Stone Ocean
Yasuo got a pretty significant change last patch and his lategame is already being looked into.thats the only change to yasuo
who balances this thing
Yasuo got a pretty significant change last patch and his lategame is already being looked into.thats the only change to yasuo
who balances this thing
thats the only change to yasuo
who balances this thing
well it's obviously just either q or e or both if you do a comboEnlighten me please~ So far the one move that I find effective enough to activate his blight with is his Q.
soni rework is a ways offSo no Sona changes still right?
that's on pbe tho right?in other non-sad and unwarranted and dumb news
this is happening:
it's actually a pretty decent buff to ahri since it basically frees her completely from athenes foreverYES, AHRI BUFFS. I'M IN TEARS.
This slight but noticeable buff (lower mana cost) is enough to make me happy with this patch.
Greg Street, aka Ghostcrawler, aka the guy who let Druids completely curbstromp everyone in World of Warcraft for a year.thats the only change to yasuo
who balances this thing
Greg Street, aka Ghostcrawler, aka the guy who let Druids completely curbstromp everyone in World of Warcraft for a year.
I'll miss the shit looking blue square L.the new League icon is pretty sweet
he new League icon is pretty sweet[IMG][/QUOTE]
So a sale or so ago I picked up Ziggs and Fizz as I am sorely lacking in mid laners. Had a game with Ziggs. I pressed Q. I threw bombs. We won.
So that's him learnt.
Fizz I am still struggling with. I have had a look at guides, I get the general skill order and items (Lich into...stuff) but I have no idea how to use him. I understand he is single target death par excellence but do you Q in first, do I just wait for the lich procs or E in like a madman/fish.
It might not have helped my first game was against a gold Yasuo, and next was against a Talon that I had no idea how to handle.
A few tips for Ziggs, save your Satchel Charge for escape, and not use it for farming if you don't need to. Save your passive for harass against the enemy champ.So a sale or so ago I picked up Ziggs and Fizz as I am sorely lacking in mid laners. Had a game with Ziggs. I pressed Q. I threw bombs. We won.
So that's him learnt.
Fizz I am still struggling with. I have had a look at guides, I get the general skill order and items (Lich into...stuff) but I have no idea how to use him. I understand he is single target death par excellence but do you Q in first, do I just wait for the lich procs or E in like a madman/fish.
It might not have helped my first game was against a gold Yasuo, and next was against a Talon that I had no idea how to handle.
It's testing on the PBEHow do you get the new client?
Autoattack reset on Lucian E is huge. Still, I'll have to see how he performs in different matchups.
looks like caitlyn will be the one lane bully to rule them all.
looks like caitlyn will be the one lane bully to rule them all.
im confused about this, was his auto ever not up after a dash?
i think he means the reset on his E, hitting someone with Lucian's passive reducs the cooldown by 4 seconds vs champions, he'll get to E > AA >W > AA > Q > AA and E confused about this, was his auto ever not up after a dash?
Oh, that. Yeah it's weird, sometimes he'd just stop after a E.Yes. Sometimes you would see a Lucy E in and then just stand still for a while until his auto was up. It has cost me kills before. It will mostly affect the laning phase, but Lucian will become a lot smoother to play.
im confused about this, was his auto ever not up after a dash?
Autoattack reset on Lucian E is huge. Still, I'll have to see how he performs in different matchups.
wow sona looks amazing
That's because they got rid of the weird yellow highlightsWhat the hell happened to her hair, looks more simple.
[Glacial Fissure ( R ) his four second slow field's slow duration reduced to .25 seconds from 1.5 seconds/quote]
Now if Braum only slightly grazes me with his ult I can actually run away
Looks like Sona got a texture update
wow sona looks amazing
Niceee, Sona update isn't part of this patch right?believe me, she looks amazing, specially on new map. jpegs don't make her justice
she really pops, so pretty to look at
from what i can tell at least guqin is unchanged, haven't tested the other skins
nothing sona in 4.12 unfortunatelyNiceee, Sona update isn't part of this patch right?
[Glacial Fissure ( R ) his four second slow field's slow duration reduced to .25 seconds from 1.5 seconds/quote]
Now if Braum only slightly grazes me with his ult I can actually run away
That will certainly help. I still think he's going to be slightly broken.
Surprise Sona VU? Neat. Maybe now Muse Sona won't look like shit
That's because they got rid of the weird yellow highlights
Looks better IMO
believe me, she looks amazing, specially on new map. jpegs don't make her justice
she really pops, so pretty to look at
from what i can tell at least guqin is unchanged, haven't tested the other skins
No, it's likely for 4.13Niceee, Sona update isn't part of this patch right?
*Sona Pics*
Bububut cleavage is the best part.Bunch of shots down at her clevage, how bout a zoom in of the face.
apparently they'll touch up her skins too
like always i'd love for some new splash arts but riot keeps dodging that for whatever reason i'll never understand
very unlikely the skins will get custom effects aside from a few detailsOh thats nice since her pentakill model got a rework but no new effects and voice
very unlikely the skins will get custom effects aside from a few details
Bunch of shots down at her clevage, how bout a zoom in of the face.
i wouldn't get my hopes upMaybe a new stance/instrument animation since Sona is touching everything except the cords.