watghost you aren't an expert on "asian" things in my book anymore this is probably a good thing for you
meddler said:Next champ's a top laner. Balancing a lane or the meta's not something we try to do with a single release though, the roster's too big and the game too complex for that to be a viable approach.
guys i downloaded a japanese movie where do i find subtitles
how am i supposed to help u translate an entire movie on a phone
Yeah. You basically need to lose like 80% of your matches to get demoted.
In practice this is more to deal with trolls and people that got carried, really. I have yet to see someone complaining about getting demoted.
Yeah, that's true.
Is there confirmation of the entire level thing below? Kiwi's rating must have been dropping due to inactivity really fast at gold level.No warning. Sort of knew my mmr was dropping when I was playing with guys in their placements lol.
Guess that's what happen when I keep stopping for a few weeks, coming back and playing ranked, and repeat. Should play more normals for practice and stuff but w/e. I'll try get back before season ends.
I might normally disagree, but this may actually be kind of true now since the Tribunal's apparently been disabled for the last few months. Is Riot doing anything at the moment other than automated chat restrictions?The fact that there is literally nothing you can do about this is the worst part. Riot can be a lot of good things, but when it comes to community/penalties is trash tier. I don't think there's worse than them. They're laughable.
It takes like 5 bot games to get to level 5 though. I can understand complaining about 30, but 5?it really sucks that you can't use your accounts to post on cross-region forums and that you're required to grind to level 5 to even post there
i really want to like give my thoughts on sona or whatever but it sucks that i'm completely incapable to
how accounts and regions work in this game is really fucking stupid
Normal and ranked MMR are different, so if you played a lot of normal you might encounter better opponents.Huh I think match making is broken on my smurf account lol this was my solo queue normal game. Something doesn't seem quite right here. (?? Bronze opponents)
You probably read that something about Normal > Team Builder MMRAre you sure? I thought I read some patch notes a few months ago that said your ranked MMR should correlate with your normal MMR. Maybe It was a dream.
Did you also use to read 'Word Up' magazine?
yea it's just annoying cos playing bot games on 200 ping with free champions is no fun at allIt takes like 5 bot games to get to level 5 though. I can understand complaining about 30, but 5?
Let's play guess the champion game.
Tristana (wild guess)
Twisted Fate
Corki (maybe Lucian)
pentakiru sona on sale next
fuck yeah
they're doing weird champion+skin bundles in argieland, is it happening anywhere else?
what's weird is that they're also discounting skins individually by like 10%
edit: wow there was like a world cup event apparently? i missed this shit completely
so cool
just the crappy soccer skins for lucian and other champs no one remembers anymore.
Is the Soccer Ward skin still up? I need to get it before it's gone.
yeahThe packs for making the riot soccer team are so expensive to buy a single one =S
this thread is kinda interesting, at least just reading the red posts: http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=4686014
what i never get about riot and lee sin is why they can't just nerf his damage a little bit. yea it's not making him have any more counterplay or be a more interesting champion or anything but it's just a simple quality of life for the whole game improvement that wouldn't break him whatsoever and would make everyone else marginally happier
it's low risk low reward but why the fuck not, just make your players happy while you work on the complicated nerfs
i still don't know how you people can enjoy jungling
it's just putting fires everywhere while getting blamed for everything and farming as a jungler is so boring
i mean my friends that like to play jungler is because they don't want to be shit on in lane which makes sense as we've gotten to the point where i guess it shows but still