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Left 4 Dead 2 |OT| The South Rises Again

Red Scarlet

mattalos said:
Anyone have a baseball bat code for PC to trade for 360? (long shot!)

We didn't get codes. Someone would like, have to trade you their steam account and they had to have preordered. I don't think you're going to find a trader.


King of Awesome
Red Scarlet said:
We didn't get codes. Someone would like, have to trade you their steam account and they had to have preordered. I don't think you're going to find a trader.
That's what I figured - oh well, thanks for the info! I'll just save it for a friend of mine that gets the 360 one.


Neo Member
Took more than 4 hours, but finally beat The Parish on Expert tonight. Finale was pretty easy once you get a good strategy for the second half of the bridge.

Found a good way to use the tank to your advantage: if you activate his spawn, then back up to where the top portion of the bridge ramps down to the lower portion, you can trick him into following you around the bottom and up there. Once he's near the bottom of the ramp, everyone just pops adrenaline and runs off the broken side on top of the semi-trailer. Then you can just run to the next opened box truck which has 4 more adrenaline to grab and pop. This completely eliminates one or two of the infected hordes (still will get a SI, though) because he is still chasing you--no need to even set him on fire. Once you climb up the tanker truck to the bi-level part of the bridge, throw a pipe bomb and you are home free.


Bitches love smiley faces
InsaneZero said:
I can practically hear the crickets chirping whenever I look at the list of available Survival games. There's zombie tumbleweeds rolling through my screen.
Wait until Valve adds cheesemints for it. Then people will start to care about it again.


Special Infected can spawn in the elevator in the mall Scavenge level, but there is no way out so you get permanently stuck.


don't ask me for codes
Is there a way to tell who inititated a kickvote? I was in a game where they were constantly occuring to various people in the team; with some passing through succesfully. No mic or txt messages indicating the reasons. I suspected two guys in my team who kept silent throughout. And this was even after we reached the safehouse and managed to kick the opposing team's butt. It wasn't like they were even remotely good and kicking the bad players.


I give up. I've tried to get that stupid realistic expert achievement for the past 3 days on dead center with no success. It is impossible. Some that join are good, but the other 2 are just assholes and try to kill us.

Now the server just shut down. As I was in the mall, probably my best chance. That achievement is impossible, and I don't have anyone willing to help me on that. Guess that will be the only one I can't do.
Smash88 said:
I give up. I've tried to get that stupid realistic expert achievement for the past 3 days on dead center with no success. It is impossible. Some that join are good, but the other 2 are just assholes and try to kill us.

Now the server just shut down. As I was in the mall, probably my best chance. That achievement is impossible, and I don't have anyone willing to help me on that. Guess that will be the only one I can't do.
Are you PC? Red, Botolf, and I got that one fairly easily.

Red Scarlet

Yeah just give us a hollar sometime. I've done it a couple times and did the carnival with some folks yesterday, I think all they (firex and his friends) only need to do Swamp Fever to have done them all on expre.

Zzoram said:
It was a pretty big almost-comeback though.

It would have been funny AND justice.


RocketDarkness said:
Are you PC? Red, Botolf, and I got that one fairly easily.

Yes I am PC. I have been struggling with this for the past 3 days, like I've said in my previous post. It is just so infuriating that all this hard work, and nothing to show for it. That mall part is seriously impossible.

That Realistic Expert achievement is either impossible, or I am the unluckiest person alive.
Smash88 said:
Yes I am PC. I have been struggling with this for the past 3 days, like I've said in my previous post. It is just so infuriating that all this hard work, and nothing to show for it. That mall part is seriously impossible.

Seriously, that Realistic Expert achievement is either impossible, or I am the unluckiest person alive.
What's your SteamID? I think Red and I are up for it right now. Mine is "RD", Red's is "Bulleta".

Red Scarlet

Smash88 said:
Yes I am PC. I have been struggling with this for the past 3 days, like I've said in my previous post. It is just so infuriating that all this hard work, and nothing to show for it. That mall part is seriously impossible.

That Realistic Expert achievement is either impossible, or I am the unluckiest person alive.

If it makes you feel better, it took 4 tries (some taking 4.5 hrs) of Dark Carnival for me to actually make it to the helicopter on expert.

Mutfox is our 4th afaik, slav.


I bought the PC version after almost completing all the achievements on the 360 version. OMG the textures are so clean. My specs were doing 1920 X 1080 with everything to the max except 4x AA and 8 X AF but damn it looks clean (ohh 100 fps, but vertical sync to 60 fps).

It's a heck alot easier to play on the PC than the 360 though.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
bigswords said:
I bought the PC version after almost completing all the achievements on the 360 version. OMG the textures are so clean. My specs were doing 1920 X 1080 with everything to the max except 4x AA and 8 X AF but damn it looks clean (ohh 100 fps, but vertical sync to 60 fps).

It's a heck alot easier to play on the PC than the 360 though.

Uh welcome to PC gaming in general. :lol


Red Scarlet said:
Sorry it took so long, Smash. But we got it.

Haha, no worries.

That was hell for me, just attempting that campaign before. But everything was clean and coordinated. Especially that devil of a mall level, god I hate you so much.

