Haven't been excited for a champion release since Riven, celebrating pre-Jinx release with new avatar!
ah the level is just an indicatorMan, leveling feels like such a grind. I feel like I've been level 27 for years. I just want Bronze ;-;
because you werent being logicalWhat does being an engineer have to do with it? I thought JesseZao pointed out that the stats page rounds crits to the nearest whole number (which I believe, though I didn't check it myself today).
Cool, thanks for testing this. I always used the crit mark instead so this is good to know.So far my test results with the glyph crit chance rune (.28%) are that I'm not getting any real crit chance in game.
I ran a custom and just bought attack speed and ran around hitting minions and jungle camps. I ended with 400cs and 168k physical damage. Average hit was around 100 so say I had 1680 attacks. It's been awhile since I took stats, but I bet that's a sufficient sample to have high certainty of 0% crit chance. Rough expected crit would be 1 in ~400 attacks. My stats showed largest crit strike as 0, so no crits.
Unless you can't crit minions or jungle monsters I think crit chance below .50 or .51 is seen as zero in game.
So far my test results with the glyph crit chance rune (.28%) are that I'm not getting any real crit chance in game.
I ran a custom and just bought attack speed and ran around hitting minions and jungle camps. I ended with 400cs and 168k physical damage. Average hit was around 100 so say I had 1680 attacks. It's been awhile since I took stats, but I bet that's a sufficient sample to have high certainty of 0% crit chance. Rough expected crit would be 1 in ~400 attacks. My stats showed largest crit strike as 0, so no crits.
Unless you can't crit minions or jungle monsters I think crit chance below .50 or .51 is seen as zero in game.
did you screencap the statistics page?
Ranked queues go down at 3:30 AM, servers down for patch at 5 AM. Servers to be unavailable for about 5 hours.
So 10 AM for Jinx tomorrow.
Morello @RiotMorello
No worries, not destroying Ahri! Nerfs have some buffs with them!
I wonder if her charm will have a mini-dfg built in to it. Lower the base damage on her free-target skills and increase damage for x seconds when charm hits.
I'm Bronze Div 4, nearly Div 5 now... Honestly I think i'm going to give up on rank all together. I understand that when you get higher up you can probably find better games but I just keep running into trolls or people who just spout shit the entire game.
Past two games I did pretty good as Annie mid, but then something always went wrong...![]()
So I logged in and saw the new champ. I also see "Expierience The Music Video".
Memo to Riot - concentrate on fixing the bugs that are now a daily occurrence and then do trivial things later.
hopefully you didnt see jayce dyrus then
You get lots of free attack speed with minigun. Means lots of on hit procs.Watching someone play Jinx and he's going Shiv into Botrk. I don't really see the synergy with her kit nor does it seem to work very well - but that could be a matter of getting used to her.
Memo to Riot - concentrate on fixing the bugs that are now a daily occurrence and then do trivial things later.
I agree, but at the same time I understand why people would build that on her.I'd rather have an IE or BT on her. Seems to work out better in lane and team fights. Two AS items just seem like overkill when she already got a decent AS steroid.
just watched yolopete and libik dominate their lane as sona/jinx
forgot to check what pete built tho
jinx looks to be really strong in a winning team
and with assassin nerfs
maybe hyper carry low ranged adc are going to reign supreme again
very subtle this time riot, i like it
release short ranged hyper carry adc
nerf assassins
everybody buys jinx
2v1 lanes? buff towers.
btw our new adc has a cool enemy interaction with our newest support!
2-0 with Jinx
did get my first PENTA with her. new waifu confirmed.
(more experienced players, feel free to correct the below)
Priority order:
#1. Enemy carry. Those include but are not limited to: Cait, Miss Fortune, Varus, Graves, Jinx, Ez, Lucian, Vayne, Tristiana.
#2. Enemy mid. Those are the assassins, and are typically (but not always) magic-based. Ahri, LeBlanc, Lux, Annie, Gragas, Kassadin, Zed, etc.
#3. Enemy support.
#4 Toss up between Jungler/Top. It depends on the kind of champ it is. The least durable of the 2 is usually the proper selection. If BOTH are tanks, aim for the one that can change the game the most by pressing R (ie. Amumu).
#5 The enemy tank. Usually the top laner (Trynd, Nasus, Malphite, etc.), but sometimes the jungler (Vi, Sejunai, Nasus).
Generally speaking, you have to pray that the enemy tank isn't also the one doing all the dps (like a Trynd or Nasus). #1 and #2 are pretty close to a draw. It really depends on which is doing the best and which has the least annoying escape. For example, it's hard to target an Ezreal in a team fight because he has 2 escapes (Flash and E). Ahri is another one who can hit the ult and dance away. If the mid or ad carry doesn't have a free escape, I usually go for them first, then get the other. They're both squishy so either works. If they both have free escapes, I try to bait out at least one of them as early as possible. Beware of chasing. You can quickly find yourself separated from your team with a wall of enemies between you and your homies.
The more difficult question is how to properly engage on the priority targets in team fights. All I can really say to that is it depends on what your team comp is vs theirs. Also, priority order can switch around based on opportunity. Killing off the support is often the right call if you can get it for free (supports often get out of position and they're usually the squishiest on the team). Hard disables and big aoe shit makes team fights much easier to manage. If the enemy adc or mid makes the mistake of stepping out of position (say walking into the front of the their team to AA some minions), go for it. If chaos starts breaking out and you can make a bee-line for their necks and divert attention to yourself (if tanky), do so (if that's what will give your team the advantage in the fight, of course). Otherwise, be cautious of diving to get to someone or chasing.
This is why Vi is my go-to jungler right now. I can jump right on someone's ass mid-fight or initiate as soon as an ideal target steps out of line. It's also why I prefer Leona and Sona support. The ability to disrupt the enemy flow in team fights with Leona's Q and R or Sona's R...well I really enjoy them.
<333Boken is the only one who understands me.
capitalism > balancejinx looks to be really strong in a winning team
and with assassin nerfs
maybe hyper carry low ranged adc are going to reign supreme again
very subtle this time riot, i like it
release short ranged hyper carry adc
nerf assassins
everybody buys jinx
3-0 as luna
i got my first rampage too.
i think i found my new waifu
who is luna
It's 7800, is it not?Hmm. should I waste 1k ip and get her at 7200? Might as well. Not really doing much else with it.
Don't even have any hot runes I want except maybe health quints.
It's 7800, is it not?
Already bought the bundle, they fixed Mafia's face.