i dunno which order you did it but athenes rush against ori is 100% great choice. if you started something weird like haunting guise into morellos or something then not really unless you're in full poke mode. but then you need mana regen for the sustained damages and ori is gonna most definitely rush an athenes herself and tank some of your poke so i dunno. i see very little reason to start anything other than athenes with most mages
zhonyas would've been a great half defensive item to buy specially since enemy team had ad top laner and crazy build lee sin.
and if you were scared of ori just get banshees. tbh banshee's not the greatest item against ori since you can't really prevent any of ori's cc with it since she'll usually pop banshee's passive with her q, but at least it's a lot of mr
abyssal is just weird cos all your spells are so high range that you would be wasting the passive. could've been good if you were a shorter range mage like annie since corki was in your team
just ask in neogaf :3
it's not really elo dependent, she's a crazy lane bully
low winrate tho
You're telling me you don't know how to swain?I probably should learn Swain. The only midlaners I can play are Kayle and Fiora (lol), and when it comes down to it, she's basically an ADC.
I probably should learn Swain. The only midlaners I can play are Kayle and Fiora (lol), and when it comes down to it, Kayle is basically an ADC.
yea that's a pretty awkward build lolMy order was morello->sorcs->deathcap->->void->liandry's->athene's
which is SUPER WEIRD but i was really fed and basically had no idea what to buy.
well if it works for you...I mean that her drawbacks aren't really exposed in silver. Positioning and peel don't really exist here, so I can just walk in, nuke a carry and waltz out. Ganking isn't really much of a worry either
I probably should learn Swain. The only midlaners I can play are Kayle and Fiora (lol), and when it comes down to it, Kayle is basically an ADC.
well if it works for you...
i'm usually happy to blind pick her but i wouldn't recommend syndra as like "freelo"
she'll prolly get nerfed too![]()
bm24 giving me a second chance:
wordOh yeah she's definitely not broken in low elo, just a strong pick and an overall fun champ
He has the ground bind thing.i tried playing swain once
then i realized
no skillshots
I wonder if it'll come alongside the reworkIts happening!
new warwick splash art
yeah, dunno why i wrote no skillshots. it's a fun spell tooHe has the ground bind thing.
I wonder if it'll come alongside the rework
i think that's the kind of thing nev and crab dig
you should chat it up with nev and crab
they're huge fans
on the other hand....
look at that happy lux!
You seemed to be doing really well. Mao and Udyr were clearly on different pages. Take dragon and ward baron, or go to be Trick2g thus leaving virtually no damage to take dragon? Hm.
They'll give him bloodseeker ult and the circle will be comeplete.
Whose a good adc pairing with sona?
Someone with burst? I remember getting smacked around by graves and sona a while ago.
it's not really elo dependent, she's a crazy lane bully
low winrate tho
Sivir.Whose a good adc pairing with sona?
Someone with burst? I remember getting smacked around by graves and sona a while ago.
That MS so good.
That MS so good.
Huntress.But do I use Warrior Princess or Bandit?
Why we posting WoW fanart?
I don't think you can gift that skin.Oh so you plan on gifting it to me. Nice!
We have to be on the cusp of a pbe update. I can feel it in my veins.
That's not lux, it is just some random girl cosplaying as lux.
I still dont know how to use her.
Because its cool. And to Create slight contrast with the rest of the face so the focal points are the cool cloth from the head dagger and his eyes.
I hate it.i'm dark zkylon now
evil hides behind my smile
zky I expected better from you
How dare you use fanart that does not match the original character
How would you feel if I started using a Fiora av with her bang to the left
also his eyes are red.
Can I have a moment to share how many god damn psychos are on Team Builder? This Vayne I was supporting seemed ok at the start, then went full crazy mode. Started bitching at Fizz for roaming bot (???), when we were actually losing to Ashe and Blitz (I was Thresh). We started losing lane after an overextend we had, because she didn't follow up our early level 2 engage and then she kept on pushing the lane (????). At one point Rengar came and I sacrificed so Vayne lived... only for her to stay under turret and get Volley'd by Ashe...
So, I said she was bitching at Fizz? Fizz was Platinum V, the kind that loves to say he's Plat V, but whatever, Vayne takes it personally, and keeps telling the guy to 1v1 her. I ping that I am roaming mid. Vayne goes: "(all) Vayne: 2v1 bot gg".
I am done with Team Builder, it's even more toxic than Blind pick, and it attracts the worse of the worse.