The shittiest thing about this skin is that Sona is never going to be remade into an interesting champion.
Pretty much. Weak discount, boring to play, not much of an incentive for this one.
The shittiest thing about this skin is that Sona is never going to be remade into an interesting champion.
Pretty much. Weak discount, boring to play, not much of an incentive for this one.
1650 for Ezreal, 1800 something for Udyr, 2450 for Sona.
yea, probablyADC tresh is ranked, should I dodge?
Why does she have pieces of buttered bread for her W? wtf.
wat.big sorry
yea, probably
What if there was a CC that directly countered mobility? Silences stop mages too hard and roots just keep you from moving.
What if there was a CC that wouldn't let you use a mobility spell, but you could walk around/cast just fine?
why would you make a status effect that only removes a subset of spells?
makes no sense
edit: i really don't get what people have against mobility. mobility is like one of the most fun things about this game
why would you make a status effect that only removes a subset of spells?
makes no sense
edit: i really don't get what people have against mobility. mobility is like one of the most fun things about this game
because over 50% of the champions came out at a time when mobility was a a rare gift, and thus are gimped hard now that it is a requirement on most new champions
Because Kalista being immune to Aatrox isn't fun for the victim.
I get mobility is fun, but Aatrox is useless simply because he's Aatrox.
I agree
imo old champions should get some mobility then, like new sion with his ult. not saying everyone should be yasuo or leblanc, the xeraths and the syndras have their place in the world, but i don't think the answer is rolling back to the days in which low-mobility was the standardbecause over 50% of the champions came out at a time when mobility was a a rare gift, and thus are gimped hard now that it is a requirement on most new champions
he's literally asking for an ability that silences dashes and such
and sivir, ezreal, jarvan, pantheon, maokai, nidalee, kassadin, etc. aren't new champions
Hamm how is Kalista inmune to melee?
some might be too mobile, but i don't think having a shit ton of mobility is bad on itself. you only need one cc to land to kill kalista or yasuo. if you can find reliable cc in your team like vi or lissandra or annie or maokai, it's the best, but even someone like leona or sejuani could kill her if they can predict/aim decentFor a short duration.
I'm not saying mobility as a whole needs to go. Some champions are just too mobile and you can't do anything about it.
well she has like a 100~ leap on every auto which means if you don't catch her right away you're never catching herHamm how is Kalista inmune to melee?
some might be too mobile, but i don't think having a shit ton of mobility is bad on itself.
yeah, i agree with this (ed: and it applies to everything, really. tankiness+damage like ryze is bad too, for instance)Oh of course not. There's nothing inherently wrong with mobility. But when it comes with sustain/CC/tankiness/huge damage, there's a problem. You just have these monstrosities that are good at absolutely everything (Hello, Gnar!).
I think if there were to do anything about Kalista it'd be there % max HP nuke and the E damage.
who could possibly miss shyvana mundo renekton matchups
A dash every AA? On a champ that builds AS?
well she has like a 100~ leap on every auto which means if you don't catch her right away you're never catching her
i love you pankaks but i don't think many people watch those videos you upload![]()
It's okay. They're meant to be a reference for me so I can watch over older games without filling my hard disk up. Sometimes funny stuff happens *shrug.
videos too long for my taste![]()
WOW Zyra does damage. I totally underestimated her.
Also how is Thornmail for a first item if you're behind?
Not particularly good.
Errrr I should've worded that differently.
First armor* item if vs an AA based champ.