NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
I would refund but I only have one token left. Saving it for a bigger purchase mistake.You got the worst Renekton skin. I'm sorry.
I would refund but I only have one token left. Saving it for a bigger purchase mistake.You got the worst Renekton skin. I'm sorry.
i'd play ryze if I didn't have to make a rune page for him
he seems like he'd be a soothing champion to play
He's actually one of the best champions to learn mechanical skill in my opinion, as he requires you to memorize all the different combos and proper timings of skills with and without your ult.
Proper combo for me when I play ryze is roll my face across the keyboard and hope for the best.
im already a mechanical god
deus ex machina
i dunno if i'd say ryze needs any special mechanical skill tho
Looking at global ranked win rate across the entire ladder doesn't really offer solid ground for what is balanced. Stuff like old Leblanc sat at pretty awful winrates, but it didn't change the fact that she was broken. I don't really think that gank vulnerability is something that champions can be balanced on, particularly when late game scaling is their goal. I think it is very easy for Ryze to play a safe early game if he has to, although the option to be the aggressor is always on the table.Err Ryze isn't as a big of a problem as some of you are making him out to be.
Usually it is the failing of the team if Ryze is able to get out of control early game.
He sits at about 50.5% win rate in all ranked ladder, starting at 49% at bronze and rising to around 51% in gold and then falling to 50.75% from plat to diamond.
Hitting his early game anything more than minutely will put him into a cassiopeia rework situation. IIRC there was a stats article that showed ryze's winrate was below 50% for sub 25min games and rose to 52% at the 40 minute mark. This shows that ryze does have a pretty sub par early game compared to other top laners who can properly snowball after a few kills but does indeed have pretty decent scaling.
Part of his inability to 'properly snowball' is that not only does he stay squishy until he completes 1.5 items (RoA+Tear), he lacks a major escape. Junglers pls gankerino
All of those 3 champions are low skill, low risk. You could also add Rammus, Fiddle and possibly Amumu to the brew.Looking at global ranked win rate across the entire ladder doesn't really offer solid ground for what is balanced. Stuff like old Leblanc sat at pretty awful winrates, but it didn't change the fact that she was broken. I don't really think that gank vulnerability is something that champions can be balanced on, particularly when late game scaling is their goal. I think it is very easy for Ryze to play a safe early game if he has to, although the option to be the aggressor is always on the table.
Generally, I have less of a problem with specialized champion picks that have high winrates. Ryze is one of the top ten most picked champions in Diamond play, and he carries a 53%+ winrate over the last week. Ryze is a low skill, low risk champion who wins by surviving. I don't think that's healthy, and it certainly doesn't make for interesting games to watch or play.
For me the top problem champions in the game right now are Janna, Ryze, and Lucian. There are different things wrong with each of them, but what stands out the most is the safety net they share. They are forgiving, easy, and have no qualms about pushing to a late game.
I think my brain is a bit fried from trying to level my account. It is not easy.
Just played a bots match because I was bored and got matched with some lower level people. Oh dear lord, thank god I picked Heimer because there is no other way I could've carried these people. They were getting into arguments with bots...
Never again.
Going Essence Reaver is not the reason Corki was irrelevant.I gotta start dodging if the game is unwinnable at champ select.
I ban, get first pick.
Last pick: top/jg only
Last pick: top/jg or feed
Someone else called ADC and support so I went Kat first pick (hahaha). Their mid was Annie.
We didn't do that badly (their Corki went Essence Reaver and was irrelevant) but last pick went Jax and fed (kept trying to 1v1 their fed Udyr).
At least I never died to Annie pre-6 but it was still a nightmare lane.
Just played a bots match because I was bored and got matched with some lower level people. Oh dear lord, thank god I picked Heimer because there is no other way I could've carried these people. They were getting into arguments with bots...
Never again.
I just go tear-frozen gauntlet on ryze every game to push towers and kite bots. If I don't get a solo lane worth of xp, games last for 5-10 more minutes depending on how much people feed.
