Had my first normal game as Jayce with some EUGAF friends, on team builder.
It was a bad game for all lanes, basically. I was doing fine at the start, zoning out Malphite and such but I was really scared to go full ham on him (that was my first mistake). Me not backing early after pushing him made it so that Kha'zix started camping top... a lot. I warded a lot (and bought wards as well) which helped me escape the majority of ganks (E, both in cannon and hammer form helps quite a bit). At least it was a good exercise for map awareness. I would have been okay by being camped if the other lanes had abused it a bit more. Like, half the time mid and bot were pushed towards us, but it turned out to nothing. What a surprise now that I check and the Yasuo guy didn't even put a single ward... like really? Why even get the item then... -_-
Overall Jayce was fun though, I was a bit too nervous and I lagged at a point where I would have managed to turn a gank and ended up dying ._. Plus it used my Flash too! Idk what that's about.
Will definitely give it a try, but I'm kinda scared, considering this matchup was in my favor (I think?).
Pd. Any tips or comments are more than welcome! I can take it rough and dirty!

Pd2. I have the replay? If that helps?