im working on something else art/league related (but not a drawing) that i want to show off but i cant be distracted by league itself
Jax starting E is all I can think of.im trying to think of champions that could actually fight darius at level 1
gp who takes w first?
if level 2 gp could definitely take him
whose mana costs are higher, panths or darius?
im trying to think of champions that could actually fight darius at level 1
gp who takes w first?
if level 2 gp could definitely take him
I'm just not sure that outfit would be comfortable to fight in
Mmmm. This game. Played with Deadnames(who is dead for now) in my second ranked duo queue with gaffers. Only lost 15 lp this time (thanks mmr). The thresh did little good in team fights, sometimes wasting an ult for nobody. Top was constantly ganked and just struggled the whole game from the might of Demacia and rammu. Mid didn't fair better. Sivir was just a wild card the whole game, she never did finish the bloodthirster. If I hadn't have dc to a bug and then go to a teamfight underleverled, I would have done better.
Hightlight: I did have fun talking to the poor Leblanc that I killed many times. Forgot to take a pic though. I told her to blame the deaths on the lag.
it's more just a worry that a mod will shut the thread down for running too far over the OT post count limit and we'll have to copy and paste the old thread or be without a thread until it's done. Both of those things are big worries for me personally. We put a lot of work into these, not because we feel like we're required to but because it's fun to do and we enjoy doing it, even if it is a lot of work (especially for dob)
I would hate to have to paste an old thread in just because we didn't judge the time correctly (which is pretty hard, because we want to implement some of the newer LoL content but also have to judge thread pace). Even if people only read a the new thread once, that's enough to make it worth it for me. If we had to copy and paste the last one, nobody would read the new one if we updated it which would feel like shit. Again, I'd feel worse for dob because of the amount of work done on the image side.
Anyway, this one looks awesome. Better than OT7 definitely. Hope you guys enjoy it when we do get it out, and apologies for running over again (to you and the mods).
too bad there's no watermark-free version but still pretty sick
too bad there's no watermark-free version but still pretty sick
Don't tell me not to go Pillager first on Garen. I'll do what the fuck I want.
I literally had over 5k gold to spend when the game ended. Was gonna get Hydra and Visage. Cool fact: You can proc Hydra while Garen is spinning.
Cammy is the leotard chick from Street Fighteri don't know who any of those are
Hmm Arcade Sona is on sale.
Cammy is the leotard chick from Street Fighter
Suicide Girls is a porn site
Hmm Arcade Sona is on sale.
Blonde Shyvana is odd.
Cammy is the leotard chick from Street Fighter
Suicide Girls is a porn site
i have decided
skeleton friend's name is mitchell
Feels nice to be on the other side of it for once
I don't get half the builds in there. Sunfire on both supports (Leona no flash even..), full AP Ezreal, like wtf.
Also Thresh only put down 20 wards wat.
Redpot ignite lvl 1 to force a back or first blood. Otherwise cry for junglerNote to self, don't fight Darius as Riven at level 1 unless he whiffs his Q
It's incomplete but I've been working on a remix/cover of the draft champion select music.
There's music in champ select?
I don't get it either.uhhhh
they added that in a update not too long ago
weird how nobody posts riot blog posts in reddit but some interesting stuff over there:
rito hiring ppl for potentially developing new games
rito gonna finally make amends with totalbiscuit and have him do early design of his own champion, which may or may not ship