awesome morning on L4D2 for me today.
i hopped on and joined a random expert Parish room. it was all Japanese no mic-ers. ( figured i would take a chance and see how it went. all was pretty good until the 3rd level when the host quit or was d/c and the game booted us to the lobby.
so i made my own room and some randoms joined. finally a competent party! we cruised through the first two levels and had to restart about one time a piece for 3 and 4. made it to the finale and started trying out different strategies. after some trial and error we came up with a decent plan.
i was so worried that i was going to be one of the lucky ones left behind, i was sweating and nervous. :lol people started to get a little cranky after a good bunch of tries. i tried to keep everyone motivated and upbeat about finishing.
the plan was solid and 3 of us finally made it to the chopper! whoo!
Something Left To Prove done (no shortcuts or glitches).
The Real Deal left to earn. that should keep me busy for the next 4 days or so. (all Avatar Awards already unlocked. i hate avatars, but i love my Bullshifters shirt!)
xero273 said:
Don't know how much you are actually looking for. $30 for the PC . credit goes to slaughterX.
thanks for the heads up. dont get paid till next week though.
Shoogoo said:
Where are you from? And most importantly, is your liveID's adress the same as your real adress?
Some guy in my friend list pretends having both the same solved his lags issues, didn't test it myself.
the servers are much better though. Dedicated servers only for me now.
SO! Swamp Fever is full of shortcuts huh?
after my Parish run, i helped the same team run through Swamp on expert. apparently there is a shortcut on every single level?

didnt know about most of them until today.
first level is the pipe bomb/air walk trick over the water where you have to call the little barge thing to bring you across. no infected spawn after you do the trick.
second level is jumping up on the airplane and avoid having to open the door.
third level is the walk the plank up to the roof shortcut, making the horde easier to deal with.
and none of us knew this before hand, but the finale has a huge glitch. (not that its not easy enough doing it regular). not exactly sure how to activate it, but we were able to duplicate the trick twice in a row.
what we did as far as i can tell: i was the one to activate the first radio call. then we scavenged around for goods and one guy showed us the hedge trick (jump up on a hedge to the right of the house). i was up there with 2 others and the fourth was the one to activate the final call. immediately a tank spawned and the boat arrived.
we were too shocked and confused to beat it the first time, but the second time we were able to get the glitch to work again, boomer-biled the tank and took a leisurely jog to the boat.
i assume these are the same on PC? have you guys seen all of these yet? has this been patched yet? any other fun shortcuts on other levels? (i haven't seen any besides Swamp that i can think of).
cant wait to get the PC ver now. soon...