i disagree, she has no hard cc aside from ult, which is perfectly dodgeable and on a crazy high cooldown and her damage isn't that high unless she's very farmedToo much damage for the amount of utility she brings IMO.
she has a healthy mix of both which is why she's so good, and if fed she'll qw chunk half your adc's hp but again she has to be fed and that doesn't really matter
I don't just call every champ I lose to op, lol. I have a list, and that list is:
Also if you can get fed as ire you can be a beast mid game. With triforce complete you can burst squishies with ease. I just got a triple off my resets alone lol.
Lee - yes, op, needs straight nerfs.
Ori - lol no
Draven - has some anti-fun shit like winning all the aa trades thanks to crazy q but he has zero survivability tools so if you can't deal with him it's usually on you. i wouldn't touch him, he's a weird pick for crazy people which is pretty cool
Lulu - no, she's annoying but really low damage, isn't a tank, doesn't scale that crazy. i don't like her being strong in top lane but she's cool mid, brings variety to the mix
Morg - yes, op, shitty kit overall
Thresh - kit will kind of always be op because of how good it is but champion is so cool i wish at one point they say "that's it" and just starting putting other supports in line. shield nerf is ok
Nid - haven't tried new nida enough to say but she didn't sound that impossible to deal with
also fed zyra is ridonks