I should've done this in the first place. :lol

Thanks to Mut, RD, and Red, for helping me out. :D


Another night of rage quitters on L4D2 last night. It was kind of fun though :D We had a 3 man team vs 4 randoms and then the last player joined our team. He had a mic plugged in but refused to speak apart from saying hello at the beginning (it's a team-based game ffs! Speak or don't play!!). The guy who joined our team was a total shithole. My friend - genuinely accidentally - shot him as he was trying to shoot a Jockey so the dickhead retaliated and shot him back three times a few seconds later. wtf? He was quickly booted from the game.

Highlight of the night for me was wiping out their entire team three times on the Parish - twice when I was the Tank and did all of them myself :D

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah there are weird reasons for kickvotes.

I was playing once and EVERYONE was nailed on the last road to the safehouse in the first part of Parish. I ran to the safehouse and barricaded myself in as they outnumbered the hell out of me. Bastards tried to kickvote me, but the vote failed. We ended up winning by a hair too, so it was lucky that I ran :p
Saw no mention:

Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the first game add-on for its co-operative zombie thriller, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2), is in development and targeted for release in early 2010.

Dubbed “The Passing,” the first game add-on for L4D2 brings the original Left 4 Dead (L4D1) Survivors down south for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while delivering new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay for the PC and Xbox 360.

Targeted for release in early spring, “The Passing” takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 Survivors as they meet with the L4D1 characters.

In addition to the new co-operative campaign and associated narrative, “The Passing” will include new arenas for Survival, Versus and Scavenge mode and introduce a new co-operative challenge mode of play. The Passing will also include a new “uncommon common” zombie class, melee weapon, and firearm.

“The Passing will become the most important campaign in the Left 4 Dead story, as all the Survivors are being called together in one campaign,” said Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing at Valve. “It will also be a huge offering of new gameplay content, with something new for every game mode plus a new uncommon common and weaponry.”

...it's paid. $$$.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
awesome news there

And it does sound huge, im banking on at least a 4 map campaign, this sounds significantly more than crash course and yes, i believe there is a decent chance of it being paid on pc.

I will pay


Wow, The Passing sounds awesome. 8 survivors? Will that be the new mode? Given that it's a serious add-on, it'll probably be a full 5-map campaign too.

If it's free on PC, it should negate any bad-will from not giving enough free content for L4D1 to match TF2's continued support (even though L4D1 did get decent support with the Survival patch and Crash Course).

Actually, I would imagine that it has to be free on PC, or it would fracture the community. It's not like it will cost them that much money, the PC version didn't sell as well as the Xbox 360 version and the Xbox 360 players will happily buy this as $10 DLC. I wonder, will this add-on allow you to be the original 4 survivors on ANY campaign? That would be cool, but probably won't happen since they would need to record tons of new interaction dialogue.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Zzoram said:
Wow, The Passing sounds awesome. 8 survivors? Will that be the new mode? Given that it's a serious add-on, it'll probably be a full 5-map campaign too.
I really believe valve believes in 4 map campaigns more than 5. Ive seen far fewer ragequits on Dead center and swamp fever than the other 3, i know testing showed they take the same time as 5 map campaigns but given how brutal the specials can be it often makes for much shorter games, and psychologically alot easier to stay in.


Mr Cola said:
I really believe valve believes in 4 map campaigns more than 5. Ive seen far fewer ragequits on Dead center and swamp fever than the other 3, i know testing showed they take the same time as 5 map campaigns but given how brutal the specials can be it often makes for much shorter games, and psychologically alot easier to stay in.

Interesting point. 4-map is certainly faster for Versus, even if it's the same length in Campaign. I guess The Passing being 4-map would be good enough, since it's adding a new mode, 2 weapons, and the original survivors.


Unconfirmed Member
I was thinking about how they could do this last week, and I came up with the idea of creating two different "teams" during the campaign comprised of a mix of the two original groups, like Zoey, Louis, Ellis and Nick in one group and Bill, Francis, Coach and Rochelle in the other. You switch off between the two teams on each chapter as you progress through the campaign simultaneously.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
ahoyhoy said:
I was thinking about how they could do this last week, and I came up with the idea of creating two different "teams" during the campaign comprised of a mix of the two original groups, like Zoey, Louis, Ellis and Nick in one group and Bill, Francis, Coach and Rochelle in the other. You switch off between the two teams on each chapter as you progress through the campaign simultaneously.
4 map campaign 2 from eithers perspective? Almost hard rain, tracking the same ground under different circumstances.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
sflufan said:
And what evidence do you have of this claim, sir?
Firstly didnt they quadrupal the number of pre-orders?

Secondly, IF this is true, steam is valves own water tap that doesnt turn off, by small drips or large ones l4d will keep selling and l4d2 will keep selling, valves games never get taken off the shelf on their own distribution platform. Hell, hl1 is still selling.


sflufan said:
And what evidence do you have of this claim, sir?

The Xbox 360 version sold 750K in the US in the first 2 weeks. Valve said they sold 2 million retail copies worldwide in 2 weeks. There were never more than 35K people playing on Steam concurrently even during the first week.
sflufan said:
And what evidence do you have of this claim, sir?

They've said the game sold over 2 million, haven't they? Was that just retail?

We have ~750k from last NPD, around 40k from japan, and unknown from Europe for the 360 version.


I doubt it will be 8v8 as they optimized the engine for a max of 8 players... would run really sluggish on some PCs / 360 with 16 players on the screen at once
vehn said:
I doubt it will be 8v8 as they optimized the engine for a max of 8 players... would run really sluggish on some PCs / 360 with 16 players on the screen at once

It's the Source engine. I'm sure they can squeeze more out of it.
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