i dunno. riot tuned back the number of skin releases to up the quality, but at the same time they increased the prices. pbe stuff is never certain, but it seems like zyra will only have skins that cost extra $$$.Why not the same same price as underworld TF (which I probably will pick up)?
i dunno. riot tuned back the number of skin releases to up the quality, but at the same time they increased the prices. pbe stuff is never certain, but it seems like zyra will only have skins that cost extra $$$.
almost all reworks at this point have new effects. the pricing scheme is idiotic. if you discount new champion release skins, the average skin price this year is 1264.Zyra has new skin with new plants and probably some new effects.
It should be 1350.
then they should put more effort into the skin. i'm pretty sure it has no sfx and it's frankly pretty boring in game. doesn't explain why the average skin price has risen across all champions either.yeah they pretty much said it. There was a big discussion on the forums. IronStylus said that she's the most time consuming and difficult champion to make skins for cos there are so many models involved.
Well we're playing a free game. They can handle market practices as they like.My fave new marketing scheme is how they put 1350 skins out "on sale" at 975 to get more people to buy them at release, because, "on sale." Really, they just upped the price to use this "get a deal" psychology on people to trick them into impulse buying more.
except you can't get Noxus Poppy anymore h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4
Comparing the two isn't really fair because you are guaranteed to beat your cost with what you receive and, I don't think better skins are weighted to be less common (but who knows) + you can only get skin for a champ you own
Keys on the other example, a lot in the chest can be worth less, better items are weighted down. Can get items for heroes y don't care for
Tho it can be said that unlike Leeg, you can offload the stuff you don't want (generally stuff nobody wants either - so only a low $ refund)
I know you can't get something "worth" less than you pay for the Mystery, but getting a skin you never intended to buy is essentially worthless and you basically paid Riot for the thrill of gambling. The Legendaries and Ultimates are just outnumbered by the other skins, so of course you have a lower chance to get one. I don't buy skins unless they are on sale, so if I get anything less than a 975+ skin, I already spent more than I normally would. Additionally, I may not even like the skin or play the champ much that I get one for. I'm just saying it's going to be a popular promo because gambling is fun and people won't care that they got a lame prize. "Spirit Guard Udyr or Pulsefire Ezreal could just be one "pull" away! So I GOTTA try just ONE more time"
I'm not complaining about their ecommerce, I think it's fun to study/observe is all.
Jinx me if old.
From the official forums. Looks miles better than what is in game atm and much closer to her art/splash.
Also having been away from everything LoL for months I'm barely catching up to the changes made and who thought Sivir VU looked good? That face and hair are just blegh. Compared to what their doing with some of the newer champions and even some of the VU, I think Sivir VU falls super short. :/
tbh yeah, sivirs' face is a little weird, but in the grand scheme of things the face isnt important and so they probably spend little effort there
yeah there are less legendaries so you have a lower chance to get them, but im saying it seems like an arithmetic average, unlike the dota drop system where its a weighted chance%
i.e. 1 legendary skin out of 100 possible, 1% chance. whereas in a treasure chest, there might be say 10 items with 1 legendary and the chance to get a legendary is like, 1% or something
but i dunno, the "gambling" hook seems a little weaker in the mystery gift department because the person gambling doesnt reap the full rewards, nor does he get instant gratification.
now if you could mystery gift yourself, thats full force gambling.
i play with the camera zoomed in all the way when i play lulu.
Needs some of datthat garen build...too tanky. not enough arp.
i play with the camera zoomed in all the way when i play lulu.
silver 2!
why you give me hope riot.
Haha. One more division. Just one.
Watch me stream some normals because my main is banned
Laggin a lot, lol. still trying to sort things out.
zyra skin
dat creepy passive.
dat e
dat w
dat ranged plant
dat melee plant
dat creepy ult
dat back animation
will buy for 2800rp riot pls charge me
zyra skin