First time using Elise as top. Was fun to lane against Singed, going to try her out more against tanky top champs.
Also, nexus scouter updated their scouter report and is also listing the rune page names. Going to see some funny names soon.
I'm more surprised by this:
Since when is Curse logo in LoLnexus?
curse bought them
curse have been buying a bunch of lol websites recently (the tsm sites too)
Since when is Curse logo in LoLnexus?
When they took over the advertising part of most league sites.
WCG Korean Finals Tonight
SS Blue vs CJ Blaze
Double posting to tell that the final is live now:
Good to see Koreans breaking out riven, i guess its time for her to get nerfed.
Jesus, I paid $8 for this shit and Twitch is lagging every 3 seconds. Goddamn.
You're from Europe?
Oh and
It was confirmed that froggen has left EG
Rip in peace
But who else could they get in Europe? Shuhei?So I guess the EG Ocelote rumors are true? Wouldn't surprise me I suppose, EG has always valued popularity just as much as actual skill. Still, Ocelote seems like a strange value proposition, I think I would have rather tried an up-and-comer than sticking with Ocelote.
I wonder if this means Snoopeh might come back.
That or Krepo retires and the team gets TPA'd.
But who else could they get in Europe? Shuhei?
I don't follow the EU Challenger scene very closely so it's hard for me to give names, but I'd rather see them take a chance on a hot prospect instead of a dying flame. Kinda like what Curse is doing with Quas.
Pretty much. There's no reason to go after ocelote.I don't follow the EU Challenger scene very closely so it's hard for me to give names, but I'd rather see them take a chance on a hot prospect instead of a dying flame. Kinda like what Curse is doing with Quas.
Froggen says it's not true
Dammit ppl
I still find it really hard to believe that EG as we know it is breaking up. But I suppose anything is possible in this crazy crazy world.
What is happening?Link?
EG died with Idra!
What is happening?Link?
EG died with Idra!
my normal elo must be insane right now
im getting 5 minute queues and placed with and against platinum players
my normal elo must be insane right now
im getting 5 minute queues and placed with and against platinum players
Shyvanna top is looking mighty legit right now.
So I posted about trying to get gold in the Reddit thread for the season 3 extension yesterday. Got home and had a new friend request. Didn't recognize the name but I figured it was someone I played with the day before. Turns out he saw my post and he's like "let's get you gold." I figure one game can't hurt, let's give it a shot. He first picks Poppy, I'm thinking this dude is just messing with me.
He was not messing with me.
You know how some people have like 800 games on the same champ? Well this guy is one of those dudes. And that champ is Poppy. Holy moly.
I played Sona, landed some nice ults and got my carry fed. Poppy handled top and went on to wreck faces everywhere and we won. woot. Dude says he's going to play Poppy until we lose, I say fine with me, we win 3 more and I get into Silver 1.
Three weeks to go!
So I posted about trying to get gold in the Reddit thread for the season 3 extension yesterday. Got home and had a new friend request. Didn't recognize the name but I figured it was someone I played with the day before. Turns out he saw my post and he's like "let's get you gold." I figure one game can't hurt, let's give it a shot. He first picks Poppy, I'm thinking this dude is just messing with me.
He was not messing with me.
You know how some people have like 800 games on the same champ? Well this guy is one of those dudes. And that champ is Poppy. Holy moly.
I played Sona, landed some nice ults and got my carry fed. Poppy handled top and went on to wreck faces everywhere and we won. woot. Dude says he's going to play Poppy until we lose, I say fine with me, we win 3 more and I get into Silver 1.
Three weeks to go!
Oh, looks like Draven is free. I'll be sure to try him out.