Good luck, you can do it!Ahhh 2-0 so far. 1 more to go!!
I have to wait for the sun to go down to play ranked. I have too much natural light in my room .
Good luck, you can do it!Ahhh 2-0 so far. 1 more to go!!
I think I only played like 5 minutes of diablo with you and probably 1 game of league.
Good luck, you can do it!
I have to wait for the sun to go down to play ranked. I have too much natural light in my room .
ha, same here. for 2 hours from 4-6pm i have sunlight directly in my face. i just duck a little and still play though
This OT is godlike.
Aww. I didn't even make the wall of shame this time. It's going to get worse. Baby boy arrived on Monday 7/7. Free time is a thing of the past. I'll try to keep up with the esports though. NA is still fun to watch.
that's so hardcore.
Well done. Similar situation for me, I barely played ranked last season and was silver, this time I went on a crazy streak from silver 3 to gold 3. The streak ended and I've stalled out in gold 3 without really attempting much anymore. My teammates haven't been too solid recently.Gotta do whatever it takes man.
On another note
Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game
Wukong does a lot more damage while being a lot more durable than most of the champs on the list? Lol.
Wukong knockup is the easiest to land of all of those too.
Guys, am I crazy or should Kaylee totally roflstomp people as "ganker" when my role is jungler? I have lost games and had people call me names because I was not able to "gank" folks at LEVEL FUCKING THREE when all I had was maybe a movement speed boot and /or the basic upgrade for the jungler sword...jeez.
I get the idea that junglers act as gankers SHOULD the potential arise, but being commanded to sit in a bush and earning no xp, no money, just in case that the opponent's mid gets overzealous...that is not particularly fun
I can gank just fine once they let me get good gear in jungle. But damn, the impatience some has...
Gotta do whatever it takes man.
On another note
Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game
That sounds like me when I started playing League....I just went through the Neogaf chat, and I'm the only one not level 30. Looks like I have some catching up to least you didnt have a taric build ravenous hydra
<3 irelia right now
How do you build her?
I hate botrk on irelia unless you're snowballing out of control
Sets her up to go 1v1ing and cripples her mid game tanky bruiser status
I hate botrk on irelia unless you're snowballing out of control
Sets her up to go 1v1ing and cripples her mid game tanky bruiser status
i can hopeMessi shall arise to goat status Sunday.
Whoaaaa why the hate for Belgians rooting for Germans? Makes way more sense to.Go Germany, I'll have my jersey.
Well sjokz is belgian, so it makes sense she was supporting Germany.
I don't know about Morello tho.
Gotta do whatever it takes man.
On another note
Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game
wat.Irelia is the hero top lane needs. Only she can stand up to the ranged scum.
That's just people being dumb, or jerks. The game is full of such people, so if someone gives you grief for trying to help in a fight, it's probably best to just hit tab and mute that particular person.OKay...I'm not great at this game, so I'm not wanting to sound arrogant---but I hate when I get yelled at for kill stealing. Especially when I'm leading the team simply for captures. Amumu was 1v1 an enemy champ, and wasn't looking like he was winning. I make it in time, and killed the enemy champ, thus saving my teammate. Instead, he yells at me for kill stealing. What the Hell! You're welcome. I knew I wasn't going to like my team when right off the bat we send 3 bottom to capture.
yea i'm not sure you're qualified to have an opinion on top lane anymore lolIrelia is the hero top lane needs. Only she can stand up to the ranged scum.
anyone that uses the word "killsteal", "focus" and "camp" will likely not say a useful word all game, is a total hurricane building noob and you're better off not paying attention toOKay...I'm not great at this game, so I'm not wanting to sound arrogant---but I hate when I get yelled at for kill stealing. Especially when I'm leading the team simply for captures. Amumu was 1v1 an enemy champ, and wasn't looking like he was winning. I make it in time, and killed the enemy champ, thus saving my teammate. Instead, he yells at me for kill stealing. What the Hell! You're welcome. I knew I wasn't going to like my team when right off the bat we send 3 bottom to capture.
Aww. I didn't even make the wall of shame this time. It's going to get worse. Baby boy arrived on Monday 7/7. Free time is a thing of the past. I'll try to keep up with the esports though. NA is still fun to watch.
it's not "stealing" a killThanks, everyone. I honestly never know sometimes. There is a part of me that feels like a dick for stealing a kill. The other part thinks if I don't help and my teammate dies...well, then I really feel like crap. Or get yelled at.
are you me?Syndra
da struggle.
lost promo 2 times to Plat 1. struggle.
lost promo 2 times to Plat 1.
im a top laner and i approve this message.dat and top lane likes to feed for some reason.
Let's push at level 2-3 without ward cuz you know what can possibly go wrong.
Seriously, why haven't I ever bothered to learn irelia.
She is a beast at snowballing and recovering from a difficult lane.