oh yea soni really needs a slit dress skin
Yep.Is the patch coming tonight?
I need mecha aatrox
mecha aatrox won't be tonight
btw is it just me or jayce will be pretty dumb this patch?
playoffs in lcs are now bo5
sorry tsm
You only hold Q during fights if you have the time to safely charge it.When in team fights or against an enemy champ, after landing Varus' W passive, and want to follow with his Q attack, do you press the key quickly or keep it charged for a second or so then release?
quick tapWhen in team fights or against an enemy champ, after landing Varus' W passive, and want to follow with his Q attack, do you press the key quickly or keep it charged for a second or so then release?
Lolplayoffs in lcs are now bo5
sorry tsm
Also finals are 2 weeks before worlds, monta upset. Not enough time to boot camp.
quick tap
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
Thanks, but gotdayum at the damage on this thing though, what other characters single hit attacks that deal big damage lik Varus' Q? Only other character I can think of are Nidalee and Vi.
Thanks so it was suggested that I start learning some other top lane champions, I'm still trying to decide which ones. I'll probably go with Jax and Shyvana.wow, congrats! That's pretty incredible.
powerchords b pimpin
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
The maximum achievable life steal in Season 4 is 231%, using Sion equipped with 5 Bloodthirsters, a Spirit Visage, Vampirism at rank 3, three Greater Quintessences of Life Steal, a nearby teammate with Zeke's Herald, and using rank 3 Cannibalism.
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
"International Wild Card (IWC) regions will also get in on the action in Seattle with Latin America and Brazil facing-off for one of the International Wild Card spots for Worlds."
Believe it or not, we had to come from behind to get this one. Things started out even, though it started to tilt in the enemy's favor. It was the right thing to camp out Jax's lane, I managed to feed him 3 kills early on while Kass/Trist and Syndra were getting squished. We got dragon, lost a few teamfights, then finally got on a good comeback trail. Mercifully, the enemy team had a hard time seiging, so we just let Jax scale up while picking off people in the jungle or trying to splitpush toplane. Eventually Jax got to full strength and they could group, so we just picked them one at a time until we were able to storm base and end the game.
Would your team be willing to scrimFun fact: their J4 and Jinx were plat. There was a point where we had literally zero towers. They had twice as many kills as us at one point.
vs the GAF team?
What kind of damn team comp and item customization s that? Is that how they play in Bronze?
which teamWho's on it?
What kind of damn team comp and item customization s that? Is that how they play in Bronze?
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
WOW! So I just got accepted to that Robert Morris University Varsity LoL scholarship program. I'm still in disbelief somewhat.
That's nice. I think I had that happen to me once or twice.patchnotes said:Fixed a bug that occasionally caused players with low LP to be demoted when losing a ranked match that would drop them to 0 LP
I'm the star player.Who's on it?
That's nice. I think I had that happen to me once or twice.