Are you serious? Weird game modes and duplicate champions sound fun to me.
it's a bug tho.
need some buying advice, got 56k IP
i got those already:

Are you serious? Weird game modes and duplicate champions sound fun to me.
I have an idea for s4....
all teemo all shroom
Why is my name gibberish nonsense like 123123j12k3j12l5khjdsgb?
I just switched from EU nordic to EU West cause one of my friends was there, but I hope that this name is not going to stick...
go on...
You need some Draven.it's a bug tho.
need some buying advice, got 56k IP
i got those already:
You need some Draven.
it's a bug tho.
need some buying advice, got 56k IP
i got those already:
Let's just say it involves our EUW brethren, and NA overlords
Your lack of Elise is alarming. Unless you're gold, then you'll get her for free.
Also, Jarvin.
it's a bug tho.
need some buying advice, got 56k IP
i got those already:
-_-never. there are three champs i will never buy: Draven, Ezrael and Lee Sin.
4 AP champs on the enemy team.
Our Nasus rushes Randuins.
Dobkeratops is a shitter.
Carried his bitch ass. Conki OP.
safe doge
costigan so mad because i made him look bad in front of his premades
14 / 2 / 12 Vi with absolute control of the jungle, all of the buffs and dragons and barons and punching objectives
you wish you was dis good
In the final game of my promo series, all lanes are doing well, game is looking good, i'm bullying Nasus away from farm as Renekton... then it happens.
"Guys, i'll brb in 2 minutes I promise" -Brand Mid
Our jungle Diana has to take over mid against their Nid. Diana is underleveled and Nid has just hit 6. She's not in lane for more than a minute before dying, and continues to die every time she returns to lane. ~8 minutes and a fed Nidalee later, brand comes back and is like "WTF you guys fed Nid?!?!" Everyone proceeds to rage at Diana for the remainder of the game and we lose in blowout. They were rallying for everyone to report our Diana and nobody even mentioned Brand's AFK, even though it put us in that situation in the first place. Baffles me.
Probably ult nerfs on both of them.What do you think Riot will change about Ahri in the next patch? (If I remember correctly they said they will do tweaks for Ahri and Kassadin[?] in the next patch).
I'm just curious. Or maybe Riot will just tweak assassins for S4. (?)
I do. So that's Halo, League and Terraria, lol.I have a feeling Ahri, Kass, Zed and Fizz are all going to get nerfed somehow. Maybe LeBlanc and Kha'Zix and Rengar will become the main assassins, lol.
Does anyone here play Terraria?
I have a feeling Ahri, Kass, Zed and Fizz are all going to get nerfed somehow. Maybe LeBlanc and Kha'Zix and Rengar will become the main assassins, lol.
Does anyone here play Terraria?
I have a feeling Ahri, Kass, Zed and Fizz are all going to get nerfed somehow. Maybe LeBlanc and Kha'Zix and Rengar will become the main assassins, lol.
Does anyone here play Terraria?
report syndra