yea i chose to let that go just to keep conversation rolling lolThis thread is a counter to my brain.
this is not necessarily bad as it could be a situational item much like morellos effectiveness is much boosted when there's a swain or mundo on the enemy teamSince there are heroes without mana, mana steal is bound to be not as useful if it is a hero ability, and if it is an item, it would inherently make the slippery slope of wins/losses more slippery (dominating teams further reducing their opponent's options).
Sure it would, and you know what, Riot is changing to be like that. They're adding more and more items with strange effects. Blade of the Ruined King is a direct counter to non-mobile, tanky champions. You steal movement speed and do more damage to the enemy the more health they have.
Your example is also kind of ridiculous, because that's like saying that mana steal is the same as silence, when it's not at all. Blind = all attacks miss. Mana steal =/= all magic attacks miss (aren't able to cast). Not that I think a mana stealing item is good. And I specifically was talking about an ability, not an item anyway.
Ferrio said:1. The mana burn/steal will be so insignificant it won't do shit.
2. It'll be over powered and the champ will be banned/picked all the time.
I mean what's the compelling reason to have it in the game? Because Dota has it?
I mean what's the compelling reason to have it in the game? Because Dota has it?
Does Dota even have a mana burn item? I honestly don't know.
It's useless power with no counterplay that makes an otherwise perfect champion annoying. You should be losing CS because Ori might hit you with the ball and autos, not because she dropped 50 mana of her mana for ori denying with her ball, i thought that was a fun little hidden mechanic, same with zed shadow and whatnot. i'm a fan of those things that might not be intended but give a player expression nonetheless. and it has tradeoffs, it forces you to waste mana on sending your ball to a useless position and away from you, which can be taken advantage of, so it's not like it's just a totally broken mechanic or anything
there are a lot of no-counterplay and annoying things in the gameIt's useless power with no counterplay that makes an otherwise perfect champion annoying. You should be losing CS because Ori might hit you with the ball and autos, not because she dropped 50 mana of her mana pool.
Riot added the "wind wall" mechanic, and that's awesome.
But look, Yasuo is top tier (80+% P/B, as is Braum (near 90% P/B), both the champions with these mechanics. These new and interesting mechanics should be given to more and more champions,
I can get crazy mana regen when sona is out of mana, so the mana steal is not a problem, there is not a silence status item yet? Silence items would impact more than mana steal
Awesome as in it's complete bullshit that one normal ability completely invalidates a huge amount of abilities in this game, not to mention the esoteric nonsense of what does and does not constitute a "projectile". Xerath's Q? That's a laser not a projectile! Zyra's E? That's a projectile, it's just that it crawls on the ground.
So what, you want more champions with flatly OP non-ult abilities so that from here on out every champions is pick/ban? I'm going to go ahead and assume that you think Thresh's lantern travel is perfectly fine too and isn't a core reason why he'll never be brought into line.
Maybe you should actually give DotA 2 a whirl. Seems much more in line with what you're looking for in a MOBA.
My pal Zpooks thinks he's a lot more fun than before. This is the third game that we crushed bot lane with new Lucian.
i trust zpooks
iunno if i trust snowballed scorez tho
like this thread is full of ppl making conclusions based off of things like that
i trust zpooks
iunno if i trust snowballed scorez tho
like this thread is full of ppl making conclusions based off of things like that
i wanna try it out but na is getting hacked
what does this mean
WTF mana burn isn't in magic anymore?!? When did that happen?
Like four years ago, MaRo decided it just didn't add anything to the game.
WTF mana burn isn't in magic anymore?!? When did that happen?
Yeah, it was a convulted mechanic anyway that was inherently favoring blue![]()
I don't feel comfortable with this patch
what exactly am i downloading
where is the transparency
why did it turn my webcam on
type plsThis is how you hit the wall of shame. Hundreds of posts like these.
Closer always has thought provoking content and density.
Jayce Guide:Seig do you have any Jayce tips or have you written a guide or anything? He's probably my favorite champ but I tend to have a hard time with him.
A level 1 wind wall on a 28 sec CD isn't that bad and the least you have to worry about when it comes to Yasuo. And since no CD is never built on Yasuo and it's leveled last, at end game it's only what, a 18 sec CD?
Braum's wall is more of a hassle than Yasuo's.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not underestimating it but treat it like a Zhonya's or someone else's Ult, bait it and try to look for something in that 20 sec window. It's not a game breaking ability with no counter.Except that one wall can block a whole team's ults.
I think the wall is fine... but I'm not denying that late game it's incredibly incredibly strong if played right.
So how's Lucian now?
GAF pls
Thanks for the Irelia tips Newt.
Jayce Guide:
Build: 90% of the time you start Dorans+pot. If you're against Pantheon, Gragas, Lulu, or Ryze (basically any champion that you can't safely harass without taking some damage in return) starting with a flask+3 pots is a strong start.
My standard build order is Dorans+pot->Tear->brutalizer->boots->Ionia's->Manamune-> and from there it's dependent on the game. GA/BT/BC/Ghostblade/LW/BV are all good choices depending on the game and how well you're doing.
Depending on your play style you may prefer to rush a brutalizer and get a tear on your second back.
Crit is worthless on Jayce because the majority of your damage will be from Q->E'ing people from a far. Armor pen is a much more useful stat for him.
This is the build that I aim to have by the midgame in most games.
Skills: You max Q->W->E->R in that order. Turn quick casting on for every ability for the fastest combos. Since Jayce has 6 abilities with very little casting animation it's pretty much required. Don't level your Ulti until level 16.
Summoners: This is up to your preference, but I run ignite in roughly 80% of my games. Against champions like Irelia, Yasuo, Jax, Renekton and any other melee who you can dominate you will always want ignite because if it's up you have nothing to fear from them past level 7 as long as you have tied or won your lane before that point.
You should run teleport if the enemy picks a champion who you know will also pick teleport or if you're not confident in your ability to win the lane. Jax is the only exception if he runs teleport and you run ignite, you should be able to wreck him with ease.
Strategy: In almost every single match up I only last hit creeps that are sub 15% hp and I aim to avoid damaging the creeps what so ever when possible. The rest of the time is spent poking the enemy when they come in to last hit or trying to hit them with non gated ranged form Q's. Your plain Q is your most efficient harassment tool in terms of mana cost and not exhausting your mana pool. You should only use Q->E in ranged form starting at level 5 or if you think you can kill them before that point.
Jayce is vulnerable to jungle ganks in the very early game so you want your lane to get pushed closer to your tower. If the enemy is pushing really hard Q the melee creeps and kill them before they reach the tower, then tank the ranged creeps out of range of your turret and wait for your wave to arrive. Now the lanes frozen under your tower for the next couple of minutes and as long as you kill the melee minions fast enough it's very difficult for the enemy to force your lane to push back out. In doing so you usually get a big advantage over the enemy because they have to give up on some CS, as you comfortably farm near your tower with high AD and a fast attack animation.
Late game your goal is to stay in ranged form for as long as possible in team fights. You really only go into melee form if it's to execute someone or if you catch somebody alone away from their team.
Combo: Once you have your tear your killing combo should start in ranged form. It's Q->E->W->Melee->Q->W (if they're low enough to execute or not dead already and your ranged form is almost off cooldown) then you can hit the melee E, swap to ranged and get an AA+Q to finish them.