Most absurd game I've ever been a part of. We had no right winning this one, and then the Ezreal on blue side argues that it "wasn't really a throw" after the game, lol.
thats what u think.Are you a weird anime character
excuse me,
r u a weird anime character
huh so ur quote button isnt broken
what quote buttonhuh so ur quote button isnt broken
and then u have to play zac.
apparently rito is trying out a system that adds a random chance to multiply the ip you just won when you play on a premade party. the more people the higher the multiplier, up to 16x, but it's still random chance so you might not win anything. but if you get like a 16x win on a ranked 5s first win of the day that's like 4.5k ip on a single game. super rare tho, i imagine most cases you'll just win a little bit
not much else is interesting in this pbe patch
I thought he might be good for getting back out of bronze/silver, but I've been losing the vast majority of the games I've played with him. I don't have ANY champion with more than 2-4 games played that has a >50% win rate right now for ranked. Everyone is like 25-35% for me I think.Malz needs to get out of my face. I've been seeing him all the time lately.
I have not yet seen this happen, but in theory it sounds nice. In practice I ended up with (for example) enemy Braum with sightstone, versus Fiddlesticks without sightstone. Only one person on my team the entire game bought an upgraded trinket that I saw, despite me begging them in chat.i imagine malzahar being a really good champion to play in ranked since no one really knows how to play against him and adcs are too greedy to buy qss
Ugh, why did Riot give junglers MORE CC?
Edit: damn, you guys weren't kidding. upgraded yellow is insane.
i imagine malzahar being a really good champion to play in ranked since no one really knows how to play against him and adcs are too greedy to buy qss
What the shit, I just saw , on Twitch, a Vi that did her ult on Zed. Zed activates his ult to escape, but when he re-appeared, Vi's ult connected
I should start jungling as Vi, even if my Qs fail to connect.
Abilities or passives that deal magic damage based on your AD are bizarre.
yeah, you're probably just on a bad streak or somethingI have not yet seen this happen, but in theory it sounds nice. In practice I ended up with (for example) enemy Braum with sightstone, versus Fiddlesticks without sightstone. Only one person on my team the entire game bought an upgraded trinket that I saw, despite me begging them in chat.
I feel like in the last 12+ games I have played, not once has bot lane won on my team regardless of what role I've played (even if I'm bot...though I might have won bot once duoing with Panda when we BOTH went there). I need to start keeping serious stats, because most games I'm not sure anyone even has a positive KDA -- not that it matters for much, but it's a little crazy when NO ONE does almost every single game.
Disclaimer, this is probably just me being biased, and if someone checked my gane history they could prove me wrong.
"We would have wrecked you late game."
- Salty Ezreal
Uh, maybe? But you never got there, did you?
Edit: Far too often I'm still the only one upgrading the trinket in my games.![]()
what the hell was everyone buying in that game lol
I have reached the bronze level where my last game had support Skarner vs. support Shaco.yeah, you're probably just on a bad streak or something
what champions are you playing? maybe you're not on the right champion for you at the moment
yeah, based on that picture i think ppl are way past worrying about trinkets, and i think you should probably forget about what other people build as well, as it seems they're inevitably gonna be a danger to themselvesIt's an item sampler. This is how we do it down here.
yeah, that's pretty bad.I have reached the bronze level where my last game had support Skarner vs. support Shaco.
We might have won too! But, my ISP decided to randomly die for 40 minutes, after being fine for weeks, so I got a leave from that game and the warning from Riot about it. ;____;
I've been on this streak since placing into silver V and failing a promotion out of it. With win percentages on each, I've tried Tryndamere (40%), Sivir (40%), Teemo (27%), Zyra (33%), singed (50%), Ahri (33%), and Rammus (33%). Everyone else appears to be less than 3 games played.
yeah, based on that picture i think ppl are way past worrying about trinkets, and i think you should probably forget about what other people build as well, as it seems they're inevitably gonna be a danger to themselves
also i think you probably could've just gone straight for deathcap against that enemy team, since there are not many reasons to build zhonyas considering how much magic damage they had. at least get nlr instead of seekers and decide what you're gonna upgrade it to later, since seekers takes a while to be cost effective and unless you were constantly getting poked by ezreal, the armor was gonna be completely wasted against a mostly magic damage team with a volibear that's never gonna get near you because he's an dumbo that never bought boots
I don't know who this piglet is exactly, but they're streaming
i dunno, if you don't have enough to even buy a blasting wand i would just either not buy anything or just buy elixirI wasn't going to build Zhonya's except for when I got back I had the exact amount for a Seeker's and I didn't want to leave without buying to wait for Blasting Wand or something. The game was pretty much over at that point anyway.
well, just a suggestion, i usually just pick corki when i adc since he's easy to play (at least coming from skillshot land) and not as boring as graves imoI don't know how to play Graves or Corki. I feel like they're my worst ADCs when I try them, aside from the old days of AP mid Corki.
Fortunately apparently all I had to do was complain, since immediately after my sad post I got people with positive KDAs, and a fed Master Yi + Tristana on my team. Even the fed Tristana lost her tower before getting the enemy tower, but I'll still take the win.
I think my biggest problem with Malzahar is getting high CS consistently. His autoattack animation is SO slow that I constantly don't get gold from an E tick + autoattack being slightly off.
Mejias Ez is annoying.
Well here's a list of champs I'm thinking of getting which would you recommend?
Anyone got any tips to properly use Rumble's ult? I get it has big range but I can't seem to land it in a way that it'd do the most damage or function as a trap![]()
Anyone got any tips to properly use Rumble's ult? I get it has big range but I can't seem to land it in a way that it'd do the most damage or function as a trap![]()
For all you Draven players out there, BT --> GB is definitely the best way to build him nowadays. So much survivability. Dimb and I just ran down their botlane :lol.
What are you going for after GB, IE or straight into LW?
Aside from boots, is there any ADC who doesn't get LW as third item?