Seriously, why haven't I ever bothered to learn irelia.
She is a beast at snowballing and recovering from a difficult lane.
Because you know the nerfs are coming
Seriously, why haven't I ever bothered to learn irelia.
She is a beast at snowballing and recovering from a difficult lane.
Thanks all
Now I can mess around a bit in norms and stuff and learn new champs. I want to learn Irelia
dat and top lane likes to feed for some reason.
Let's push at level 2-3 without ward cuz you know what can possibly go wrong.
i luv it lawl
yea i'm not sure you're qualified to have an opinion on top lane anymore lol
pls stop.
youlostme.jpegIrelia is batman and jarvan is robin
Kayle is Harvey dent
Idk I've only seen one dark knight movie lol
isn't that waht this game isthat sounds incredibly like league of perverts.
man, haven't rofl stomped a team this hard in a long time.
why are you buying hurricane pls mothy
I know this is only Bronze... But I'm happy:
i'm all about the not giving a fuck buys but hurricane?When you are up 30 kills, whole team is giggling around and not giving a fuck, and you go back to base with 3k gold with 2 inhibs down,
Yeah, Mejai's would have been the correct answer in this case.
i carry hard with darius jungle
when i actually try
standard build
flask/doranblade->phage->Triforce->Randuin->MR item->Zephyr
*takes notes*
thank you senpai
Haha, I was having fun and up a lot. It was just me trolling and giving me advice to troll harder. You can do AP mid Tristana, but that's rarely seen. She's just all burst and some sustain damage with her dot.Doesn't Mejai give you AP? Every Tristana player I went against builds her ADC.
Tristana is weird, you see her as an ADC and yet her abilities scale with AP >_>
mejais is for trolling :/
>don't encourage tristana mid pls
now if you think a little harderNow that I think about, all the Yordles can be used in Mid.
Now that I think about, all the Yordles can be used in Mid.
the team with the early lead usually wins overall, which is fine since that's kind of the point of getting early leads![]()
now if you think a little harder
just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD
Poppy or Amumu mid is clearly the best way to go for freelo(for your opponents).
The one-sided thing is less than before, as snowballing has been reduced. On the other hand, that means more games go lategame where "one mistake can cost the game". If one team outplays the other enough in the beginning, they should definitely have the chance to snowball a bit, or every game would go lategame.The thing that irks me about LoL is that it feels one-sided, if you're behind by a couple of deaths, getting back can be difficult if not impossible.
Forgot about Poppy, but then again its Poppy so...
Ammumu's a Yordle? I just assumed he was a mummified kid lol.
a couple of deaths is easily surmountable, specially if you're playing ranked 5s. early leads can also be defeated but they're much harder, specially if the enemy team knows what they're doingThe thing that irks me about LoL is that it feels one-sided, if you're behind by a couple of deaths, getting back can be difficult if not impossible.
well i don't mind luluHey man, your Waifus problems with dealing with long range Yordles in mid ain't non of my concern.
Besides I suck at mid so I try to opt out of it when possible.
The one-sided thing is less than before, as snowballing has been reduced. On the other hand, that means more games go lategame where "one mistake can cost the game". If one team outplays the other enough in the beginning, they should definitely have the chance to snowball a bit, or every game would go lategame.
I think the shopkeeper in the Howling Abyss says "Ugh, a Yordle?!" to Amumu.
Teach me the ways of Jungle Darius please.
You don't have to gank for any particular lane, and if your lanes aren't in position or they're losing too hard, you shouldn't gank. But yeah, as jungler, your job is to force 2v1 fights and make your lanes successful, so you really should gank SOMEBODY. Kayle isn't that great a ganker in general, but at level 3 you have an essentially ranged AA, a ranged point and click slow, and an AS steroid, so you have at least the basics of a ganking toolset. You can definitely get in there and punish opponents for being past the center point of their lanes. You don't need great gear to gank, you just need some kind of CC and for your laner to come in when you show up. If they don't come in correctly then just don't gank for them any more.
Gotta do whatever it takes man.
On another note
Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game
I just fought the nightmare comp to end all nightmare comps.
I tried to tell my team to NOT STAND CLOSE TOGETHER but they wouldn't listen! THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN!
ogn champions summer intro is pretty dope:
He got a mana cost reduction on his ult. IIRCTalking about op... was Blitz buffed recently? Or is it just me who forgot how op he was?
He got a mana cost reduction on his ult. IIRC
I see. Thank you.
Well he've alway been wuite good but smehow isn't banned anymore at my ELO.
Gotta enjoy it while it lasts![]()
Guys halp pls
Kayle Mundo Mumu
Pick 2
Fish ladyany suggestions or other supports?
Zyra, AnnieI've taken a liking to being an aggressive support
I like using braum, and I am learnign lulu
any suggestions or other supports?
anyone want to play as well? ID is smushroomed