I decided to play my promotion games today (is my second attempt) to move to S1, since I don't play ranked in weekends.
I was fourth pick in the 2 games. The first thing I type in champ select is always. "mid if possible, support or adc if not.

" (Since jungle is my worst, and I lack experience playing top).
In the first game 2nd pick said nothing, and the only adc and mid were left, he picks Katarina (against Orianna), I picked Twitch then, everything was going alright, I got 2 kills and my cs was even, so I was ahead thanks to the kills. I got ganked by Orianna from behind, I escaped but my support died, Orianna had 4 kills. Katarina was 2/6.
The point is, Katarina tried to surrender at 20, then complained of why we declined and said "You feed Orianna". I wasn't paying too much attention to the chat, until she said like 5 times that "she won her lane." If it wasn't for the fact that I avoid to be "that guy" (and bc I'm too lazy to argue with someone I won't see again in-game) I would have said that it was her job to roam and counter-roam, it's soloQ, you can't trust your team to hear your mia's, getting 10-15 cs isn't really worth letting the other mid get 1 or 2 kills in top/bot and a tower/dragon.
Now I have exams and GTA V, so I have one month left, hmmm.