical formula used to calculate damage reduction from resists? I know resists aren't linear in this game, but I'd like to have a better idea of when it becomes less cost effective to stack more and more resists than pure HP. When the cost to add another 10% reduction no longer makes sense.
Ty sir. Will give this a once over.
It's true of every MOBA and every real team sport I've ever played. It's why you'll never see me bitch at anyone (though poking fun occasionally is fair game). Rather, I'm the guy on the team...sometimes the only guy on the team telling a feeding adc we'll buy them time so just keep farming. Or volunteering to buy wards if the support is obviously unable to afford them. Or telling people to stop bitching at each other because "we got this shit". Whatever can be done to keep spirits high. It doesn't mean there's always a good comeback, but it will never be from lack of effort. But I've also never voted to surrender either. It's not in my makeup.
Riot stahp.
I'm 9lp from promo to gold.![]()
I thought September 31 was the cutoff, only 20 days. 50 days means I might actually have a chance if I learn a champion that I can be consistent with. I'm about 3 games from being demoted to Silver IV though.You will make it.
You still have 50 days til the end of the Season.
You will make it.
You still have 50 days til the end of the Season.
Soooo when does Zac get nerfed?
I thought September 31 was the cutoff, only 20 days. 50 days means I might actually have a chance if I learn a champion that I can be consistent with. I'm about 3 games from being demoted to Silver IV though.
If any nice person in platinum wants to volunteer to teach me a champion that can reliably carry, I would welcome spectating and advice.
I thought September 31 was the cutoff, only 20 days. 50 days means I might actually have a chance if I learn a champion that I can be consistent with. I'm about 3 games from being demoted to Silver IV though.
If any nice person in platinum wants to volunteer to teach me a champion that can reliably carry, I would welcome spectating and advice.
You can do, man. Keep riding that Sej train.
Jax and Irelia will probably be hard thanks to 2v1 lanes and Zac being a cunt but the Red Baron and no color Ezreal are definitely back.It's gonna be funny seeing Jax, Irelia, and Corki/Ezreal become popular again in S3 finals. It will be just like the good ol days.
Sej is as good as the Zac train. In fact I think I like her more. I love the mobility of Q and the CC of the ult. It's huge. My one kill that match was actually sniping a group of 4 of them with my ult in a bush over the wraith wall. Max range popped the low one. Hilarious.
Guys I'm Gold V but too scared to play ranked often. I've thought about playing naked to relieve the anxiety but that doesn't seem practical. What do ?
I did better than my adc as Sona and essentially carried my team. By the end I was wishing I recorded it. Not because I was doing well, but just cause it was silly.That moment when you make a beastly play and realize that you don't have your recording software on.
Feels bad.
Guys I'm Gold V but too scared to play ranked often. I've thought about playing naked to relieve the anxiety but that doesn't seem practical. What do ?
I was like that when I got to Gold V. I slowly started playing with the mindset that I'm here to learn. Blind pick and regular draft mode wasn't cutting it out for me, so I started staying away from that. Depends on you though.
Forgiven < sorry you guys ill build chain vest next time