I seriously cannot win half of the 3v3 co-op intermediate bot games. People just afk and it's impossible to split push in twisted tree line.
I played a dominion intermediate bot game for the first time today because I didn't realize it and I made the idiot decision of choosing Teemo.Just played a bots match because I was bored and got matched with some lower level people. Oh dear lord, thank god I picked Heimer because there is no other way I could've carried these people. They were getting into arguments with bots...
Never again.
If you're playing Ashe or Sivir, you're basically the support anyways :^).Jumped on my main to go solo queue drafting.
I share last pick with another guy. Support and mid are open.
Guy picks Ashe. I go Zyra support.
Last second before the game starts, he types Ashe support. So i'm forced to go zyra mid with support runes and masteries.
It's even worse than smurfing.
Looking at global ranked win rate across the entire ladder doesn't really offer solid ground for what is balanced. Stuff like old Leblanc sat at pretty awful winrates, but it didn't change the fact that she was broken. I don't really think that gank vulnerability is something that champions can be balanced on, particularly when late game scaling is their goal. I think it is very easy for Ryze to play a safe early game if he has to, although the option to be the aggressor is always on the table.
Generally, I have less of a problem with specialized champion picks that have high winrates. Ryze is one of the top ten most picked champions in Diamond play, and he carries a 53%+ winrate over the last week. Ryze is a low skill, low risk champion who wins by surviving. I don't think that's healthy, and it certainly doesn't make for interesting games to watch or play.
For me the top problem champions in the game right now are Janna, Ryze, and Lucian. There are different things wrong with each of them, but what stands out the most is the safety net they share. They are forgiving, easy, and have no qualms about pushing to a late game.
Dude in ranked yolo q got so mad someone else picked adc before him he locked in a ww revive clarity support.
Got what he wanted though, instant-dodge.
Edit: checked his lolking and 8 losses in a row and dude doesn't even play adc. jeez.
I bet he was about to pick vayne so he could carry.Dude in ranked yolo q got so mad someone else picked adc before him he locked in a ww revive clarity support.
Got what he wanted though, instant-dodge.
Edit: checked his lolking and 8 losses in a row and dude doesn't even play adc. jeez.
I don't trust the community enough to use pick/ban as a reliable power barometer. Tristana is awful right now but still carries one of the highest ban rates in the game.High level win rate is also not a great metric because of self selection. High level pick ban is probably the most accurate barometer of what's really breaking the game.
play champions that can 1v3 then.I
I seriously cannot win half of the 3v3 co-op intermediate bot games. People just afk and it's impossible to split push in twisted tree line.
Yeah. Solo Q bans are basically like playing chinese whispers with millions of people.I don't trust the community enough to use pick/ban as a reliable power barometer. Tristana is awful right now but still carries one of the highest ban rates in the game.
Nah, Redekton takes the cake.You got the worst Renekton skin. I'm sorry.
I think I am in a game with The Rain Man. My life is complete.
What's the preferred skill/build order on jungle Sion?
Is he feeding with some stupid pick? Otherwise not complete enoughI think I am in a game with The Rain Man. My life is complete.
I took top from The Rain Man. I didn't know. He went Cho mid and we stomped.Is he feeding with some stupid pick? Otherwise not complete enough
Oh you're the Malph. I thought you were the BlitzI took top from The Rain Man. I didn't know. He went Cho mid and we stomped.
Croc has no chance with Ryze / Mao on the spotlight and Gnar rising.speaking of Renekton, does anyone pick that champ anymore?
I haven't seen Renek in more than 1 match in the last 2 months.
I wonder if he'll just become a full-time streamer or if he'll look for other teams
Dig's bot lane was average because Kiwi is really, really badAdmittedly I don't follow the pro scene closely at all because its fucking boring but didn't dig have a pretty average bot lane?
I like Qt's personality, he could easily be one of the top streamers (he probably already is) if he committed to it full time. He would probably also be forfeiting a lot of money by doing that too so I don't know how he would feel about that.
Maybe he will join NB3's team lol.