oh i missed you nev
anywho the anti-fun factor being 100% caused by autotargeted spells is debatable as fuck.
specifically of those champions, neither irelia, jax or kassadin having targeted spells has anything to do with them being annoying as fuck. it's either snowballing, scaling or crazy mobility respectively. the annoying spell about kassadin is r, the annoying thing about jax is his passive and ult and irelia who knows how many things are wrong with her at any given moment
ryze is a bit similar to jax, but also kind of combined with irelia in a big blob of unfunness that should be destroyed from the game
tristana is a mix of everyone and everything about her is stupid and she should be reworked. i totally agree with everything you listed
now those champions, specially ryze rune prison and trist dot thingie having targeted spells makes them annoying? sure, but it's not what breaks them, not at all.
now the other thing is this idea that all skillshots makes champions much better but think about old nidalee or ziggs or even new xerath, those champions are as anti-fun as it gets. skillshots aren't necessarily an instantaneous skill-requirement unless on very low elos and giving some spells skillshot status would actually be a pretty big buff (imagine if ap trist could e+ult you from fog of war)
targeted spells aren't the big problems, it's just a particular set of shitty champions that really suck for a bunch of reasons larger than that.
now much like with lucy, nerf the fuck out of em and move on
i agree with the latter part but i think riot should be smarter about it
release yasuo imo was perfect (aside from bugs here and there) and they just ruined him by kneejerk buffing him like crazy to the point everyone hates him now
somewhat similar to what happened to lucy
they need to understand that crazy champions are delicate matters