There’s a great transcript somewhere, it might be in the Rinzler book but I couldn’t find it with a quick look last night, of Lucas talking to Lawrence Kasdan about how Star Wars works and Kasdan telling Lucas to his face how it’s bullshit. He then went to write what most consider to be the best Star Wars movie.
In 2023 the conversation gets leaked and everyone hates Kasdan so Disney fires him, and then we end up with whatever Lucas haribrained idea was that was 100% going to not be anywhere near as good as ESB
Also that headline isn't hers.. its written ABOUT her. Theres no link to any article or anything with her actual words attached. I guess I'll have to do my own research.
EDIT: Ah ok. I see what happened.
Some user found the first Google link on this lady after typing George Lucas after her name. It links to an article from "Bounding into Comics" which is a site with a known and strong lean towards one side.
The article title itself is miscontruing comments from an interview she did, a portion of which can be heard here:
Spoiler alert: she did not say that GL was a misogynist. Or say that he isn't an auter. What she said was that there's a perception that no one else helped make star wars what it was alongside Lucas. Particularly, his wife, Ralph Macquarie and the several other individuals who made highly, irreplaceable impact on what the franchise ended up becoming to us today.
Theres a perception in some circles that Lucas was solely responsible for its success, and she feels that the prequel trilogy was an example of evidence that Lucas without input from other creatives is less successful at realizing his vision for stR wars in a way that resonates. She says THAT perception is often indicative of misogyny.
Now, I dont know if I'd go so far as to claim that, but it should be plain to see to anyone here being honest that that article is deliberately trying to muddy the truth of her words, look how selective the quotes are. And the headline also straight up lies and says she pointed to Lucas as an example of misogyny. She didn't do this.
Always check your sources folks, and just because it was posted doesn't mean its true. Nothing she said here is even wrong. Kasdan, Marcia and others were instrumental into reshaping GLs vision to make it the best success he can be, and I dont think anyone going to deny that his works suffered without their input regardless of how you feel about the prequels.