Stupid nephew putting me on chat restriction
Only 2 games before it goes away
Srs guise I'm 0-2 with Amumu
Where is my Freelo
i played all fucking day, all fucking day. where do I end up? with three striaght losses right back at 0 LP. fuck this game.
Spectral wraith, freelo. Gold in no time.Stupid nephew putting me on chat restriction
Only 2 games before it goes away
Srs guise I'm 0-2 with Amumu
Where is my Freelo
idk why u didn't just go ham on tryn and just beat his ass inside out. he can't do anything until he gets his ult.
What was the site with all the 3v3 resources?
He still failed because he said he was aiming for 30 deaths :^)
I dunno why these people use the old jungle route.
The no smite Wraiths -> smite Wolves route is slower and you take more damage if you do a full clear, which is most likely what you're gonna do. I guess if you know 100% you're going to invade then Wraiths to Wolves is fine, but...
just a pet peeve of mine.
As a beginner jungler, is there a current guide to these routes? I would appreciate that!
Jungle openings are even simpler than they used to be. The only intelligent start is buff then wolves OR wraiths then 2nd buff, which can transition into anything else (more farming, gank top or mid or bot, invading the enemy jungle). You always do the same thing until you kill the 2nd buff, which will give you level 3, and then you're absolutely free in doing what you prefer.
Their Swain being AFK helped us get the win, but even then those 4 were tough as nails in team fights!
Hm, as a Wukong, I usually do buff, then wolves, then teleport home, then wraith->wolves->teleport home -> wolves->wraith->try to gank-> if not, 2nd buff, or teleport home.
I am horribly inefficient then
Or I need to devise a way to survive that first route ending with 2nd buff with Wukong's starting 4 potions...
Edit: Oh, okay, just saw a video. Damn, what kind of difference does a full proper rune page make![]()
Oh I didn't realize you were not level 30. The only feedback I can give you then is that lee sin can do the opening I talked about earlier but he still has to base after the 2nd buff. Warwick and xin zhao are probably pretty similar, but yeah you can't really jungle without any runes.
I know general consensus is wait for tier 3 runes, but would you recommend Arnold getting some tier 1 armour runes if they are going jungle? Going back a while but I am sure I picked up a bare minimum to help.
Wukong can get a bit low in the jungle. Are you getting a leash for your buff - that is when mid and either top/bot help you kill the buff? You want to smite it, no point saving it as cool down so low.
Either that or pick a champ that loses less health. Elise is great if you have her, the spiders can be used to tank the damage from camps. At early stages Warwick will certainly sustain as well, even if he is a bit meh overall.
I was talking about in 3v3
The optimal jungle route in 3v3 if you're not invading/doing a full clear is smite wraiths, do doubles, smite wolves.
A lot of 3v3 junglers still do the old route no matter what they're doing, which is grossly inefficient (wraiths, smite wolves, doubles).
Cmon, Nev. I expect more from you.Oh, you're going to win your last promo match with a huge lead and advantage? Here, let me take your 5/2 mid afk for the rest of the match since minute 15 while his premade, to our questions about his premade coming back says: "idk he dc dont know if coming back, all we need is throwmail and we win" Yes, throwmail. Compensation? Lose your promos and fuck you.
This garbage game can burn in fucking hell. Keep releasing shitty skins while the AFK system is the biggest joke in the entire history of multiplayer games. Reinstalling Dota2 cya.
The fact that there is literally nothing you can do about this is the worst part. Riot can be a lot of good things, but when it comes to community/penalties is trash tier. I don't think there's worse than them. They're laughable.
dude thornmail is the best item to get on master yi
like once they start focusing u they take damage and u have 100 armor so u wont take as much
I wanna be a better jungler. It's the one role that keeps me from just calling fill these days. I'll do it, and I'll be somewhat decent at it, but I don't have as much impact in games as I want to, so I try to leave the role open to those who know it better.
i still don't know how you people can enjoy junglingJungling is fun! I like it best because I have terrible mechanics. Unlike laning, you don't have to be good at last hitting and you hardly ever 1v1 against anybody, so nobody will notice if you're bad at auto-attack cancelling or whatever the fuck laners have to do to be successful.
Basically jungling is best understood as laner management. You roam around looking for opportunities to set your laner up for success by ganking, warding, collapsing on objectives or enemies that are out of position, pinging them to retreat which they never do, and generally giving them a chance to showcase their strong points.
At low elo, honestly, you can be a very effective jungler just by showing up and buying wards. I'm not that good at ganking, but if the enemy jungler doesn't leave their jungle until second buff, you can make an impact just by trying. Leave tower diving to the Golds and just focus on burning some enemy summoners and not losing your double buffs. Gank lanes that are winning or losing by just a little, where the enemy is extended, and your guys has enough hit points. Don't gank lanes that are losing badly! Screw those guys, they will get you killed.
