Well it took me forever in season 3 to do this, so I hope you will all forgive me an image-filled post. 399 games later:
I don't think I usually lolnexus, but I checked it after seeing we had a gold 3 mid, and then that they had a gold 3 mid. So many gold 3:
The other team surrendered though, possibly with 4 votes. I think we took all outer towers besides 1, and had not even taken any inhibitor towers.
As anyone around the GAF channel has probably noticed, I've been winning out of promotions, and going on 4-5 game losing streaks as soon as I hit a gold promotion series. This was my 5th promotion attempt in 10 days if I did the math right.
The first 4 promotion series, 14 games, I lost every single game besides two games that were 5v4 in my favor. Such loss. Wow!
Finally, a winning streak continued through the series, which was 3-0. One of the Kat games was for practice to remind myself how to play Kat.
Thanks to soda cop and garathk in particular for giving me Sejuani advice. Retrospective on some of my most played champions over the 399 season 3 games from Silver 2 down to Silver 5, then back up to Gold 5:
Nami, the eternal GAF waifu, carrying everyone to gold! I probably had some good games with her, but I was not consistent enough. Maybe I just needed to play 50+ games with her to become consistent, but it was too frustrating trying to extend assistance from the bottom lane.
Draven does it all! The same bottom lane thing would apply. Once Draven started clicking for me, I had some silly win rate like 15 wins, 3 losses, and I would win even when I did poorly in lane. However, after the passive change and the loss of the Q damage over time, I stopped doing as well with Draven.
Katarina, one of my most played champions. In season 2 I had 100 wins, 55 losses with Kat. I didn't like her after the remake as much, but with the recent change to make her R more responsive, she did seem pretty cool to play again. I played her in one of the final promotion wins.
Corki...and I would guess that 90% or more of these games were AP Corki. This was the era of AP Corki, when I got to Silver 3 or 2 and decided to start becoming consistent with a champion who could work in most mid lanes and who was rarely banned. I think this was before LCS when Corki started getting banned all the time for his bottom lane triforce success. I think I did pretty well with Corki on average, and it was fun confusing people with the crazy damage he puts out. On good games, I would generally have #1 or #2 damaeg to champions due to ult spam. I recently had a Nidalee complain about being killed by a high-damage missile...YES, NIDALEE, HOW DOES IT FEEL.
Unfortunately, Corki depends not only on me doing well, not getting carpal tunnel from holding down space too much, hitting lots of skillshots, and avoiding all the champions, but also depends on having a couple of good teammates who can stay alive or tank damage, so you have time to spam all the rockets. After I failed to get to gold with Corki, I switched over to Sejuani.
A few people spectated some of my games and provided some advice. Garathk and soda cop/dimb offered Sejuani advice in particular, and thanks again for that. I was not the best jungler or Sejuani, but I think I was at least average, and it probably helped me become a better player in general to familiarize myself with jungling constantly. Unfortunately, trying to do Sejuani all the time also coincided with the 10 days of losing 4 promotion attempts. So, I switched back to AP mid for two games, and one final good Sejuani game to end it, and finally accomplished my goal of getting gold without (as far as I remember) duoing.
Thanks to anyone who cheered me on.