Fixed.Why we postingWoWWarhammer fanart?
Sion survives fine in the pre-season 5 jungle by the way, so far. His clear was alright and he only really has to worry about mana.Been trying to trim my roster some more lately, particularly in light of the S5 changes I got to try out. Had to take Maokai out for now. His S5 jungle felt even worse than Sej does in S4. Gnar is pretty much my only good top laner now. Any other champion I would play top would be there in an off-role and Sion's potential jungle or top is still up in the air to me. It's a bit of a concern. Oh well, least favorite role, gotta keep trimming that champion pool.
Can I have a moment to share how many god damn psychos are on Team Builder? This Vayne I was supporting seemed ok at the start, then went full crazy mode. Started bitching at Fizz for roaming bot (???), when we were actually losing to Ashe and Blitz (I was Thresh). We started losing lane after an overextend we had, because she didn't follow up our early level 2 engage and then she kept on pushing the lane (????). At one point Rengar came and I sacrificed so Vayne lived... only for her to stay under turret and get Volley'd by Ashe...
So, I said she was bitching at Fizz? Fizz was Platinum V, the kind that loves to say he's Plat V, but whatever, Vayne takes it personally, and keeps telling the guy to 1v1 her. I ping that I am roaming mid. Vayne goes: "(all) Vayne: 2v1 bot gg".
I am done with Team Builder, it's even more toxic than Blind pick, and it attracts the worse of the worse.
I like team builder, but normal draft is probably your best bet for non-ranked summoners rift.
It's a Vayne
Vayne players are dicks even in bots
1v1 me
any lane
any hero
(This was the Vayne.)
Love, hate.choose love, not hate!
also my eyes are looking like this since i stayed up late programming uguuuu
yea that's a pretty awkward build lol
what made you want to rush morellos tho
honestly I just looked at probuilds and the vast majority of the builds were going morellos over chalice.
january 24th 2013 morello said no more shitty lux skins
now that's just cruel
Yes! And when you made a joke comment and took it seriously then thought it was me who made it, like, idk. This is straight up mental institution thing.
Like he went 0/6/1, so it's not like he was "carrying" and something odd happened.
I had to get up and get a hug because honestly, I don't know how many people can be such terrible human beings lol. I wasn't even mad we lost (fuck that Vayne winning), just felt really sad how a person can just fail so miserably at humanity! @_@
I just got added by some elo boosting guy
"We'll carry you out of elo hell!" was their tagline
Anything below Challenger is elo hell.
choose love, not hate! also my eyes are looking like this since i stayed up late programming uguuuu
I'm pretty wary of new games coming out, even if some of them look interesting. I haven't really had fun with a game that isn't League for...months. Maybe most if not all of the year. I know that if new League stuff came out at a decent time I wouldn't have to go back to WoW or something.
:lolOffering 2 high runes or 30 pgems for anyone to rush me to act V plat
I'm pretty wary of new games coming out, even if some of them look interesting. I haven't really had fun with a game that isn't League for...months. Maybe most if not all of the year. I know that if new League stuff came out at a decent time I wouldn't have to go back to WoW or something.
Sion survives fine in the pre-season 5 jungle by the way, so far. His clear was alright and he only really has to worry about mana.
.sofo said:I am done with Team Builder, it's even more toxic than Blind pick, and it attracts the worse of the worse.
Finn of Ooo said:Is there a list out there of how junglers are doing in the new jungle?
Why would I care about something that barely exists?how about persona 5
Why would I care about something that barely exists?
Disgusting.How could you not care about other games than league? You miss gems like
How could you not care about other games than league? You miss gems like
I'm glad you think that, cause now you own it.
Ferrio and Zky,I'm glad you think that, cause now you own it.
Ferrio and Zky,
fk you guys
i only played 3 cos i want p4 golden to be out somewhere i can play it. tho i should prolly just go for 4 on emulator since my ps2 is dedpersona 4 was kinda boring tho
well i said dark souls cos that thing is on 360 and pc so i reckon is the most popular onewas okay, demon's was better
i can see gaming being pretty unexciting for the past few years if you don't care about dark souls
This, this is good taste![]()
objection raised
My Miralda can beat your crossbreed, you wretched traitor to the king