riot stahp. or otherwise i need to go to the hospital. too much cringe.
pls no
program isn't even logged in
Well, to be fair, Caitlyn kinda counters everyone in lane early on. Can't really expect someone to win lane just because they're playing Cait.Got into my quals and decide to go mid instead of ADC. What happened, you ask? Oh, just the same thing that happens to me every time I don't go ADC now. Our Cait had counterpick advantage over Corki and proceeded to feed him 6 kills in the first 10 minutes. I got counterpicked as Ahri by Leblanc and still managed to hold my lane and kill her.
Did I mention it was 5v4 in our advantage, and we lost? Oh, and one of the duo queue on our team screamed to report me for not listening, despite the fact that I was doing everything they said. I hate this goddamn game.
Well, to be fair, Caitlyn kinda counters everyone in lane early on. Can't really expect someone to win lane just because they're playing Cait.
Though you bet I expect them to win as Draven
I think that's a fair expectation of any player, despite the championThey also had Nami, queen of bubbles. She fed pretty hard to their own support.
I certainly don't think it's unfair to expect that a Cait vs Corki NOT give 6 kills to Corki in 10 minutes.
someone should make a thread for this or something.
ATTN people with AMEX debit card.
Hurry and use your money and cancel your card if you signed up for the free rp deal.
ATTN people with AMEX debit card.
Hurry and use your money and cancel your card if you signed up for the free rp deal.
Do Amazon mturk for $20 worth of work. If you do it casually you'll get it in no time.Oh damn. Speaking of these, isn't there a workaround for the direct deposit points? I still need those, but would rather not setup a direct deposit through work.
Do Amazon mturk for $20 worth of work. If you do it casually you'll get it in no time.
Or you can deposit via paypal.
he doesn't benefit from attack speed very much.Does TF Kha6 work?
How does this work? Steps?
he doesn't benefit from attack speed very much.
no. just buy damage.He could probably benefit from the MS buff and the AD proc with that 3.5 second % missing HP Q.
Corki, Ez, Jax, Irelia, Nasus, Eve, Vi, Hecarim and Skarner are all I can think of.So who wants Triforce again? Corki, Ez, Jax, Irelia, etc.?
Nice catch, that video looks like it might be obscure.haha
hallo let us figure out a time when we can do 5v5 all da same chumps
I'd reeeeeeally rather recommend Gauntlet over TF for Nasus. You're supposed to stay very long in a fight to make great use of your ult.
Eve... ehh.
Hi!Hi OT 5!
I didn't really post all that often in OT4, but I want to rectify that.
Oooh"Hey guys, dont fight, its 4v5!"
Well if you came up here motherfucker it would be 5v5! Gah!
If you can fall that far you can raise that highDropped from S1 to S4. I don't have much inspiration to play anymore after that fall. Hopefully Season 4 will shake things up enough to make things interesting. That Jinx video is so good. Hope they start doing stuff like this for older champions too!
Edit: Jinx's face is pretty mesmerizing. Her facial expressions are adorable.
If you can fall that far you can raise that high
Gotta believe
And even if you do, it'll be good practice for season 4
I dropped from g1 to g4 at least 10 times (not kidding) until i got lucky enough to get to plat.Dropped from S1 to S4. I don't have much inspiration to play anymore after that fall. Hopefully Season 4 will shake things up enough to make things interesting. That Jinx video is so good. Hope they start doing stuff like this for older champions too!
Edit: Jinx's face is pretty mesmerizing. Her facial expressions are adorable.
Dropped from S1 to S4. I don't have much inspiration to play anymore after that fall. Hopefully Season 4 will shake things up enough to make things interesting. That Jinx video is so good. Hope they start doing stuff like this for older champions too!
Edit: Jinx's face is pretty mesmerizing. Her facial expressions are adorable.
I'm pretty close to G1, we should duo sometime.Amen.
I dropped from G1 to G3 and realized I gotta just play to get better. I am close to G2 promotion and can probably get to G1 before Season ends.
Plus I think the soft reset or whatever they do will just make my climb next seasons better(I think?).
Nexusscouter is definitely useful when finding out that the enemy ADC has no lifesteal quints. Just had to keep aggresive and he went back to fountain 3 times before my first.
2 life steal let's you use dorans and sustain in laneshould ADC's have lifesteal quints equipped? I was under the impression AD was the way to go.
It would lose a lot of charm if every champ got a (music) video on release.That Jinx music video is so stupid/good. I hope from now on, all champions get this kind of treatment.