Take your first back with at least 1k gold, start upgrading your jungle item, and buy a green and a pink. Then go out and get wards all over the field. Wards win games, but really effective wards need to go in places laners rarely go. You can go to those places. Pink bushes near or on the river, green near objectives or in jungle bushes near where the fighting's likely to happen (if you're winning, deep wards to get picks and steal buffs; if you're losing, ward your own jungle so that they don't get picks and steal your buffs). After support, you are the primary warder.
That's basically it. If you kill their bot lane, do dragon. If you win a teamfight, take an objective, then MAYBE do baron. And don't forget to get boots first after jungle item, because you walk a lot.
this thread is kinda interesting, at least just reading the red posts:
Out of Lucian's strengths, his auto range matters the least.unfortunately, so far anyway, they chose the wrong weakness to give him by gutting his range. It makes the champion practically useless and it will never be played.
Out of Lucian's strengths, his auto range matters the least.
Lucian had 3 main things that combined made him who he is, damage, mobility and his effective range. Riot had to pick 1 to be his weakness. Removing his damage or mobility would make 100% sure that he would never be played ever again unless he got buffed/reworked a year from now. Changing him around a lower range is the only way he can keep his strengths instead of just being removed from bot lane.
I said main strengthsexcept he is now going to be removed from bot lane. because they got it wrong. nerfing to 500 range was the wrong weakness to give him.
and he had more than three strengths.
I said main strengths
What would you suggest was done to Lucian then? Because touching his damage or mobility would kill him no questions asked.
I would have to sit and have a think about it. Come back to me on it.
But I can tell you for sure the 500 range nerf is a disgustingly heavy handed way to give him a weakness.
it's times like these where I wish I had Riot's tools and could mess about with champions all day long
It's disappointing to me that after several months of observation, this was the best idea they could come up with.Lucian is a perfect example of why properly dealing with Lee Sin is so hard and why it takes time to do these things.
Lucian had high burst damage, sustained damage, mobility, decent range, and absurd passive, safety etc. etc. He had little to no weaknesses and a lot of strengths, so they had to make a weakness for him.
unfortunately, so far anyway, they chose the wrong weakness to give him by gutting his range. It makes the champion practically useless and it will never be played.
Imagine if they did that to Lee Sin. Created a weakness and got it completely wrong. There would be murder, and rightly so. I am really scared that Lucian is going to actually be nerfed to 500 range. It will kill the champion.
That's why changing Lee is so hard and why it will take them time to get it right. I would rather a champion be strong until they can figure out a way to accentuate its strengths and give it weaknesses.
If they just nerf the champions in the mean time, it basically turns them into old Olaf, Urgot, Diana, Hecarim, Yorick, old Heimer, old Skarner, old Maokai etc. and just reduces the amount of viable champions. If they nerf Lee the jungle pool will be reduced to two top tier junglers that will be pick or ban every game and everyone will complain about the same thing.
the entire jungler pool needs a retune, like they did coming into this season (and then fucked up by continuously reducing the pool of viable junglers). It will probably be a seasonal change.
two different topics entirelyLucian is a perfect example of why properly dealing with Lee Sin is so hard and why it takes time to do these things.
Lucian had high burst damage, sustained damage, mobility, decent range, and absurd passive, safety etc. etc. He had little to no weaknesses and a lot of strengths, so they had to make a weakness for him.
unfortunately, so far anyway, they chose the wrong weakness to give him by gutting his range. It makes the champion practically useless and it will never be played.
Imagine if they did that to Lee Sin. Created a weakness and got it completely wrong. There would be murder, and rightly so. I am really scared that Lucian is going to actually be nerfed to 500 range. It will kill the champion.
That's why changing Lee is so hard and why it will take them time to get it right. I would rather a champion be strong until they can figure out a way to accentuate its strengths and give it weaknesses.
If they just nerf the champions in the mean time, it basically turns them into old Olaf, Urgot, Diana, Hecarim, Yorick, old Heimer, old Skarner, old Maokai etc. and just reduces the amount of viable champions. If they nerf Lee the jungle pool will be reduced to two top tier junglers that will be pick or ban every game and everyone will complain about the same thing.
the entire jungler pool needs a retune, like they did coming into this season (and then fucked up by continuously reducing the pool of viable junglers). It will probably be a seasonal change.
It's disappointing to me that after several months of observation, this was the best idea they could come up with.
two different topics entirely
first the more i think about it the lucy nerfs are actually cool and reinforcing the strengths of his character. yea it could've been 525 but that would've probably need watering down his entire kit. he got to keep his passive, he has no cost low cd mobility, crazy burst, etc. he's gonna have worse laning and teamfighting and if you miss culling you're gonna be in trouble but hey that's a weakness for you. tbh short range lucy makes me excited as i think it's cool for adcs to have a wider array of ranges and make the role more diverse
and cmon now, it's not hard to slightly nerf lee sin, just take some damage out, it's not that bad. 40 instead of 50 on q, make his ult deal a bit less damage, that won't olaf him and people won't stop picking him.
yes.are you referring to the Lucian change? Because if so, I agree.
I really don't know who the main "basically okay at everything" ADC will be when Lucian is gone. Jinx and MF don't have dashes. Graves?