Thanks everyone on the suggestions!
I had a really weird game. Was playing Leona against a Silver Draven and our team as well as theirs had some premade I assume smurfs or friends of the 2 Silver in enemy team (I was alone). They were harrassing a bit too much and raised to levels 2/3 and 6 first, so I did what some friends told me to defend a bit and not engage if such a thing happens. Anyway, after accidentally getting a couple of kills with W or Q, both Varus and Twisted Fate start flaming (surprise, they were premade), making fun of me and such, even though one of my plays net them a good kill on Draven (R where his axe would land, W E Q) that TF got to cash in.
Then we started losing team fights, mostly due to Varus going alone towards bot (his CS was lower than Draven's). In the end, Yi, TF and Varus wanted to surrender and threatened to AFK if I didn't comply, as well as kept flaming until I accepted.
It ended with me 3/3/7 (which I think it could be a lot worse, coming from the flaming) but I think it could have gotten turned around if people would have actually put in the effort.
Next match was actually pretty enjoyable, ending in 0/3/17, and we won, with an actually very pleasant Varus ADC, and I felt confident against a Blitzcrank, one of the champs I get more anxious against.
Also, 5.2k IPs now, eager to spend 6.3k on Thresh.